Chapter 271 Who is the traitor 2
"Well, I know."

Luo Ziyue's gaze flashed coldness, and Xiao Su's murderous aura flashed across his body.

"I just don't know, will anyone among them see the clue?"

"Difficult! If Ye Ying told you, would you guess that it was him?" Yun Ling turned to Luo Ziyue curiously.

Luo Ziyue hooked her lips and smiled: "Guess?"

"You are so old and cunning, you must have known it in your heart, but you have not said it for some reason, or you don't want to believe it from the bottom of your heart!" Yun Ling looked at her carefully, very Said for sure.

"That's not necessarily the case. Ever since Tianjue told me that they are difficult to deal with and pervasive, I have already..." Luo Ziyue showed a strange smile on her face, "If one day, someone tells me , you are a traitor, I will not have any accidents."

"Can I understand that you are testing me?"

Yun Ling was stunned for a moment, his face darkened in an instant, and he stared at Luo Ziyue coldly, with fire in his eyes.

Luo Ziyue shrugged and said nothing.

Yun Ling was so angry that he wanted to grab her and beat her up.

"Don't worry, even if you become a traitor, I won't be able to become a traitor. Otherwise, you think that the master will keep me by your side. You are his darling, and he can't bear to make a mistake." Yun Ling With a dark face, he explained angrily.

"I didn't say anything to you, why are you reacting so much?" Luo Ziyue looked at Yun Ling with a strange expression.

"You said I was a traitor, and you didn't say anything?"

Yun Ling's eyes were round and round, and he could see that he was very angry at Luo Ziyue's distrust.

Luo Ziyue smiled mischievously: "Hey, I was joking with you, don't take it to heart."

In fact, it can't blame her!

During this period of time, she was looking at everyone as a traitor, seeing who had problems, maybe it was because Shi Tianjue's words left a psychological shadow on her, coupled with the current commotion, she was a little nervous.

Alas, during the days with Shi Tianjue, her nerves were too relaxed.

Many things are handled by Shi Tianjue, she is much lazy compared to before.

However, now she is slowly getting used to this kind of life without relying on anyone. The enemies who are watching from the dark will always be the driving force for her to work hard, "They are injured."

"Well, don't worry about it."

Luo Ziyue nodded, with a touch of disappointment in her eyes. After fighting for so long, she still hasn't seen through the purpose of those ambushers.

"Are you sure? I think they won't last long." Yun Ling squinted at Luo Ziyue, as if she couldn't believe what she said.

Luo Ziyue smiled faintly, "Survival of the fittest. Isn't that what you were like back then?"

"We were much crueler than this back then, how could they compare with us!"

Yunling looked disdainfully at the team not far away that was gradually showing signs of decay, "It's a piece of cake for us like them."

"It seems that the task of training them should be entrusted to you in the first place."

"Even if you want to leave it to me, I won't accept it." Yun Ling looked at Luo Ziyue arrogantly, "My task is to protect you and assist you as much as possible, of course I can't leave you for too long Under the premise!"

"Could it be that this matter is no longer within the scope of my assistance?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Yunling strangely in front of her eyes, sometimes she didn't understand his thoughts.

"But, you have to know that training them to grow is not a matter of a day or two. We need to spend a lot of time and energy. I may assist you when you train them, but it is impossible to truly replace them alone. You train them."

Yun Ling would not back down on anything that involved Luo Ziyue's safety or potential safety.

For training mercenaries, he could pass on his experience to her or someone she designated, but it was impossible for him to personally train for her.

In case, due to his negligence, something happened to her, he would have no face to return to Shi Tianjue's side, which he absolutely cannot bear.

"You are really brainless!"

"It's not a brain, it's a single-mindedness. Questions of principle, never give in one step. Hey, Peng Wu can't help but want to make a move!" A curious light suddenly appeared on Yunling's face. He really wanted to know, when Peng Wu How will E react when he finds out the truth.

"Ye Ying won't let him make a move so quickly. This group of people obviously haven't closed their doors, and they haven't shown the strength to fight to the death. It's not worth making a move."

Luo Ziyue's eyes flicked over the only team that didn't kill the people who ambush them, and there was a slight mockery in her eyes.

They obviously made up their minds to wait for their rescue, but unfortunately, if so, they might be disappointed.

"No, if this continues, we will definitely be dragged to death by them. We must find a way to get rid of the predicament in front of us!"

"If you want me to say, kill them directly, and save them like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, running around all the time!"

"I told you a long time ago, kill them, don't waste time and energy, if you don't believe it, you must deal with them!"

"How can we put them to death who may be brothers for the sake of life and death for a while? What if they are really sent by the regiment leader?" Most people support killing the people who have been entangled in front of them. Their people, however, the oldest and most experienced veteran players in the team, have always opposed their proposal.

"What if they are not? If we continue to consume like this, it will not be them who will die, but us!"

"That's right! Labor and management have just begun a good life, but you can't go to see the King of Hades so soon!"

"It doesn't matter, brothers, kill them, otherwise we can only die!"

"Get rid of them, from now on, we only fight for ourselves! We must not condone anyone or anything that may endanger our lives!"

In the face of life and death, everything becomes no longer important.

The desire to survive.Looking, as if activated in an instant, Fade Chen showed a strange expression on his honest face when he looked at them who were full of fighting spirit. The speed was so fast that no one noticed.

"Hmph! Even if they are still a little bit bloody, they have a desire to survive. Hope can be regarded as activated. These guys who have troubled them for almost an hour are finally going to disappear!" Looking at them for a moment, they seemed to have been beaten to death , Luo Ziyue's cold eyes can be regarded as showing a trace of warmth, and there is a little relief in her voice without any ups and downs.

Now that talents are scarce, any one person's departure is their infinite loss.

Being able to have all the staff is the best result.

However, Luo Ziyue didn't have any hope.

(End of this chapter)

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