Chapter 267 The Ideal Vision 2
"Can we have both?" Ye Ying chuckled, very treacherously.

Luo Ziyue was startled slightly, and said with a smile: "You really are not greedy at all!"

"Hey, ideals are always needed, what if they come true?"

"Ambition! As long as you have the ability, I will help you realize your wish."

Luo Ziyue patted him on the shoulder, in order to avoid favoritism, then turned to look at Peng Wu and said, "It's the same with you, you can tell me directly if you have any ideals, maybe I can help you realize them, as long as I With this ability and strength."

"I don't have any great ideals, I just want to develop our lore mercenary group into the first mercenary group, so that people will go crazy when they hear its name!"

"Fuck, leader, this is what you said you don't have any ideals? You are too dark!" Ye Ying jumped up instantly when she heard Peng Wu's words, and looked at him very dissatisfied, "Scare me! Jump, I thought it was because I was too greedy, and the person who has been really greedy for a long time is you, the leader!"

"This is the only goal of my life. It is not greedy. Since I want to do it, I must do my best." Peng Wu said very naturally.

Ye Ying listened to his words thoughtfully, and nodded: "Well, what you said makes sense. However, if we want to become the number one mercenary regiment, we must have the matching strength to support us. Otherwise, it will be difficult to secure the first position. At present, our regiment is talented and there are not many capable mercenaries."

"Isn't Miss Luo here? Are you afraid that there will be no talent?"

"That's true."

"But..." The smile on Peng Wu's face gradually subsided, and he looked at Luo Ziyue with a serious expression, "Miss Luo, the head of the lore mercenary group belongs to you, I'm just taking care of it for you temporarily, wait When I gradually develop and grow in the future, I still need you to take over. My strength and talent are limited, and it will become more and more difficult to be competent in the future. After all, everyone only wants to follow the strong!"

"Don't underestimate yourself, I will come to find a way to solve the talent for you, and talk about other things later!"

Luo Ziyue nodded thoughtfully. What Peng Wu said made sense. To develop lore into the first mercenary group, you must have enough talents to support it. Talent is something they are currently eager to solve. "Ye Ying, I have an extremely important task for you now, and you must complete it as soon as possible."

"Well, what task? Xiaosha, just say it!"

"It's like this. At present, I need you to help me find orphans with excellent talents between the ages of three and 15. The number of orphans is between 40 and [-]."

"Xiao Sha, you don't mean to..."

"Yes, it is what you think. When you do these few things, you must pay attention to secrecy, and don't be noticed or discovered by anyone."

Luo Ziyue looked at Peng Wu and Ye Ying solemnly, "The matter is of great importance. Before the matter is successful, you must not leak a word. In order to avoid accidents, you may need to take this elixir."

While speaking, Luo Ziyue took out two pills.

Looking at the two black pills in her palm, Ye Ying and Peng Wu looked at each other, and their eyes fell on Luo Ziyue's face, slightly surprised.

"You guys are right. This elixir is indeed used to contain you. Of course, I don't believe you. It's just that this matter is extremely important to me, and nothing can go wrong. After taking this elixir After taking the medicine, I can sense what you think in your heart, and at the same time, once you are caught by the enemy, any information related to me will be automatically deleted, which is also a guarantee of safety for you!"

"Okay, let's take it!"

Peng Wu and Ye Ying hesitated for a while, then readily took the pill and stuffed it into their mouths.

"My enemy is stronger than you imagined. Even I don't have enough strength to fight against it. You need to grow up as soon as possible, so that I can leave with peace of mind!"

Luo Ziyue sighed, she really had no choice but to make such a bad move, the enemy's way of drilling every hole made her have to be wary.

"In the future, anyone who joins the lore mercenary group must take this elixir, and swear eternal allegiance to me, and will not betray!"

Peng Wu and Ye Ying looked at Luo Ziyue in astonishment, Luo Ziyue turned around and looked out the window, without any warmth, she said coldly: "Otherwise, I will kill without mercy!"

"Do you have to do this?" Peng Wu, who couldn't bear it, couldn't help asking.

Luo Ziyue didn't speak, but just put her eyes on Ye Ying. Ye Ying thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I agree!"

"You..." Peng Wu looked at Ye Ying in astonishment, seemingly inconceivable.

Ye Ying frowned slightly, and her indifferent voice was somewhat similar to Luo Ziyue's: "Brother, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest. There is no room for any mistakes in the development of lore."

"Yes, that's what Ye Ying said."

A faint smile appeared on Luo Ziyue's face, and her cold eyes fell on Peng Wu's face: "Remember, people's hearts are fickle, and we can't easily control them."

"I, I just..."

Peng Wu understood all these principles.

It's just that when he thought that one day in the future, he might have to attack the people around him, he...

"You understand the truth, but you can't be ruthless, you can't make a move, just like pampering those recruits before, isn't it?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Peng Wu with a half-smile.

She had noticed his problem early on, and this was why she wanted to hand over the training to Ye Ying.

Don't look at Ye Ying's cynical and playful appearance, when he is really ruthless, he is much stronger than Peng Wu.

Peng Wu blushed, did not speak, and silently approved Luo Ziyue's words.

"Sometimes, the people who hurt you are often the people who seem to have a particularly good relationship with you on weekdays."

Luo Ziyue looked at Peng Wu with far-reaching eyes, as if he was recalling something through him, a murmur sounded, and a soft sneer sounded, and then she looked away.

"People who do great things can't always be emotional."

"I, I know. I will pay more attention to this aspect in the future!"

"I know you won't be able to figure it out for a while, don't worry, there will be a chance for you to figure it out in the future!"

Luo Ziyue patted Peng Wu's shoulder, "Don't think too much, take it step by step!"

"Well, okay, thank you..."

Peng Wu forced a smile, and was interrupted by Luo Ziyue before he could finish his thanks.

"Don't be polite to me. If you have nothing to do, you go down first. There are some things I want to talk to Ye Ying alone!"

Looking at the back of Peng Wu leaving, Luo Ziyue frowned deeply.

"Miss Luo..."

Ye Ying looked at her worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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