Chapter 273 Who is the traitor 4
"It's not so bad, it's better to say that it's the opportunity God gave us to sharpen. Only a real man who has experienced the baptism of life and death is a real man. Could it be that you are afraid? Such a little difficulty will knock you down ?"

The fifth captain stared, and looked at the person in front of him with dignity, "If this is the case, I advise you to leave as soon as possible and withdraw from our lore, otherwise, I'm afraid you will insult the prestige of the word lore! "

"Lore, lore! Absolute kill! Desperate kill! Kill kill kill!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill it! It's bloody! Kill it! We're not cowards, kill! Kill! Kill!"

Instantly ignited.Love, let everyone hold up the weapons in their hands and shouted in unison.

The morale that was condensed into a wave suddenly turned into a murderous aura and rushed to the sky, with the determination to kill.

This made Luo Ziyue, who had always been slightly disappointed in them, show a look of satisfaction in her eyes, but someone in the team's face suddenly became gloomy, and her eyes were slightly lowered to block the murderous look in his eyes.

bang bang bang...

A huge earthquake came from the ground, and the sound of footsteps was like thunder, knocking on their bodies.

Holding a sharp sword in his hand, he stared sharply ahead.

Soon, a group of wild boars with their fangs open appeared in their sight, and the dust was flying.

An unstoppable murderous aura struck towards them.

"No, it's a wild boar. Be vigilant, everyone, pay attention to teamwork, don't mess up the team, don't panic!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Looking at the wild boars surrounding them, an extremely difficult battle kicked off.

Chen Fei stretched out his hand to kill the wild boar around him fiercely, and his moves landed on the vital parts of the wild boar, gradually getting involved in the wild boar.

One was dealing with four wild boars at the same time, and his body was already dripping with blood.

The fifth captain turned his head and saw such a situation at the moment, shouted, and quickly moved to his side to support, "Fade Chen, are you okay?"

"Captain, why are you here? It's dangerous here, find a way to get out!"

The moment Fade Chen turned his head, he saw the fifth captain who was attacking the wild boar with his back turned to him, his eyes flickered slightly, and his face showed an anxious expression.

"Didn't I tell you? I told you to pay attention to teamwork. Why did you come out alone?" The fifth captain took a sneaky look at Fade Chen and asked angrily.

Fade Chen had a sneering smile on his honest face: "I was too excited to kill at the moment, I didn't pay attention to this, and when I found out, it was already like this!"

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, let's kill it first, there are too many wild boars here, we have to solve it quickly!"

Seeing what Fade Chen said, Captain Fifth couldn't say anything more, so he turned his head and concentrated on dealing with the wild boar in front of him.

The two cooperated very tacitly, killing countless wild boars in a short time, the two seemed to have established a kind of trust imperceptibly, and they were completely able to hand over each other's backs to each other, and the battle went smoothly.

Suddenly, Fade Chen staggered and rushed towards the herd of wild boars.

In a hurry, the fifth captain stretched out his hand to pull him, but was suddenly pushed out by an invisible force. Caught off guard, he fell straight down among the wild boars, and was instantly trampled by the coming wild boars. Underfoot, "Help, help!"

A scream came from his mouth.

Yun Ling made a gesture to save him, but was stopped by Luo Ziyue, "Don't worry, wait and see!"

"I thought you couldn't wait to ask me to save him!" Yunling heard Luo Ziyue say this, and immediately rested beside her, looking at her curiously, "Judging from his previous performance, he He can be regarded as a talent, do you really have the heart to watch him lose his life?"

"Don't worry, he won't die for a while."

Luo Ziyue stared intently at the development below, watching the abnormal calmness of the fifth captain who was deeply trapped in the herd of wild boars.

The fifth captain fought hard against the wild boar, and his hidden eyes turned towards Fade Chen from time to time. If it wasn't for her current direction, which happened to be facing him, she would have been fooled by his acting skills. It seems that, He still became suspicious of Fade Chen.

"Captain!" The others shouted when they discovered this situation.

He pretended to rush towards him, but he stopped him: "Don't act rashly, these wild boars are coming fiercely, and it's not easy to act alone, otherwise, unnecessary casualties will be caused. Don't worry about me. If I sacrifice, You just help me to convey a message to the leader, I didn't lose face to the lore!"

"Captain, if you want to die, you will die together, if you want to live, you will live together. Just wait, we will come to save you!"

"Brothers, it's a pleasure to meet you..."

"Captain, what are you talking about so sadly? You are waiting for labor and management to come and save you!"

Fade Chen saw that he looked like he was parting from life and death, and his whole body seemed to be beaten even more fiercely. He beat five levels and passed six generals along the way, and approached him step by step.

"Fade Chen, you..." The fifth captain looked at Fade Chen choked with sobs, and turned his head unbearably, as if wiping away his tears, "Brothers, kill these bastards and break a bloody road!


Facing the sudden turn of the situation below, Yun Ling frowned slightly, and looked at Luo Ziyue in puzzlement, "This, what is this situation?"

Yun Ling didn't see the fifth captain's eyes, so he couldn't understand what they were talking about for a while.

"This guy's intuition is indeed very sensitive, but his methods are still a little immature. Anyone with a little bit of experience can see his intentions, but..."

Luo Ziyue hesitated to speak.

What happened made Yunling's heart fluctuate, and he was very upset.

"What do you mean? My friend, can we finish talking at once?"

"Yes, but I don't know what to say, don't tell me, you can see, what are they doing?"

"I can probably see a little bit, but I don't understand it. I obviously want to take this opportunity to put him to death, why all of a sudden..."

Yun Ling frowned slightly. He didn't know that Captain Fifth had already become suspicious of Fade Chen. This series of actions was just to test him.

"He had doubts about his identity. Before that, Fade Chen's eyes were too naked. It aroused the suspicion of the fifth captain!"

"You mean...he has a really big appetite, so he won't be too greedy to bite?"

Yunling sighed and looked at the people below, and had to say that Luo Ziyue's guess was very correct, the explosive power of the fifth captain was far beyond their imagination, and even much stronger than they imagined.

Of course, Fade Chen also performed very well in this battle, and there were a lot of remarkable things in it.

"Potential is really inspired in life and death!"

(End of this chapter)

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