Chapter 262 Recognized
Peng Wu frowned, and when he lowered his head to think carefully about this question, someone slapped him on the shoulder, "Head, what are you thinking about, you are frowning so tightly?"

"Bastard, I think you deserve a beating, don't you? Don't prepare for the competition for a while, and take care of your team leader's affairs!"

The inspiration I just came up with was scared away immediately after being photographed like this, which made Peng Wu a little annoyed.

"Head, you won't secretly hide behind this and miss the little girl, will you?"

Seeing Peng Wu's angry look, everyone couldn't help booing.

"Damn it! Look at how poorly you all look, you really need someone to teach you a good lesson."

Peng Wu growled at them pretending to be angry.

However, after hearing what they said, he suddenly remembered who Shi Sha and Qing Yun looked like.

There was a flash of light in the pupils of the eyes, and there was a little more excitement in the sight of Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling.

No wonder, I heard that Miss Luo and the others had left Degal City early in the morning. It turned out to be...

"Captain, how treacherous are you smiling? Is there some kind of conspiracy? I said, why do I suddenly feel a gust of wind blowing around me! It must be that you are restless and kind, and secretly plotted some small conspiracy behind your back! "

"Yes, yes! I also suddenly felt a wave of uneasiness, Captain, please tell me the truth, do you know something?"

"Hahaha... When I think that someone will teach you in my place, I can't help being happy. Let's see if you still dare to judge people by their appearance!" Peng Wu couldn't hold back for a moment, and hearty laughter came from his mouth overflow.

Luo Ziyue raised her forehead slightly, it seemed that she and Yun Ling's side might be guessed.

"Brother Chen, go and see why the leader is so happy all of a sudden, don't let him play tricks behind our backs!"

Luo Ziyue randomly found an excuse to dismiss Fade Chen, turned her head to look at Yun Ling and said, "Did you give Peng Wu some hints just now when there was no one around so that he could guess us so quickly?" Identity?"

"It's so fast? That idiot, if I don't remind him, I don't think he will be able to guess our identities in his life!"

Yun Ling looked at Peng Wu quite disdainfully, just in time to meet his gaze, and couldn't help turning his head in embarrassment.

"Brother Xiaoyun, it's not a manly thing to speak ill of people behind their backs!"

Peng Wu's voice suddenly came from behind him strangely.

"I said it openly, you idiot, if I didn't remind you, would you have guessed it?"

Yun Ling turned his head arrogantly, even if he was beaten to death, he would not admit the embarrassment of being caught on the spot for speaking ill of others.

"Of course I can guess it, I just didn't think of going there for a while." Peng Wu patted Yunling's shoulder, as if suddenly thinking of something, and said, "By the way, you have to teach me a good lesson for me later. You ignorant guy!"

Peng Wu didn't know what he said to the group of mercenaries, so they all stood not far away and looked at them, but they didn't get close to them knowingly.

"I'm afraid you will feel bad if you teach me a hard lesson!"

Yun Ling looked at the group of people indifferently, and squinted at Peng Wu, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

"Don't worry, with Xiao Sha here, even if you are disabled, you can still be rescued!" Peng Wu glanced at Luo Ziyue cautiously, and said very confidently.

Luo Ziyue couldn't laugh or cry, "It turns out that you are using such a small Jiujiu, you are not afraid that I will not like them alone, and I will take the wrong medicine for them, and give them all poison, poisoning them to death?"

"Xiao Cha, don't be joking. I know that you are not such a person. You have always been a prime minister who can hold a boat in your belly. How can you care about these little bastards?"

Peng Wu waved his hand indifferently, with an expression of "I know you very well", which made Yunling despise him again.

"I don't know who the previous mercenary guild despised us? Why didn't they suddenly despise us?"

"Brother Xiaoyun, let the past be the past! You keep turning over old accounts, but what old women say, you big man keeps turning over old accounts all day long, so what's the matter?" Embarrassment flashed across Peng Wu's face, embarrassingly She smiled at Luo Ziyue, glared at Yunling sharply, and accused very dissatisfied.

"What did you say? Say it again, I think you are just like those guys, you are also very weak!" Yunling pulled out the sword in his hand and pointed at Peng Wu: "If you have the ability, you and I Hit it first!"

"Cut, I won't fight you anymore, if I want to fight you, go fight them!"

Seeing Yun Ling pointing his sword at Peng Wu, the mercenaries not far away couldn't help sweating for Peng Wu.

They all looked at him warily, as if planning to attack him at any moment.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, they saw the always mighty and brave leader hiding behind Shi Sha's back without hesitation, and suddenly pointed his finger at them, making them confused.

"Then tell me, is it your bitch or my bitch? It's really shameless to hide behind a little girl and dare to call yourself a man."

Peng Wu silently wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, "Brother Xiaoyun, it's really not good to speak so viciously!"

"Aren't you going to say it? If you don't say it, come out and fight me!"

Yun Ling doesn't care what he thinks!

He only knew that he was pointed at his nose and called him a twat, he was very upset!

"Miss Luo, are you really not going to take care of him? Anyway, I still have so many subordinates watching? If I really lose, I will lose face. Even if there is a competition, I have to do it quietly while no one is around! You can't lose your majesty!"

Seeing that Yunling couldn't make sense, Peng Wu immediately looked at Luo Ziyue and explained aggrievedly.

"I don't know when the relationship between you became so good? Don't you think you should tell me honestly, when did you hook up?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Yunling and Peng Wu with a half-smile, and moved slightly, revealing Peng Wu who was hiding behind her.

When the two heard Luo Ziyue's words, they were stunned for a while, and said in unison: "Bah! Who has a good relationship with him? I don't know him well!"

"Hey, there is such a tacit understanding, and you still say that the relationship is not good? Who will believe it!"

Luo Ziyue looked confident that they were adulterous again, and seeing the two of them felt hairy, before they could say anything, she immediately interrupted their explanation: "Okay, this matter is over after the competition, You guys explain to me again, let’s play first, don’t let them wait too long.”

"For the competition, are weapons allowed?"

Hearing Luo Ziyue's words, Peng Wu's playful expression immediately disappeared, and he looked at Luo Ziyue seriously and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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