Chapter 256 Registering Mercenaries 3
Fade Chen snorted coldly, his simple and honest face was actually indifferent, and his cold and stern eyes were like sharp swords out of their sheaths, with a sharp light.

It was completely different from the people Luo Ziyue and the others had seen before.

"Hmph! Don't fool me! Could it be that I, Zhang Xiong, are afraid that you will fail!"

Zhang Xiong was stunned for a moment, patted his chest, and a voice sounded a little lacking in confidence.

"Really?" Chen Fei smiled strangely, stepped forward suddenly, and punched Zhang Xiong in the face, "Then give your grandpa a punch first!"


Zhang Xiong screamed, stretched out his hand to cover his face, his whole body seemed to be irritated by Fade Chen instantly, and shouted at the group of people behind him: "What are you doing so stupidly? Teach me a lesson for this unknown person." I don't believe that you are a tall and thick guy, I still can't subdue a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!"

"Yes, Captain!"

When the people behind Zhang Xiong heard his order, excitement flashed across their faces, and their hands kept being pressed and rattled, as if they couldn't wait to teach Fade Chen a lesson.

Seeing the man approaching him step by step, Fade Chen stretched out his hand to block Luo Ziyue and the others behind him, and whispered to them: "Xiao Cha, take your people to get the badge first, here Nothing to do with you."

"Brother Chen, can you deal with so many of them by yourself?" Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, watching the crowd gradually approaching Fade Chen in a semi-circle, a slightly worried voice sounded, "Need us Do you want to help? After all, this matter is also caused by us."

"This matter has nothing to do with you. It's a personal grievance between me and Zhang Xiong. Don't interfere, I can handle it!"

Fade Chen looked at the people who kept approaching him with wary eyes, and stood firmly in front of Luo Ziyue and the others, as if he had made up his mind not to let them hurt her, which made Luo Ziyue's heart a little dizzy warm.

"No, I started this matter, and I have the responsibility to share it with you. What's more, they are currently planning to bully the few with more. I can't just watch you being bullied by them like this."

Luo Ziyue turned her head and looked at Yun Ling, signaling him to come out and fight Chen Fei together.

In a small-scale battle like this, she doesn't need to fight in person, saving the price from falling.

"Qingyun, teach that guy how to speak for me, and let him know what it means to spit shit in public and you will be punished by God!" Luo Ziyue looked at Zhang Xiong who was hiding outside the crowd with a sneer, without turning her head. Instructed Yun Lingdao.

Hearing her order, Yunling tiptoed lightly, with a figure like a swallow, pierced through the crowd and landed beside Zhang Xiong, reached out and grabbed his collar and threw him casually, hitting Luo Ziyue immediately feet.

Yun Ling completed this series of actions while everyone hadn't recovered his senses like flowing clouds and flowing water. The mercenaries watching all shook their heads regretfully. Originally, they thought there would be a big battle today!

Who knew that Zhang Xiong had already been defeated by the little brother's guards before he made a move. If he had known that with such a master, they would have taken the shot before Fade Chen, so that the talent would not be lost to other servants. corps.


A muffled sound came from under Zhang Xiong's body, and the floor of the hall was shaken by his smashing, and the slightest cracks spread from under his body to the surroundings.

Before he had time to resist, Fade Chen sat down on his body.

When the big man pressed down, Zhang Xiong only felt a mouthful of blood spilling out of his mouth.

"Fade Chen, get the hell out of here! Why are you still standing there in a daze? Why don't you pull him away quickly!"

Zhang Xiong's yelling voice continued to come from under Fade Chen's buttocks. Only then did the dumbfounded people come to their senses, and rushed forward to Fade Chen.

For a moment Zhang Xiong only felt countless pairs of legs and feet flying above his head.

Chen Fei and Zhang Xiong, who were surrounded by the crowd, could hear screams from time to time.

"Hey, bastard, when you shoot, look at your feet, don't step on my face!"

"Paralysis, don't you see that Laozi is still under his body? You don't have to push him away quickly, feet! Feet! Whose foot is this, move it away!"

"Who is pulling Laozi's hair? Are you taking the opportunity to protect? If you don't let go, Laozi's scalp will be ripped off by you!"

Zhang Xiong's yelling has been continuously coming from the crowd, just listening to it makes people feel very ridiculous.

"You're really good enough!" Luo Ziyue glanced at the expressionless Yun Ling beside her, and praised him with a thumbs up.

Yunling glanced at her arrogantly, and stated calmly in an indifferent voice: "This is the difference between having a brain and not having a brain!"

"Can you not give you a little sunshine, so you will be brilliant? You must be humble. Modesty is an indispensable quality when we walk in the rivers and lakes."

In order to avoid being accidentally injured by them, Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling stood quietly on one side, quietly watching the scene in their eyes. At the same time, from the corner of their eyes, they glanced at Aya behind the counter from time to time. This Aya is very strange?
She was a little confused about her way, but she had a faint feeling that she came here for her, to be precise, to wait for her to appear.

However, she remembered that her mother seemed to have only given birth to her a daughter, and there were no other brothers and sisters, so what happened to her face?

Is it really by chance?

She couldn't believe it.

Aya still sat quietly behind the counter as before, with her head down, not knowing what she was looking at.

As if he didn't perceive the farce in front of him at all, he didn't react at all.

In the quiet hall, only Zhang Xiong's yelling and occasional screams could be heard. Obviously, Chen Fei's fighting power was much stronger than she imagined. No, he grabbed Zhang Xiong's clothes with one hand and lifted him up. In the air, it was very easy to swing like a big knife. From time to time, someone's face was attacked by Zhang Xiong's head or feet. In just a few cups of tea, a vacuum zone was formed around him.

Zhang Xiong stared straight above his head, after several laps, his eyes were darkened, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence because of his bewildered head.

Pointing at Fade Chen, "You, you, you..."

"You, you, your sister! Shut up, do you have a place to speak here?" Fade Chen reprimanded very rudely.

Looking sharply at the men with bruised noses and swollen faces, "How is it? Do you want to continue?"

He grabbed Zhang Xiong with one hand, and hooked his fingers at the big men around him provocatively with the other, obviously showing that he still had something to say.

However, if this is the case, his face is still painted with glory, making him look even more sturdy and fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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