Chapter 259 She Was Disliked?

"Hey... Mr. Shan, I was just joking with Peng Wu, don't take it seriously, by the way, what happened here?"

The burly man next to Peng Wu smiled, his appearance was somewhat similar to that of Fade Chen, but seeing the glint in his eyes let people know that he was not as simple and honest as he appeared on the outside.

"Don't put on airs here. I didn't know who was yelling who bullied you just now. I don't know what happened. How come you only know someone who bullied you!"

Old Shan very shamelessly exposed the lies of the burly man, which made him smile awkwardly.

His eyes rolled around, and finally his eyes fell on Zhang Xiong, and he roared angrily: "Zhang Xiong, what's the matter with you? Didn't you say you came to hand in the task? What's going on here now? You motherfucker Why do you give me trouble all day long?"

"Regiment, regiment leader..."

Zhang Xiong was sweating profusely, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, he rolled his eyes as if thinking of something, and immediately passed out.

He fell limply on the companion beside him.

Everyone watched him "faint" and instantly felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

This guy is really good at pretending!

"Fuck! Zhang Xiong, you coward! How dare you pretend to be dizzy in front of so many people, do you still want this face?"

Fade Chen looked shocked, and stared at Zhang Xiong who had "fainted" in disbelief, and shouted at the top of his voice without any grievances.

Zhang Xiong who had "fainted" couldn't help cursing him secretly in his heart, "This idiot, do you know what it means to see through but not to tell?"

Mr. Shan was also very speechless about Fade Chen's single tendon. He looked up at the sky, with an expression that he didn't see or hear anything.

Only Peng Wu was not too surprised by what he saw. He walked straight to Fade Chen and asked in a low voice, "What's going on? Don't you always ignore Zhang Xiong? Why?" Did you suddenly get angry today?"

Hearing Peng Wu's question, Fade Chen smiled embarrassedly, grabbed Luo Ziyue, pointed at her and said, "Hey... Captain, don't worry! Let me introduce someone to you first, this is The younger brother I just met, Shi Sha. That is her guard, and his strength is amazing! The most important thing is that they have agreed to join our mercenary group!"

"Didn't I tell you that our mercenary group doesn't plan to recruit new people for the time being?"

Peng Wu looked at Fade Chen with a headache on his face. He told Fade Chen many times not to introduce new people to the group, but he refused to listen.

"Aren't I thinking about our mercenary group? After a while, it will be the mercenary knockout round? Aren't I worried about our lack of manpower?" Fade Chen explained with his head down.

"Then, have you explained the current situation of our mercenary group to others? Don't cheat your friends for the sake of short-term interests. As for the knockout, you don't have to worry about it."

Peng Wu knew that Fade Chen also had good intentions, so he felt extremely melancholy.

"I haven't had time to say it! They just registered, and before they have time to say it, what happened before them happened." Fade Chen looked at Luo Ziyue with a guilty face, scratched his head apologetically, and explained to her : "Xiao Cha, Brother Chen, I'm sorry for you. I hid something from you just now, and I didn't tell you the truth."

"what happened?"

Luo Ziyue frowned, she hadn't heard Peng Wu mention any knockout games before!

Why is there such a fuss all of a sudden?
When Peng Wu met Shang Luo Ziyue's eyes, he suddenly had a feeling of deja vu, but where did he see him?

He didn't think of it for a moment.

Seeing that Luo Ziyue still didn't know what happened, he quickly explained to her: "That's right, little brother, our mercenary group has just been established.

The strength is not strong enough, and the benefits are not good enough. Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that after one and a half months, there will be a knockout match that will determine the life and death of our mercenary group.

Fade Chen tricked you into joining our mercenary group, largely because of this reason.

However, I suggest that you still think about it carefully.

After all, there are certain dangers in the knockout competition, which are related to life and death. "

"Could it be, Captain, don't you want us to join?"

Luo Ziyue was a little curious about Peng Wu's attitude.

When ordinary people meet talents like them, they would like them to join their mercenary group, but he actually wanted to push it out.

"Of course I welcome you to join, but I hope that joining our lore mercenary group is the result of your careful consideration, not just a whim. It feels like being cheated!"

What Peng Wu said was very sincere.

He told Luo Ziyue very tactfully that what he needed was real family, but a whim after being fooled in a ignorant manner.

"Xiao Sha, don't listen to the scaremongering of our regiment leader. Don't look at our mercenary regiment that has just been established. However, everyone is easy to get in touch with, like a family. The relationship is very good. If you get in touch with it, you will definitely like it."

Seeing that Luo Ziyue did not speak, Chen Fei patted her on the shoulder, squinted at Peng Wu, and explained in a very low voice: "Actually, our team leader is afraid that your strength is too low, so we will participate in the knockout round There will be dangers, the purpose of our Lore Mercenary Group recruitment is to not be too smart."

"From what you mean, I was rejected by your regiment leader?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Fade Chen who was whispering mysteriously in her ear with some amusement.

With a loud voice like Fade Chen, even if he whispers, it is a whisper that everyone can hear.

Peng Wu stared at Fade Chen with black lines, and growled, "Fade Chen, what are you talking about? When did I despise my little brother?"

"No, no. Leader, you misunderstood me. That's not what I meant. Alas, it's all my fault. I didn't speak clearly, and Xiao Sha misunderstood me!" Seeing that Peng Wu seemed to be angry, Fade Chen quickly waved his hand and explained.

It was funny to see the flustered look, but when he became anxious, he couldn't say a complete sentence.

"Alright, let me explain to Xiao Sha!"

Peng Wu helped his forehead helplessly, this Fade Chen is still a treasure, obviously he is not young, and when he does things, sometimes it is very dumbfounding.

"Xiao Sha, it's like this. There is a mechanism in the knockout rounds, which is one-on-one. You can choose your opponent freely, but due to the small number of our mercenary group, once you join our mercenary group, it will be extremely difficult for you to choose your opponent." You may not be able to escape the fate of playing, which is a certain risk for a child of your age."

(End of this chapter)

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