Chapter 255 Registering Mercenaries 2
"What are you doing looking at me like that? Am I wrong?"

Seeing Fade Chen glaring at him, the thin man smiled uncomfortably, and ignored him completely. His eyes fell on Luo Ziyue, like a wolf grandma who kidnapped Little Red Riding Hood, smiling uneasy and kindly: "Little Are you new here, bro? Have you considered which mercenary group to join? In my opinion, it is better to join our mercenary group than to join Fade Chen’s mercenary group. At least the commission and personal safety can be guaranteed. .”

"Xiao Sha, don't listen to his nonsense. Although our mercenary group has not been established for a long time, our reputation can definitely be guaranteed. However, we are currently in the rest period and do not plan to go on missions for the time being. If you don't mind... "

When Chen Fei heard what Zhang Xiong said, he was afraid that Luo Ziyue would be fooled, so he quickly explained.

Anxious on his face, but he didn't want to explain more, on the contrary, the more messy he said.

Fortunately, Luo Ziyue just watched them quietly from the beginning to the end, and was not in a hurry to express her opinion.

However, when he heard the words "lore mercenary group" coming out of Zhang Xiong's mouth, he couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows, and glanced slightly at him. Didn't she tell Peng Wu not to recruit Mrs. Are there many newcomers?How could Fade Chen suddenly...

There was a lot of doubts in my heart, but I still held back.

Seeing Fade Chen's anxious expression, he couldn't help but smile, and comforted him: "Brother Chen, these things are not in a hurry, why don't you teach me how to register a mercenary first? It’s useless to say that, isn’t it?”

"Enenen, I'll teach you right now, just wait!" Fade Chen had a look of embarrassment on his face, ignored Zhang Xiong who was on the side, turned around and lay down on the counter, and shouted at the counter lady inside: "Miss Aya, my brother wants to register as a mercenary, please give me an information form!"


Miss Anjing at the counter could be considered to have heard him, without raising her head, she reached out and took out a data form and patted it on the counter. The soft voice rang like a gust of wind, like a wind chime in the wind, very pleasant to the ear The movement caused Luo Ziyue to pay attention to her frequently.

I don't know if Luo Ziyue's eyes are too hot, or what.

Aya raised her head under her curious gaze. The moment she saw Aya's face, Luo Ziyue and Yunling were both stunned in place as if struck by a thunderbolt. The faces are [-] to [-]% familiar, especially those eyes are exactly the same as Luo Ziyue.

When she lowered her head before, she hadn't noticed it yet.

At first sight, Luo Ziyue couldn't react.

Fade Chen seemed quite accustomed to their reaction, and patted her on the shoulder with a big thick hand: "Xiao Cha, do you think our Aya girl is particularly amazing? Hehe... This is the first time I saw Aya Girls basically have the same reaction as you, so fill out this form first."


Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, her eyes flickered slightly, she looked towards Fade Chen, and took the form he handed over.

After quietly kicking Yunling, the two of them lowered their heads and lay down on the counter to fill in the information.

The moment they lowered their heads, Aya behind the counter had a strange look in his eyes, and the speed was so fast that no one noticed.

Don't look at Luo Ziyue's face has not changed, there has already been a storm in her heart, she has a feeling that she has been targeted and become a prey.

Of course, the one who felt the same way with her was Yun Ling who was with her.

After they filled in the information, Fade Chen handed them to Aya directly.

Aya took their forms and looked at them, but she didn't express anything else, as if she had checked and made sure there were no omissions, then she said to them: "Okay, go to the tenth window to get the badge, the servant The soldier level will gradually increase according to the difficulty of the tasks you will do later."

"Hey...Xiao Sha, after receiving the badge, the registration is complete. Which mercenary group you want to join, the corresponding mercenary group symbol will appear on the badge! I'll take you to get the badge, it's over there. "

Fade Chen introduced it to Luo Ziyue and the others very happily, but when he turned around, Zhang Xiong blocked him, "Oh, Fade Chen, I can't see that you still have the potential to be a dog's leg! They are the ones I like People here, you have nothing to do here, get out!"

"Zhang Xiong, I warn you, don't go too far! I, Fade Chen, am not afraid of you. If not, I don't want to cause trouble. Do you think you have the right to be embarrassed in front of me?"

Chen Fei, who was obstructed again and again, suddenly darkened, his rough face was full of anger, and his eyes stared at Zhang Xiong like a bull's eye.

"Before I ignored you, it was because my uncle didn't bother to argue with you, but if you want to make things difficult for my little brothers and them, you just go with Fade Chen, this is absolutely unbearable!"

Looking at Chen Fei who suddenly changed his face, Zhang Xiong was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took a step back. When he reacted, his heart was instantly filled with anger and embarrassment, "Hahaha... Look, our ten thousand year ninja The divine tortoise is actually angry today, ouch, I'm so scared!"

"You, you, you..." Fade Chen stared, and suddenly, he took a big step forward, clenched his hand hanging by his side into a fist, with bulging veins and a hideous expression, as if he was angry when Zhang Xiong stepped on a painful spot Tiger, "Zhang Xiong, you are courting death!"

"What's the matter? Our ninja ghosts don't want to bear it? Or, did I say something wrong?" Zhang Xiong didn't see Fade Chen looking in his eyes at all, and he still looked very frightened. He shrugged his legs and slanted He squinted at him.

The people behind him had already pulled off their guard quietly, looking at Fade Chen warily, as if they would attack Zhang Xiong as long as he dared to move or ignore Zhang Xiong.

"I said, Fade Chen, it's so hot today, why didn't you put on your green hat? If you get tanned or baked, you won't be afraid of getting a green hat on your head." Will the green hat be more green?"

Zhang Xiong couldn't accept that he was actually irritated by Fade Chen, and he wanted to retreat, so he dug into Fade Chen's sore spots without hiding his words, trying to cover up the unknown emotions in his heart.

Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling stood quietly behind Fade Chen, without any reaction to what was happening in front of them. To be honest, she also wanted to know what would Fade Chen do when he was enraged?
"Let me warn you for the last time, if you dare to talk nonsense, don't blame me for being rude to you. You know, I'm never afraid of trouble, my young master, and I don't make trouble easily, but when things come, I'm fine with you, young master." scary!"

(End of this chapter)

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