Chapter 265 Competition 3
Luo Ziyue patted him on the shoulder, and her eyes fell on Ye Ying who was walking towards them, as if thinking of something, a faint smile appeared on her face: "After this period of time, I will send a batch of different Talented people are here to help you, and with their support, I believe Lore will develop better and better in your hands."

"Hey...then I can wait for Xiaosha's talent transfer with peace of mind!"

Hearing what Luo Ziyue said, Peng Wu's heart instantly relaxed.

"Hey! Commander, is this the little brother who joined our mercenary group?" Ye Ying greeted Luo Ziyue with her arm around Peng Wu's shoulder.

Luo Ziyue smiled, "That's right! My name is Shi Sha, please take care of me in the future!"

"Xiao Sha, hello. My name is Ye Ying, you can call me Xiao Ye or Xiao Ying!"

Ye Ying reached out and grabbed Luo Ziyue's hand, but was stopped by Peng Wu, "Speak as you speak, don't touch your hands. I warn you, Xiaosha is the noble person I invited back to help us, don't give I scared her away!"


Even if Miss Luo is dressed in a man's attire now, not everyone can touch her hands, otherwise, if King Ning finds out, it will be a dead end!
"Head, it's impossible! I just want to say hello to Xiao Sha, shake hands, give a hug, it's basic courtesy!"

Ye Ying looked at Peng Wu in astonishment, "I've always been like this, don't you know? Why did it suddenly change when I came to Xiao Sha?"

"Really? Then tell me what it smells like? Is it rotten? Or delicious?"

Peng Wu squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at Ye Ying dangerously, Ye Ying looked horrified, thinking of Peng Wu's usual behavior, he who turned his head quickly, suddenly thought of something, took a step back suddenly, and looked at Luo Zi in astonishment Yue and Peng Wu: "You, you, you..."

"What's wrong with us? Is there a problem?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Ye Ying without changing expression, and a dark light flashed in her clear eyes.

He reached out and patted Peng Wu, who had a dark face, as if trying to comfort him.

Seeing Luo Ziyue's usual actions, Ye Ying's eyes flashed with clarity.

"Hey... I see! Captain, you are doing well. You have kept such a big matter from us."

"That's right, he really is a talent, and he can discover the clues so quickly, he is indeed the person I have my eyes on!"

Luo Ziyue looked at Ye Ying with a strange smile, which inexplicably made Ye Ying feel a little bit of danger.

"Xiao Sha, I didn't see anything, I didn't know anything, really! I lied to you like a puppy!"

"Really? Come on, learn how the dog barks to me!"

Luo Ziyue believed that he was a ghost.

Hearing Luo Ziyue's words, Ye Ying's face collapsed in an instant: "Xiao Cha, you are not playing for real, are you? Don't worry, even if I know something, I will never say it. I always talk about it. Most importantly, you know it!"

"I'm teasing you, don't be nervous!"

Luo Ziyue smiled, looked away from him, and landed on the competition stage, "Watch the game first, and talk about other things later."

Ye Ying followed Luo Ziyue's gaze, and when she saw the battle on the stage, she frowned unconsciously, and before he could speak, she heard Luo Ziyue's voice.

"Have you found any problems?"

"It's very difficult to win if you don't concentrate your strength in a mess!"

"Then is there any way you can reverse the situation in front of you?"

"I need to think about it!"

"Okay, I will give you a chance now, allowing you to go and guide them to see if you can reverse the situation in front of you."

Ye Ying looked at Peng Wu hesitantly, "This..."

"Why are you looking at me? If you really have a way, go and guide them!"

Peng Wu knew that Ye Ying was afraid that he would think too much.

However, he knew better that Luo Ziyue did this to lighten his burden. After all, as the head of the mercenary regiment, it was impossible for him to personally train every batch of newcomers. People replaced it.

"In that case, I'll go up and try!"

Ye Ying wasn't the kind of person who babbled. Seeing that Peng Wu had spoken, the hesitation on his face was swept away, replaced by excitement and eagerness to walk towards the competition stage.

"Xiao Sha, do you think Xiao Ye has potential in this area?"

Seeing Ye Ying leave with excitement, Peng Wu looked at Luo Ziyue curiously.

He could see that Luo Ziyue wanted to test Ye Ying on the one hand, and at the same time, she had other arrangements for him.

"He is considered a talent. If we make good use of it and place him in a suitable position, he can exert a power that even we can't imagine!"

Luo Ziyue looked at Ye Ying's figure thoughtfully. When he walked to the front of the competition stage, something similar to a microphone appeared in front of him. The sound sounded, Yun Ling was slightly startled, and looked at Luo Ziyue.

Luo Ziyue nodded slightly towards him, confirming the thoughts in his heart, and a very thin voice came into his ears, as if she had ordered something carefully.

Her voice just fell.

A dignified look appeared on Yunling's face, and the aura on his body suddenly became lethargic, and the bloody aura spread around him, which caused everyone on the stage to show expressions of shock and horror.

"Damn! Is he still a human? Why is his physical strength so good?"

"So many people have fallen on our side, but he seems to have just passed the warm-up action, and now he will officially enter the fighting state!"

"Head, what kind of medicine are they selling in their gourds? They don't really want us to be taught a lesson by him, do they?"

"Who knows! Brother Ye, he didn't come to guide us, did he?"


Everyone on the stage was chattering and discussing, Ye Ying showed a strange smile on his face, "You guessed right, I am indeed here to guide you, and from now on, your actions must follow my arrangement, if you are I found out that I didn't follow my arrangement, hehe..."

Yunling stood quietly on the spot, did not take the opportunity to sneak attack, but quietly dispatched troops according to Ye Ying.

Not far away, Luo Ziyue looked at Ye Ying's arrangement expressionlessly, with an unpredictable expression, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

"Xiao Sha..."

Just when Peng Wu's lips moved slightly and he was about to say something, suddenly, he heard Luo Ziyue's words that sounded like a joke.

"Seeing Ye Ying's performance, did you suddenly feel a crisis?"

Peng Wu was slightly taken aback, and after thinking for a while, he looked at Luo Ziyue seriously and replied, "How is it possible? The position of head of the regiment is for those who can do it. If Xiaoye is really capable, I will not Do you mind giving up the position of regiment leader!"

(End of this chapter)

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