Chapter 274 Who is the traitor 5
"Who says it's not! This battle is still worth looking forward to!"

Luo Ziyue chuckled, obviously, she was very satisfied with their performance so far.

"I just don't know, what will he do next?"

"You won't know until you wait and see, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!"

Luo Ziyue leaned lazily on the branch, squinting her eyes slightly to look at the bright sky, the golden light penetrated through the gaps in the branches, shining dappledly on her body, very warm.

After finishing off the last wild boar, the fifth captain finally couldn't hold back and fell down, lying on the ground, gasping for breath, "Brothers, take a breath, let's continue to set off, after walking out of this bloody place, Find a place to rest!"

"Captain, are you alright?"

Seeing him like this, the other people ran over quickly, helped him up from the ground, looked at him covered in blood, and asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I've always been very lucky. I won't be able to die for a while. It's just that my physical strength is too exhausted. I'm so tired that I don't even have the strength to move!"

The fifth captain smiled heartily, and with the help of his companions, he began to practice with his legs crossed to recover his strength.

Seeing him like this, the other people consciously took turns staying by his side.

After recovering a little bit of physical strength, the fifth captain woke up from the practice. Looking at the brothers guarding him, he felt grateful for a while, "Brothers, let's move on! The smell of blood here is too strong, I I'm worried that other monsters will be attracted, so it's better to leave as soon as possible!"

"Captain, do you really not want to take more rest?"

"This is a place of right and wrong, so it's not suitable to stay for a long time. We'd better leave as soon as possible, but this time I'm afraid we have to let you go ahead and lead the way!"

The fifth captain frowned, skimmed over the wild boar carcasses everywhere, and looked at the others with an apologetic tone. He knew that as the captain, he was obliged to lead the way ahead, but this time his body had just recovered some strength, so let's go. There is no sufficient adaptability after the accident in the front.

"Captain, why are you being polite to us! Come on, let's move on! Let's advance and retreat together!"

A group of people supported each other and walked step by step towards the depths of the monster forest. They were in a mess, but they couldn't stop the smiles on their faces.

The two consecutive life and death fights aroused the deepest bloodthirsty in their hearts.

If it wasn't for their physical condition, they would have wished to have another bloody kill.

They felt a bit of beauty and joy during the slaughter, as if the long-suppressed negative emotions had been released.

"It seems that everyone's emotions are very high! Has it been a long time since you killed so happily?"

"Hahaha... I suddenly understood, why do I like the profession of mercenary? It is indeed very enjoyable, very thrilling, but exciting."

"It allows us to bring out our manhood in life and death."

"Adventure, bloody, fighting... have fun!"

"If it wasn't for my lack of physical strength, I would really like to kill one more time. People live in this world just to have fun!"

"These two fights have made you understand a lot of truths. It seems that you have figured out a lot of things that you don't have the same or want to understand?"

The fifth captain looked at the brothers around him with a smile, and was very happy for them.

"Captain, why did you think of joining our lore mercenary group? With your ability, you should be able to join other mercenary groups!"

"That's right! The benefits of other mercenary regiments must be better than ours. It's really a waste if you don't go!"

"Cut! What do you know? No matter how good the welfare is, you have to live to enjoy it. What's more, what I value most is the unity and super cohesion of our lore. This is much more important to me than those welfare benefits." Yes, there are always various struggles within other mercenary groups, and I have to be careful every day. This is not the life I want. I don't like to spend my energy on dealing with my own people. Killing and growing together, is it a very **** and awesome thing?"

"Wow, captain, you old and cunning fox, you think far enough."

"However, it's really interesting to hear what the captain said! In the future, when we develop into the first mercenary regiment, we can be regarded as veterans. Just thinking about it is awesome!"

"That's right! We have to take a long-term view. Meeting a group of brothers who live and die together is not an easy thing!"

Listening to their conversation, Yunling suddenly looked at Luo Ziyue with strange eyes, she was bewildered.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"This captain is not sent by you to brainwash them, right? Why do I look at him as if he is brainwashing the group of fools around him?"

"What do you know, this is called charisma, understand?"

"It's really narcissistic!"

"Narcissistic? It's true."

Luo Ziyue smiled with an inscrutable expression on her face. It seemed that the fifth captain was indeed a bit smart, and he could think of brainwashing his subordinates at this time, and the timing was very accurate.

"Fade Chen, what are you thinking? Why don't you speak?"

Suddenly, Captain Fifth set his eyes on Fade Chen who had been silent all this time, and asked curiously.

"That's right! Fade Chen, you've been very abnormal since you entered this monster forest."

"Usually, he always talks and laughs with us, but today he is exceptionally silent."

"Are you stressed out?"

Hearing Captain Fifth's words, the others turned their attention to Fade Chen at the end of the line, looked at him with concern, and asked questions in a hurry.

Looking at these sincere faces, a struggle flashed in the depths of Fade Chen's eyes, but he quickly returned to calm, with a usual smile on his simple and honest face, "Hey, it's really a bit stressful, isn't it Is it your first mission? It’s inevitable that you will be a little nervous.”

"No! Why do I remember that you had experience as a mercenary before, and you should have gotten used to this kind of life a long time ago, why are you still nervous?"

"In the past, there were some small tasks. This is the first time for such an assessment task like today. I still feel a little uneasy in my heart. I always feel that something bad will happen." Fade Chen wrinkled his face and worked hard. Organized the language carefully, expressing the feeling in his heart.

"The bow of the ship is straight, don't think too much about it, I think the team leader has already taken precautions or measures for the problems we may face next, we don't need to worry too much, just be ourselves , take advantage of this opportunity to kill yourself, and sharpen yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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