Chapter 272 Who is the traitor 3
She knew that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Go with the flow and accept all possible outcomes.

"If they knew about this journey, we would quietly follow them, but we watched them in danger, but did not help. How do you think they will feel?" Yun Ling looked at Luo Ziyue jokingly, gloating look.

Luo Ziyue glanced at him lightly: "Childish! Do I need to explain to them what I do?"

Yun Ling chuckled and didn't speak.

"By the way, you are here watching them, I'm going back to the city first. I still have something to do, there is no danger, you don't have to follow me!" Luo Ziyue turned her head to look at Yun as if she suddenly remembered something. Ling confessed.

"No, what should I do if I encounter danger?"

Yun Ling rejected her proposal without even thinking about it, making Luo Ziyue look at him speechlessly.

"Please, even if I do encounter danger, I have the ability to deal with it. We will spend a long time together in the future. It is impossible for you to be by my side all the time. After all, there will still be times when I act alone. Don't be so nervous, I'm fine!"

Luo Ziyue knew that some of her emotions might have infected Yun Ling, which made Yun Ling's nerves very tense.

However, this is not a good thing for them, they all need to decompress.

"It's true to say that, but during this period of time, there are many people in Degal City, and the danger has increased a lot. I can't let you act alone!" Yun Ling stubbornly stuck to his position. Thoughts, no matter what, he couldn't let Luo Ziyue act alone.

The day of the pill competition is getting closer and closer, and the city of Degal is obviously much more lively than in the past.

Many of them were unfamiliar faces, coming from all directions, gathered in the city of Degal, and there was a jumble of fish and dragons for a while.

Especially after Qin Tianhao and Niang's marriage, the Qin family has been trying to find out the news about Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue, but since the farewell that morning, Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue have never appeared again .

However, the news that Luo Ziyue will participate in the pill competition is already well known, and everyone is looking forward to her appearance.

Under such circumstances, Yunling had to put up all his energy to deal with all the things that were about to happen.

"Did you sign up for the pill competition?" Yun Ling turned to look at Luo Ziyue as if suddenly thinking of something and asked.

Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, "Uh, I really want to forget about it."

"After the matter here is over, you need to go to the Alchemy Guild to evaluate your alchemy level. Only after confirming that you are an alchemist can you participate in the pill competition."

Yun Ling sighed slightly, it was indeed his negligence, he forgot that Luo Ziyue was very forgetful in some basic common sense.

"Uh, some time ago, I was still thinking about getting a certificate as a senior alchemist! But I got busy later, and I forgot."

Luo Ziyue said very annoyed.

"After we're done here, we'll be busy with my grading. Shouldn't it be too late?"

"I don't know. It's hard to say."


During the time between Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling's conversation, the team that had fallen behind finally managed to kill the people who ambushed them.

Of course, they paid a great price, and their bodies were covered with scars. Fortunately, no one died.

"Well, the casualty situation is better than we expected." Luo Ziyue nodded thoughtfully.

After this baptism of blood, Luo Ziyue and the others identified him as the captain of the fifth detachment finally learned to sum up. Taking advantage of everyone's rest time, he simply made advance arrangements for everyone's future battle arrangements. Of course , and especially made a summary and lessons for this battle.

Chen Fei frowned and listened to his subsequent arrangements, a little distracted, not knowing what he was thinking.

"If everyone is okay, after a 5-minute break, we will move on!"

The long concluding statement can be regarded as ending in everyone's teetering.

Everyone who was physically and mentally exhausted nodded, quickly entered the state of cultivation, and seized every minute and every second to recover their bodies.

Only Fade Chen was still sitting there stupidly, distracted.

"Fade Chen, I see you are in a daze all the time, what are you thinking?" The captain of the fifth detachment took advantage of this time to walk up to Fade Chen, bumped his shoulder, and asked in a low voice.

Fade Chen was shocked, "Huh?"

"I ask you what are you thinking? Thinking so preoccupied?"

Seeing Fade Chen obviously absent-minded, the captain of the fifth team frowned deeply.

"No. I'm just thinking, I just made such a move when I set off, and I don't know what's waiting for us after that?"

Fade Chen smiled honestly, the worry in his eyes was obvious.

Hearing what he said, the captain of the fifth detachment also showed a worried expression, looking into the distance, "Yes! This experience may be more difficult than we imagined, but I don't know what the other teams are doing. Is the situation the same as ours?"

"It is estimated that everyone is about the same!"

"Hey, don't think about it so much, just take it one step at a time! Pull yourself up, it's so decadent. The more difficult it is, the more you have to go head-on!"

After the simple sorrow, the captain of the fifth detachment immediately showed his usual smile, full of blood and excitement.Full of affection.

Patting Fade Chen on the shoulder, he turned and walked towards the other side.

Watching his back gradually walking away, Fade Chen showed a rare sharp look in his eyes, which was very inconsistent with his appearance. It seemed that all the captains of the fifth detachment who noticed it turned around and looked at him in a little surprise.

A simple and honest smile appeared on Fade Chen's face, and he asked in confusion, "Captain, what's wrong?"


The fifth captain smiled, turned his head suspiciously, could it be that his feeling was wrong?
He clearly felt a murderous aura coming from behind him just now, but the moment he turned around, it disappeared strangely.

After thinking about it for a while, the fifth captain who didn't come up with any clues threw this question to the back of his mind. Anyway, if someone really wanted to kill him, there would be a second time, and he would know what was going on then. up.

He clapped his palms, "Okay, everyone pack up and get ready to go!"

Before the words were finished, suddenly, a commotion came from behind them, and from time to time there was the humming of monsters, which sounded like—wild boar!
"A strong enemy is coming, be alert quickly!"

"What? Damn, we must not have read the almanac when we went out today, or is it because we all have the word bad engraved on our foreheads?"

All the people immediately woke up from the cultivation, and the overwhelming troubles caused many people to complain and their morale was low.

(End of this chapter)

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