Chapter 264 Competition 2
Seeing Peng Wu's anxious expression, Luo Ziyue couldn't help laughing.

"I'm joking with you, what are you looking for? Our enchantment will rise, and it will definitely be lively in a while. If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

Before Luo Ziyue finished speaking, she heard the door being knocked loudly, feeling a sense of urgency to be chased by a ghost.

"Miss Luo, you are amazing!" Peng Wu said to Luo Ziyue with a thumbs up.

"Call me Shi Cha, or Xiao Cha from now on. My identity can't be revealed at the moment, so don't call me wrong in the future!"

Hearing his address, Luo Ziyue seemed to think of something suddenly, frowned slightly, and stopped Peng Wu who turned and walked towards the gate, reminding him.

Peng Wu was stunned for a moment, he thought that when there was no one, it didn't matter whether he called Miss Luo or anything!

Of course, in front of people, he would not call it a slip of the tongue.

"When there is no one, it is no exception. Now there is only a man Shi Sha in this world, and there is no Luo Ziyue. You don't have to compliment me so much, just treat me as an ordinary disciple. There is no place for this matter. trouble."

"Don't the others tell?"

"What do you say?"

Luo Ziyue squinted at Peng Wu, her attitude was already very obvious, why do you still have to ask her about such a small matter?

"Hehe...OK, I know. Luo...Xiaosha! Don't worry!" Peng Wu's tongue softened, and he almost yelled wrongly. When he met Luo Ziyue's sharp eyes, he smiled sheepishly, "I, I'll open the door for them! "

Before Luo Ziyue could speak, he ran away.

Along the way, he kept chanting back and forth: "Shi Cha! Xiao Cha! Shi Cha! Xiao Cha!"

Next time, if he mispronounced again, he would definitely be overwhelmed. For the safety of his life, Peng Wu still decided to take advantage of this time to do more self-hypnosis.

"Captain, what are you talking about? I saw you talking all the way?"

Seeing Peng Wu's gossip, Ye Ying couldn't hold back and asked curiously.

When interrupted by him, Peng Wu almost muttered, staring at him and said: "Curiosity killed the cat! Haven't you heard of it?"

"I've heard that, but cats have nine lives, so they can't die casually. By the way, Captain, what happened? Why did you suddenly raise the barrier?" Ye Ying joked with Peng Wu, with a smile on his face. His smile quickly disappeared, and he looked at Peng Wu very seriously, the worry between his brows was obvious.

As soon as he saw the enchantment, he dropped what he was doing and ran over.

"Nothing major happened, it's just that two new disciples suddenly joined the group, and they started fighting with the members. You know, that group of guys always have their eyes on the top, and they feel that ordinary people can't get into their eyes. No, I'll take the opportunity to let those two new disciples teach them a lesson, one against a hundred, it's very interesting!"

Thinking of this, a sly smile appeared on Peng Wu's face, and he narrowed his eyes and looked towards the competition platform behind the courtyard.

"It's just such a small matter? I thought it was a powerful enemy attacking, and the situation is urgent!" Ye Ying looked at Peng Wu speechlessly, and said earnestly: "Leader, next time you don't worry about this kind of thing. The world has risen, so it seems that others don't know what we are doing!"

"What are you afraid of? This enchantment is related, and ordinary people can't find it."

Peng Wu comforted Ye Ying very reassuringly, which made him very speechless. He stared at Peng Wu and said nothing. In desperation, Peng Wu had no choice but to pat him on the shoulder mysteriously, and said: " Don't worry, your regiment leader won't do some unsure and stupid death! Son, you will know my good intentions in the future!"


A word of child instantly made Ye Ying flustered in the wind.

However, the instigator didn't bother to care what he thought!

Leaving him behind, he ran towards the competition stage. The battle on the stage was in full swing, and it was very thrilling. After watching it a few times, he sweated for Yunling, "Xiao Sha, he really Can it last? These guys seem to be getting stronger and stronger, I'm worried..."

"You're eating salty radish and worrying about it. Didn't you see that he was teasing those guys?" Luo Ziyue stared at the competition stage intently, and her brows became tighter the more she looked at it, "Have you ever taught them anything? It is teamwork, how to maximize the ability of everyone in the team?"

"I haven't come to teach you urgently. They are basically newcomers who have just joined the mercenary group!"

When Luo Ziyue said that, Peng Wu's old face couldn't be held back.

The group of people on the competition stage basically fought against each other, and Yunling could defeat them one by one without any effort.

"The teamwork training has been doubled on the existing basis. You see, they are like a bunch of loose sand now! It's unsightly."

Luo Ziyue really got angrier the more she watched.

During this period of time, she was indeed a little negligent in the training of the newcomers, but she did not expect that they had no intention of teamwork at all.

The person who is good at long-distance attack foolishly ran to Yun Ling to look for it.

A person who is good at defense is not a mess at all if he quits his defensive work and runs to attack.

"Yes, this aspect is indeed my negligence, I will pay attention next time!"

Peng Wu's face was flushed red, his eyes twinkled slightly, those guys on the test stage really lost his old face.

However, Luo Ziyue also realized that her attitude just now was a bit bad. Thinking about it, it's not all Peng Wu's fault, she has a great responsibility as the hands-off shopkeeper.

I couldn't help turning my head to look at him, and said apologetically: "It's not all your fault, I know, the mercenary group has just been established, and you have to take care of various things. During this time, I will stay and help you Make a good rectification, the attitude was bad just now, don't mind!"

"I don't mind, I don't mind. With the help of Xiao Sha, I believe their progress will definitely leap forward."

Hearing Luo Ziyue personally said that she wanted to stay and help him, Peng Wu instantly felt like being hit by an easter egg.

It's too late to be happy, why would I mind these little things!

What's more, he really doesn't have any experience in how to manage a mercenary group.

Started in a hurry, his hands and feet were so messy that he couldn't figure out the clues and grasp the key points.

"Well, it's very hard to be trained by me. Just don't complain about it. During this time, you worked hard, right?" Seeing Peng Wu's appearance, Luo Ziyue smiled slightly, jokingly. asked.

Peng Wu scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's hard work, it's just that I have to take care of so many things all of a sudden, I'm a little confused, I'm a little flustered, I can't grasp the key points, if it's not for the help of a group of brothers around me , I really..."

"I believe in you, you have to have confidence in yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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