Chapter 275 Who is the traitor 6
"I hope so. Well, sometimes, you're better off than you are, and who knows?"

Fade Chen raised his head and let out a long sigh.

"Chen Fei, tell me, you can be regarded as an upright man! Suddenly you become so sentimental, what is the difference with girls! We must maintain passion and hope for our tomorrow, don't be so overthinking After that, cringe."

The fifth captain really couldn't understand his sad age, so in order to avoid being spoiled by him, he had to stand up and say a few words.

"Actually, everyone is under pressure. One of the most wonderful things in life is that you never know what will happen in the next second. Only in this way, we will always be full of expectations and fantasies, isn't it? People live forever, there is always death One day, the most important thing is to have no regrets!"

"Wow, captain, you really impress us, you speak chicken soup for the soul, it sounds so reasonable!"

"Don't laugh at me, am I right? Fate, if you look at this thing too seriously, it will bind our hands and feet, and we will be timid. On the contrary, it will be easier to put ourselves in danger. It's better to throw it away and have a good time Do it quickly! Even if we die someday, we have at least experienced it, without complaint or regret."

"Well, what you said makes sense. I was also a little worried at first, but after hearing what the captain said, I seem to understand a little bit!"

"Let's walk around in style! Don't think about so many unnecessary things, Fade Chen, just relax your mind. We have to trust the leader and Xiaosha!"

"It's true that I'm narrow-minded. Hearing what you say, I feel much better!"

Chen Fei smiled foolishly, the solemnity in his eyes faded a lot, and he chatted with them without saying a word.

A group of people walked for a long time before they found a relatively spacious and seemingly safe place and stopped to rest.

Since several of them were seriously injured, they were all in a hurry to treat their wounds, and no one cared about looking for food.

"I see, are you all hungry!? Why don't I go find some food and firewood for everyone?" Fade Chen stood up automatically and shared everyone's worries.

" ask the captain if he has any other arrangements. If not, let's pass by!"

The others looked at each other, and tacitly set their eyes on the captain of the fifth team. Feeling everyone's attention, the fifth team leader who was practicing opened his eyes and looked towards them in surprise: "Why? Is it? Has something happened?"

"Captain, do you have any other arrangements? If not, Fade Chen wants to go and bring us back some game and firewood!"

"Uh, are you alone?" The fifth captain asked Fade Chen, looking at him.

"Well, the other brothers are all busy, and I'm the only one who has the most free time!" Fade Chen couldn't help but nodded when he saw that the others were busy and busy, and explained.

" are alone, I don't worry, if something happens, no one will know. Did you pick up a few wild boars when you came here just now?" The fifth captain thought for a while, and was very serious. Looking at Fade Chen, he disapproved of his proposal very much.

Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, did not speak, but focused on other people.

"I left in a hurry just now, but I forgot about it. I didn't bring it with me. Did you bring it?"

After asking around, everyone forgot about eating, and they didn't take the wild boar's body away, but took care of the monsters in the forest.

There are so many wild boars, enough for them to eat a meal or two!

"Captain, I'll just search around here. Nothing will happen. Even if something really happened, if I yell out, you'll hear me?" Seeing this, Fade Chen assured the fifth captain again and again. .

The fifth captain, who hesitated for a long time, finally nodded reluctantly.

"Then don't run away. If something happens, you can shout at the top of your voice. As soon as we hear it, we will go over to support you immediately!"

"Captain, don't worry, I'll handle things! Nothing can go wrong!"

Chen Fei smiled, his figure flashed, and quickly disappeared into the jungle without a trace. Looking at his leaving figure, other people showed a look of worry on their faces, "Captain, is it really okay for Chen Fei to be alone? ? What if something happens?"

"How do I know what to do? I want him not to go, look at his attitude just now, will he listen? Of course not, I can only pray for him silently at this time, if my physical condition does not allow it , I really want to go with him, so as not to suffer so much!"

In fact, as soon as Fade Chen left like this, Captain Fifth regretted it. It's just that his body hasn't recovered yet, and blindly following up would only drag Fade Chen back, so he didn't say a word and said to go with him.

Fade Chen, who left alone, got into the jungle and lowered his head to study the surrounding environment very seriously, as if he was looking for something.

After some searching, I finally found a relatively hidden symbol somewhere in the grass.

The whole person rushed over, stepped into the symbol, and after turning around in the same place for a few times, the whole person disappeared from sight strangely, which made Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling who were hiding in the dark stand up in shock in an instant, He fixed his eyes on the place where Fade Chen disappeared, and frowned.

"Fade Chen, he, he..." Yunling stared in astonishment, and opened his mouth slightly in disbelief.

Luo Ziyue's indifferent face was full of indifference, her deep eyes suddenly turned cold, she stared sharply at the place where Fade Chen disappeared, and waved at Yun Ling, "Don't act rashly for now, I believe he will appear again It seems that next, we have to be more vigilant and cheer up."

"No, I seem to have seen this method of his disappearance somewhere, and it is very familiar, but I just can't remember it for a while!"

Yun Ling stared thoughtfully at the place where Fade Chen disappeared, and slowly looked at the hands in Luo Ziyue's sight, lowering his head and trying hard to recall.

"How is it? Did you think of anything?" Seeing him looking towards her, Luo Ziyue couldn't help asking expectantly.

Yunling pursed her lips and shook her head regretfully: "No, I can't remember it for a while, but I'm sure I should have seen the same scene somewhere, but this time I suddenly can't remember..."

"Then think about it again, where did you see it? I'm afraid what we will do now is to confirm Fade Chen's identity first, to see if he is as simple as we knew before. Trouble!!"

Luo Ziyue didn't expect that Fade Chen was more complicated than what they knew, as if he was suddenly caught in some kind of mystery and couldn't solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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