Chapter 261 Seems Not Popular 2
"Fortunately, a small matter. The team leader has already taken care of it!" Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled comfortably, and said nonchalantly.

Chen Fei's attitude made many people in the room slightly dissatisfied, and they couldn't help frowning slightly: "You are too nonsense, and it will be a knockout round soon. If you offend Zhang Xiong and the others at this time, with their character, they will definitely take the opportunity trouble us."

"That's right! I heard that the head of the group made Xiong Lao Er very difficult to get off the stage in the hall. With his barbaric temperament, it would be strange if he didn't settle accounts with us then!"

"Currently, there is still a certain gap in strength between our lore mercenary group and their blood-devouring mercenary group!"

"It seems that we are in danger this time!"


"These thoughts of yours are too negative. As long as it's not the last moment, whoever wins or loses is uncertain."

Fade Chen shook his head in disapproval, and pulled Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling out as if he suddenly thought of something, "I will introduce two new brothers to you. They just joined our mercenary group, and everything is fine." If you are not familiar with them, you can take care of them and don't bully them."

"It's for them that you confronted Zhang Xiong?"

The expressions of rejection on everyone's faces were obvious.

Apparently, everyone was very worried about Chen Fei offending Zhang Xiong.

"Of course not. The main reason is that Zhang Xiong's grandson is too shameless. I didn't want to argue with him at first. Who knew, he would even stick his nose in the face, damn it!"

Fade Chen seemed to have thought of something, the smile on his face was hidden, and his brows and eyes were full of anger.

"I know that you are very dissatisfied with me for beating Zhang Xiong. You are angry in your heart. If you have any temper, you will get angry at me. Don't blame the two innocent little brothers. This matter has nothing to do with them. Labor and management are responsible for the work! "

"What are you talking about, can we still watch you being bullied by Zhang Xiong?"

"We are just worried that today's matter may not be over yet, and it will bring trouble to the mercenary group!"

"As for these two little brothers, we don't have any opinions, as long as they don't cause trouble for us, we can do anything else."

"After all, you still refuse to accept them! I'm afraid they will hold you back! I said, when did you become so selfish?"

Fade Chen looked at the people in the room angrily, his face flushed red, and he shouted at them at the top of his voice.

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, slightly displeased with what happened before her eyes.

He reached out and grabbed Fade Chen who was about to say something, shook his head at him, took a step forward, and walked in front of him, his indifferent voice sounded without a trace of warmth: "It seems that you don't welcome us too much If you want to join, why are you afraid that I will hold you back?"

Looking at the people in the room with sarcasm in his eyes, he sneered: "With your strength, do you still dislike the poor strength of others? I really don't mean to boast. I don't need to take action against small shrimps like you. I can kill them all by myself. all of you!"

The people in the room were stunned for a moment, and in an instant, a burst of laughter broke out.

As if hearing some particularly funny joke, I couldn't help laughing.

"Why don't you believe it? Or, Bibi!"

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, with a weird smile on her face.

"It's really a piece of cake to deal with you!"

Qingyun could see that Luo Ziyue was determined to teach them a lesson, so he took a sudden step forward, releasing all the momentum on his body, and squinted at everyone in the room with disdain.

"Bi, Bi, don't tell me, so many of us are still afraid of you?"

"Brothers, it seems that they have to be taught a lesson, otherwise, they don't know why the flowers are so popular."

Everyone is a bloody man, seeing that they were despised by others, they all stood up a little bit, blushing and shouting at Luo Ziyue and the others.

Peng Wu heard the noisy sound in the room from a long distance, and thought to himself: No, something happened.

Take three steps and make two steps to rush to the house.

"What are you arguing about? I can hear the rough voices of you old men from afar!"

Pushing open the door, I saw that the room was divided into two factions, the atmosphere was very domineering, as if wishing to fight immediately.

"Leader, this ignorant brat said that his guards can easily kill all of us with just a flick of a finger. We plan to compete with them and teach them what it means to be humble."

"What if you are the ones being taught a lesson?"

Peng Wu's eyes swept across Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling's body, and somehow felt that these two people looked familiar.

However, right now he didn't think so much.

He knows the characters of these brats very well, and because of his youth, he has a little cultivation, so he doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth.

Thinking about it, when he was not around, they must be playing tricks on others again.

"Manly man, dare to do something. If we lose, we will let the little brothers handle it. At the same time, we apologize to them for our previous rude behavior!

"If that's the case, then I'll be the referee for you, and they all fall down. The side that can't fight anymore will lose!"

Seeing that their ambitions are so high, Peng Wu will definitely not spoil their interest.

The most important thing is that he wants Yunling to teach these brats a good lesson, to teach him a good lesson about not judging people by their appearance.

"Little brother, if we win, don't cry and say that we are bullying the less!"

"Let's talk about it after you win!"

Luo Ziyue looked at them expressionlessly, then turned around and walked out very coolly, followed by Yunling and Chen Fei.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up!" Peng Wu couldn't help urging when he saw that everyone in the room was sluggish.

At the same time, he trotted all the way to chase after him, and leaned into Yunling's ear and asked, "Little brother, are you sure?"

Yun Ling glanced at him and couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Idiot!"

"Why did I say something wrong?" Peng Wu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Yunling's back in astonishment. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, and he couldn't help but chase after him and asked, "Who are you? Have we met or met?" ? Why do I think you look familiar?"


Yun Ling looked at Peng Wu very speechlessly, turned his head very coolly, looked ahead, and ignored his questioning.

But secretly sighed in his heart: Miss Luo is still taller!Just sneaked into them openly, penetrated into the enemy's interior, and caught them off guard. At the same time, he suddenly wanted to know how Peng Wu would react when he knew their true identities.

Looking forward to thinking about it!

Looking at Yunling's attitude, Peng Wuyue confirmed his suspicions. He must have met these two people in the past, but where did he meet them?

(End of this chapter)

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