Chapter 269 Lore, Rise

After running fifty laps, everyone gasped as if they had lost half their lives, and sat down on the ground.

Before they could sit still, they suddenly heard a wolf roar, which made them stand up from the ground in a fright, and turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound. A pair of green eyes were staring at them eagerly. In their horrified eyes, a ferocious attack came towards them.

"What's going on? Why did wolves suddenly appear on the training ground!"

"Yeah! What's going on here? Why are the ranks of the wolves still so high? It's simply not something we can deal with now!"

"You are right, these wolves are not something you can deal with now, you have no choice but to run away!"

Luo Ziyue's voice came clearly amidst the howling of the wolves, and the mercenaries immediately understood.

These wolves that appeared suddenly were the work of Luo Ziyue and the others. No wonder, Ye Ying and Yun Ling were nowhere to be seen!

When the crowd was still in a state of sluggishness, the ferocious pack of wolves had already attacked them, and their murderous aura came towards them like a tide, making them feel suffocated, and they ran away regardless of their fatigue.

"Xiao Sha, with their strength, can they really deal with so many wolves?" Ye Ying looked at Luo Ziyue with a little worry.

Luo Ziyue smiled faintly, "The potential can only be stimulated at the critical moment of life and death, and we will know later if I can deal with you!"


Ye Ying admired Luo Ziyue from the bottom of his heart, he didn't even know why there were so many ghost ideas in her mind, even though she was younger than him next year.

"Trust me, you will be more ruthless than me in the future!"

Luo Ziyue turned her head to look at him with a faint smile, and said very strangely.

It made Ye Ying shudder beyond imagination.

More ruthless than her?

is it possible? seems really possible!

Who let the great responsibility of talent cultivation fall on his shoulders!

For a whole half a month, everyone in the Lore Mercenary Group lived in the heat of the water. The high-intensity training made them breathless, and basically fell asleep with their heads on every day. Fortunately, their strength was also in this position. A qualitative change has been achieved over a period of time.

Physical fitness is obviously much faster than before, especially in terms of adaptability, there is a world of difference.

Also, being chased and killed by monsters every day, anyone who changes it will get a huge improvement.

At the same time, Ye Ying's changes were the biggest compared to them.

The strength of leaping thousands of miles has attracted attention frequently, making many people jealous. Fortunately, the time he stayed in the mercenary group is getting less and less.

Except for Luo Ziyue, it was extremely difficult for other people to see him.

He has become a mysterious symbol in everyone's eyes. No one knows what he is busy with every day. However, the things Luo Ziyue told him are on the right track step by step and are progressing very smoothly. Of course, this is indispensable Luo Ziyue's various material supports.

In order to avoid people's eyes, he chose a house far away from the center. This house was originally used to accommodate all kinds of orphans living on the street. However, under his transformation, the dilapidated courtyard already has a Earth-shaking changes.

The children he found among thousands of orphans live in it. Apart from amazing talent, loyalty is what he values ​​most.

Many children are burdened with blood and deep hatred. He promises that they will do everything possible to help them grow up. Whether they can take revenge depends on their personal efforts. In addition, he will work with their masters to train them into a family. A lore team, lead them to fight in all directions.

Of course, for these children, as long as they can keep them from starvation three times a day and help them grow up, that's enough.

For other purposes, it doesn't matter.

During this period of time, Luo Ziyue had a very fulfilling life, and she would be busy until late every day. At the same time, she must not slack off in cultivation and alchemy. She must strengthen her training, otherwise, she would not be able to cope with the pill competition at the beginning of next month.

More than half a month has passed in a flash, and the time for the pill competition and the mercenary knockout round is getting closer, and the atmosphere in Degal City is obviously becoming more and more tense. At such a moment, Luo Ziyue and Peng Wu decided to Take this group of mercenaries who have been training for almost a month to explore the World of Warcraft Forest.

Five people in pairs, spread out.

Luo Ziyue and the others quietly followed in secret. At the same time, each team will be equipped with two experienced mercenaries to provide them with strength guarantee and experience teaching. Peng Wu originally wanted to join it, but was stopped by Luo Ziyue up.

On the surface, she arranged other tasks for Peng Wu.

In fact, Peng Wu was secretly monitored and followed by her.

A mighty group of people went out, which was very attractive. The blood-devouring mercenary group got the news and contacted the spies they sent to the lore mercenary group in advance, and secretly arranged traps, trying to take advantage of this opportunity, Take the lore mercenary group for your own use.

Luo Ziyue, who was already aware of all this, didn't say anything.

It was just that they arranged everything secretly. Ye Ying came back the night before they were going to leave, and brought a piece of news that Luo Ziyue couldn't believe. dealt a certain blow.

"Xiao Sha, do we need to notify the leader in advance? I'm worried, when the time comes he..."

"No, don't spread this matter for now, take this opportunity to sharpen Peng Wu's glassy heart, but I didn't expect...!"

"It's really unbelievable, but the news is confirmed! We have to believe it, it really is unpredictable."

"Oh, I can't think of it!"

Luo Ziyue and Ye Ying muttered in her room for most of the night, and Ye Ying took advantage of the night sky to leave the mercenary base and came to his place.

During this period of time, he has been busy training the group of orphans he found. At the same time, he also needs to take advantage of the rest time to learn various knowledge in order to broaden his horizons and plan for the future layout.

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, the members of the lore mercenary group had gathered in the courtyard, waiting for Luo Ziyue and the others to arrive.

"Brothers, this training is brutal. Along the way, some unexpected accidents may happen at any time. You must have enough adaptability. I don't want anyone missing from the mission! Are you ready? Are you afraid of death?"

"We will definitely return victorious, and there will be absolutely no shortage of anyone! Xiaosha, head, you are waiting for our good news!"

"Okay! Peng Wu and I are waiting for you here! Lore, rise!!"

"Lore, Rise!!"

(End of this chapter)

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