Chapter 257 Registering Mercenaries 4
"Fade Chen, I'm warning you, you should release our captain quickly, otherwise, when our captain arrives, you won't be able to escape!"

The man who was standing behind Zhang Xiong before finally stood up, looking displeased at Fade Chen and Zhang Xiong who was being held by him in his hands. The people who had a good relationship withdrew secretly, and it seemed that they had secretly reported to the group leader they were talking about.

"Are we going to act?"

Yun Ling was very sharp-eyed and noticed several people sneaking out at the same time in the crowd, and asked in a very low voice in Luo Ziyue's ear.

"What action? Haven't you already acted?" Luo Ziyue asked pretending to be stupid.

Hearing what she said, Yunling immediately understood it.

Standing beside her quietly, looking at everything in front of her with an indifferent expression, she didn't speak any more.

"Cut! It's as if you are the only one who has a team leader, and I don't have one! I still won't let you go, what do you dare me to do?" Fade Chen sneered disdainfully, Zhang Xiong in his hand was like the one in his hand. The golden cudgel was played by him flamboyantly, "Little bastards, I have tolerated you for a long time, and labor and management don't show their power. Do you really think that I am a sick cat?"

"Chen, Chen, Fade Chen, you, stop playing, I'm going to vomit, I'm really going to vomit!"

Zhang Xiong bowed abruptly, grabbed Fade Chen's hand, and said to him with an uncomfortable expression.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a series of vomiting movements.

Seeing him like this, Luo Ziyue hurried forward and said to Fade Chen: "Brother Chen, I think you might as well throw him on the ground first! In case, he really wants to spit on you, it will be too annoying !"

"Humph! Zhang Xiong, labor management warns you, if you dare to vomit on your grandfather, I will chop you up into eight pieces and throw them to the pigs! If you want to vomit, please bear with me and swallow it!" Fade Chen stared sharply. Zhang Xiong warned.

When it was over, he still grabbed his head with some worry, and pointed his face at the people who were staring at him not far away, then he turned his head to look at Luo Ziyue at the side with confidence, all the coldness on his face dissipated, Asked with a simple and honest face: "Xiao Cha, your big brother Chen didn't scare you?"

"No, brother Chen, you did a great job! I really admire you!"

Luo Ziyue shook her head with a smile, her eyes flicked across the face of Zhang Xiong, who seemed to have lost half his life, with a treacherous expression on his face.

Fade Chen scratched his head honestly, and said as if he was very embarrassed: "Actually, I don't want to do this either. If you want to blame it, blame this guy for being too bullying!"

While speaking, he suddenly pointed Zhang Xiong's face at Luo Ziyue, which made Luo Ziyue take a few steps back suddenly, for fear that Zhang Xiong would accidentally spray her face with dirty things.

"Uh...Xiao Sha, I, I didn't do it on purpose!" Fade Chen looked at Luo Ziyue with embarrassment, and argued weakly.

Luo Ziyue looked at Zhang Xiong who was constantly retching with disgust, and reminded quietly: "Brother Chen, move his face aside first, don't let him spray me all over for a while!"

"Oh! Yes, yes, yes!"

Only then did Fade come to his senses, and immediately, he threw Zhang Xiong aside like a hot potato.

At the same time, along with his movements, Zhang Xiong's mouth was like a garbage spout without a handle, a series of vomit spewed out from his mouth, people who were quite disgusted turned their heads and couldn't bear to watch, for fear that they would also Can't help being spit out disgustingly.

"It's disgusting!"

"Ouch! It's disgusting!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"Ah! It's on my head, damn Zhang Xiong!"

"Paralysis, Zhang Xiong, what kind of enmity does labor and capital have against you? You want to treat labor and capital like this!"

"It's fucking disgusting, labor and management can't take it anymore, I'm going to throw up too, vomit!!"

"Brother Chen, you're really good!" Luo Ziyue turned her head, looked at Fade Chen's embarrassed expression, and gave him a thumbs up sincerely, praising him.

Fade Chen smiled awkwardly, and weakly argued: "Xiao Sha, I, I really didn't mean it! I didn't expect him, he would be so unbearable!"

"Isn't it time to praise Big Brother Chen for his physical strength?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Fade Chen jokingly, why was she so awkward when she heard these words!

What does it mean that he can't stand the toss?
Should she sigh politely: her body is so weak, she needs to mend it well, otherwise, his body will be torn apart by you sooner or later!
"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yun Ling, who understood in seconds, couldn't hold it back for a while, a burst of hearty laughter overflowed from his mouth, Fade Chen, who was belatedly aware of it, looked at Yun Ling who was laughing profusely, and only after a while did he understand Luo The meaning in Zi Yue's words.

There were two blushes on the rough face, she looked at Luo Ziyue very shyly, and growled: "Xiao Cha, don't talk nonsense, it will cause misunderstanding, I have nothing to do with Zhang Xiong , There is nothing between us! I, I, I, I..."

"I am teasing you, Brother Chen, don't mind!"

Compared with the mercenaries living in dire straits in the distance, the atmosphere on Luo Ziyue's side was extraordinarily harmonious. As one of the culprits, Fade Chen took Luo Ziyue and the others towards ten No. counter to get the badge.

After receiving the notice, Elder Shan rushed to the hall in a hurry. Seeing the noisy crowd, he couldn't help but feel angry, and an angry roar sounded in the hall: "Shut up, do you think this is a vegetable market?" ? Make a fuss? Who told you to follow the rules?"

"You, you, you, you, and you! Pull them away! I want to see who is messing with my mercenary union!"

Shan Lao commanded the mercenaries hiding aside with full aura, and the mercenaries he pointed to all had bitter faces, standing where they were and not daring to step forward, the stench was like being in a pigsty. smell.

"Why are you all standing there stupidly? Didn't you hear me? And what's the smell? Where is the person in charge of the hall? Where are you going to die?"

Seeing that none of them acted, Shan Lao became even more angry.

Before he could react, a strange smell came towards him along with the breeze, almost made him vomit, a silver light flashed on his body, and Shan Lao was immediately placed in a transparent light circle, blocking the strange smell outside One meter away from him.

The noisy hall suddenly fell silent amidst his roar.

Zhang Xiong hid aggrievedly at the back of the crowd, lowered his head and lowered his sense of presence, for fear that he would be caught by Old Shan's anger if he was not careful.

"I'm asking you something! Why don't you speak, are you dumb? Who is in charge of the hall today? Get out of here!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry Shan Lao wanted to throw out all these useless things in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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