Chapter 268 A New Round of Training Begins

"It's okay, don't worry about him."

Luo Ziyue withdrew her gaze from Peng Wu, with a faint smile on her face.

"Earn a fall and gain a wisdom, and when he gets enough lessons, he will know what to do!"

"But, I'm worried..."

Before Ye Ying finished speaking, Luo Ziyue interrupted her.

"There's nothing to worry about. I know that. These are not your concerns. I have more important things for you to do."

"Well, actually, I still have some questions I want to ask Miss Luo."

"Let's sit down and talk."

Luo Ziyue pointed to the stool opposite her, motioned Ye Ying to sit down and said, brushed the ring on her fingertips with her palm, and in an instant, a pile of pens and papers appeared on the desk, as well as a series of elixir of unknown grade And gold coins or something.

"These...?" Ye Ying looked at the things on the table in surprise and asked curiously.

"It's all prepared for you."

Luo Ziyue looked at him with a smile.

For the next period of time, Ye Ying was in a state of astonishment, with her mouth slightly open, watching Luo Ziyue who was talking to her about various details and matters to be dealt with, a violent brainstorm came It was so intense that it made him feel overwhelmed.

After Luo Ziyue finished speaking, Ye Ying was still in a sluggish state, unable to sort out the message that popped up in her head for a while.

Luo Ziyue knew that she needed time to digest, so she didn't urge him, but just quietly waited for him to recover.

"Miss Luo, you are so, so great!" Ye Ying, who came back to her senses, sighed sincerely.

"Greatness can't be called great, but the enemy is too powerful, and I was forced to act helplessly!"

Luo Ziyue sighed, when she thought of the enemy who was watching secretly and ready to move at any time, she felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, urging her to continue to grow and strengthen herself.

"Miss Luo, you can rest assured to leave these things to me. I will definitely carry them forward and make them bloom everywhere!"

Ye Ying took a deep breath, looked at Luo Ziyue with a serious expression and promised.

"Well, at night, I will go to your room to find you. You have prepared a bucket of hot water in advance. In fact, your talent is not bad. After I wash the essence, I believe that your strength will definitely be in the Take a big step up in a short period of time, and you must not slacken your cultivation in the future, the premise of all this is your strength!"

"Hey... It seems that I was really lucky this time, and I fell into Miss Luo's eyes!"

Ye Ying looked at Luo Ziyue and smiled foolishly, her face was no longer as clever as before, which made Luo Ziyue very speechless.

"Don't smirk, I don't want a third person to know about these things."

"Heaven knows, the earth knows, you know and I know, and there will never be a third person to know. I will just hang out with you in this life."

"Fucking with me, I can't treat you badly." Luo Ziyue stood up with a smile, and motioned Ye Ying to put away the things on the table, "Let's go! If you don't go out again, Yunling should be in a hurry!"

Sure enough, as soon as Luo Ziyue and Ye Ying walked to the study, they saw Yun Ling running towards her angrily, "What are you talking about? After talking for so long, the lonely men and widows are not afraid of being misunderstood!"

"Lonely man and widow? Where is the woman?" Luo Ziyue stared at Yunling and asked angrily.

"Hey..." Yunling smiled coyly, seeing that her expression was not very good, she turned her eyes slightly and pointed at Ye Ying: "Isn't she a woman?"

"You are the woman! Your whole family are women! Do you want me to take your clothes off and have a check?" Ye Ying yelled at Yunling pretending to be angry.

As a gesture, he was about to take off his pants and give him a good check.

"Damn it, your integrity is gone!" Yunling's face changed drastically, and he stepped back abruptly, pointing to the ground and saying.

"Have you lost it? How do I remember that my virtue is that you were eaten by you!" Ye Ying squinted at Yun Ling.

"Can you stop being gay in front of me?"

Luo Ziyue's eyes were shining brightly, she looked at Yunling and Ye Ying brightly, as if she was looking forward to their next development, which made Yunling and Ye Ying very speechless, they turned their heads tacitly, no to see her.

"I'm not interested in him, I like women!"

"I like women too!"

The two said in a tacit understanding.

"Hahaha...Okay, stop making trouble. Let's go and see those recruits!"

Smiling comfortably, the suppressed tone in my heart eased a lot.

When Luo Ziyue, Yun Ling and the others arrived at the competition field, the group of people were standing together in twos and threes, chatting about something.

Those who saw them saw them and couldn't help shouting: "They are here! Xiao Sha and the others are here!"

In the next second, I saw them standing in line at an extremely fast speed, looking at Luo Ziyue and the others who were gradually walking towards them with burning eyes.

"Ask Xiaosha to enlighten me so that we can grow up quickly."

"Uh, you are... who told you!"

Luo Ziyue was slightly stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted, with a faint smile on her face.

Yun Ling and Ye Ying stood side by side behind her, looking coldly at the mercenaries standing side by side not far away.

"It was explained by the head of the group. He said that Xiaosha will personally train us for a period of time in the future!"

The mercenary standing in front of the team hesitated and said.

"If you want me to train you, then you have to prepare mentally, it will be very hard! Are you afraid? If you are afraid, you can withdraw now."

"As long as we can improve our strength, we are not afraid of anything!"

"Really? Really don't regret it?"

"No regrets!"

Listening to their unanimous words, a strange smile appeared on Luo Ziyue's face, "That's good, from now on, run [-] laps around the training ground, and you are not allowed to use your body's spiritual power. Those who can't persist can follow along halfway." I said, we'll run with you!"

"Ah! Fifty laps! Xiao Sha, did you say something wrong? If you run down like this, you will die!"

"That's right! I think it would be great if I could run thirty laps at most! Fifty laps, that's too scary!"

"Xiao Sha, are you sure, you are not playing with us?"

"You can put your heart in your stomach. Even if you really run to your death, I will rescue you! I will give you 1 minute to do warm-up activities! Ye Ying, you and Xiaoyun will also participate together, and tell the truth with practical actions. These bastards, will they die after running fifty laps!"


The current training ground is not a tiny bit smaller than it was in the illusion. Fifty laps are a piece of cake for them.

"Yunling, run ahead, Ye Ying, run behind!"

Luo Ziyue explained in a low voice, Yun Ling and Ye Ying instantly joined the team and trained with them.

(End of this chapter)

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