Chapter 260 Seems Not Popular 1
"you do not believe me?"

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, turned her head to look at Yun Ling and asked, "Could it be that I look like a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Yun Ling observed Luo Ziyue very carefully, and said solemnly: "You look too much like a little white rabbit who has never experienced anything in the world."

"Little white rabbit? I remember."

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Luo Ziyue's expressionless face, "If I have a chance, I will catch two little white rabbits and send them to you."

"Don't! I'm joking, Xiaosha, don't take it seriously." Yunling's face froze, and he quickly defended himself.

It's a pity that Luo Ziyue didn't have him at all, and she turned her head to look at Peng Wu, "Okay, that's settled, whether you like it or not, we both will join your mercenary group, as for what you said Knockout, we'll talk about it later."

"As long as you won't regret it, Xiaosha, I naturally won't have any opinions, and I welcome you very much." Peng Wu stepped forward and patted Luo Ziyue on the shoulder, "Fade Chen, take them to go through the next procedure, When it's over, take them back directly, don't wait for me!"

"Okay, Captain. Then here..."

Chen Fei's simple and honest face was full of joy, and there was a smile on his brows, which he couldn't hide.

But when he saw Old Shan, there was still a trace of hesitation and worry in his eyes.

"Isn't there still me here? It won't do much for you to keep it, so go and do what I told you to do!"

"Can you handle it alone? They have a lot of people..." Fade Chen still asked with some worry.

Peng Wu glared at him angrily: "They really want to do something, even if you stay here, it's useless, besides, you don't exist as a single old man!"

Seeing that Fade Chen seemed to want to say something, Peng Wu impatiently waved his hand to signal him to back down.

"Okay, don't be a mother-in-law, go to work quickly!"

As soon as Luo Ziyue saw Peng Wu like this, she knew that he was fully capable of dealing with the matter in front of her.

A single-minded person like Fade Chen would not be able to help him at all if he stayed here, and he might be hindered, so he couldn't help but go forward and grab Fade Chen, "Brother Chen, take me first. Let's go through the next procedure! Just leave it to the leader here!"

"But..." Fade Chen looked back at Peng Wu three times a step at a time, the worry in his eyes was obvious.

"Don't worry, we won't be able to help if we stay here, on the contrary, it may hinder him. Without me, he can deal with those unsightly guys!" Luo Ziyue rushed to Yunling With a look in their eyes, the two supported Fade Chen and quickly walked towards the other windows in the hall.

Seeing that they finally dragged Fade Chen away, Peng Wu breathed a sigh of relief. Fade Chen is good at everything, but his temper is too straight and he can't turn. Suffer a loss and fall into the pit set by others.

"It seems that your mercenary group has recruited two talents this time!" The old thief Shan joked while looking at Peng Wu.

Peng Wu looked in the direction of Luo Ziyue and the others: "Maybe this is the legendary blessing for stupid people!"

"You! This is a good thing to get cheap. Okay, let's discuss how you want to solve the problem in front of you. I don't want the same thing to happen again!"

Older Shan saw through Peng Wu's petty thoughts, but he didn't care about anything with him.

After all, as the president of the mercenary union, he will not participate in the affairs of their mercenary group.

Especially the struggle between mercenary regiments.

"Since the matter started because of Zhang Xiong's provocation, they will naturally be responsible for the finishing work. What do you think? Big guy!"

Peng Wu's eyes fell on Zhang Xiong, who had passed out of a "coma", and the banter in his eyes was very obvious. The strong man standing next to him felt uncomfortable and awkward as if on fire, wishing to kick Zhang Xiong away, but, Naturally, he couldn't do this kind of behavior of dismantling the stage, otherwise, he really couldn't have this face anymore.

"It's true that Zhang Xiong started the incident, but hasn't he also been taught a lesson? According to me, one of us will do half of the finishing work!"

However, the interests that should be fought for must not take a step back.

"Why? We are acting in self-defense. There are so many of you bullying one, and you still want to shirk responsibility if you lose. Are you shameless?" Peng Wu snorted coldly, "You are not as skilled as others, and you still want to blame others?"

"Isn't he in a coma now? Don't you want to wake him up to deal with the finishing work?"

"Big guy, don't talk to me about him. There is nothing to talk about. Zhang Xiong is dead. There are thousands of Zhang Xiong behind you. They dare to bully others, but they dare not take responsibility. It's okay to say it. Don't be afraid of being laughed at by others, really..."

"Sweep and sweep, don't press me with these things!"

The burly man was blocked by Peng Wu and couldn't say a word. He held back for a long time before he uttered such a sentence.

This matter is indeed unreasonable on their side.

"You all stay here for me, and listen to Mr. Shan's arrangement! Whatever Mr. Shan asks you to do, you do!"

The burly man threw down such a sentence with a cold face, and left the hall without thinking of saying hello to Old Shan.

Seeing this, Mr. Shan didn't say much, "Okay, let's leave! Don't all gather here, you will clean this place for me, and you will be responsible for the hygiene of the hall for the next half month."


Isn't such a simple punishment too light?

While everyone was muttering silently in their hearts, Mr. Shan suddenly added: "You are not allowed to use spiritual power, just use your hands to clean. If I find out that there are people who secretly use spiritual power, hey, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

With such a large area, even though there are many of them, they can't afford to disturb them with their own physical strength.

When things were done, everyone left.

It didn't take long for the things in the hall to be known to everyone.

So much so that everyone Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling were very curious and wanted to see who they were?

Fade Chen, who has always been known for his patience, would not hesitate to offend Zhang Xiong and the others, but also protect them behind him.

However, when everyone received the news and felt in the hall, Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling had already followed Fade Chen back to the base of the lore mercenary group.

"Brothers, I'm back." As soon as he arrived in the courtyard, Fade Chen couldn't wait to shout to the back room with a loud voice.

Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling looked around pretending to be curious, and followed Fade Chen all the way into the hall. As soon as they entered, the atmosphere of Xiao Su inside attracted them to look sideways.

"Why is the atmosphere so tense? What happened?" Fade Chen asked with a single-mindedness.

"Fade Chen, I heard that you had a big fight with Zhang Xiong in the mercenary union?"

(End of this chapter)

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