Chapter 277 Who is the traitor 8
There is a rare shrewdness in his eyes, and he doesn't mind at all whether he will anger the adults in front of him by saying this.

Even if his relatives are in his hands, he doesn't care at all.

He thought that even if his parents knew about it, they would surely understand his choice at the moment.

Like their mercenaries, the most important thing they care about is reputation. Once his reputation is ruined, he will basically forget about being a mercenary in his life. No mercenary regiment would dare to accept a mercenary who is used to tripping up his mercenaries. Mercenaries, everyone is afraid of being stabbed in the back by someone they trust.

"I can't tell, you're still a guy with backbone!"

There was no human emotion in the calm voice, but Fade Chen vaguely felt that he seemed to be mocking him.

"Bones are not counted. I am also a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. It's just that I suddenly understand what I want!"

"I want to see how hard your mouth is! You are the first one who dares to talk to me like that!"

The man in black laughed sinisterly, and grabbed Fade Chen with five fingers.

A huge suction force pulled Fade Chen closer to him step by step. Fade Chen gritted his teeth and silently resisted this strong suction force.

However, no matter how he resisted, it was difficult to break free from his palm.

"We have no reason to kill the mercenary group. Why did you join forces with the blood-devouring mercenary group to deal with us? Trying to put us to death!" Fade Chen looked at the man in black very puzzled, and shouted he shouted.

"When do I need to tell you a reason for doing something! If I say it, I just don't like your mercenary group's displeasure. Is this reason enough?"

The dark voice of the man in black sounded like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, ready to deal a fatal blow to the enemy at any time.

"Not enough, if you just look at our mercenary group unhappy, with your strength, you can eliminate us with a wave of your hand, so why bother, you are obviously doing this because you don't want others to see your attempt, trying to use the blood-devouring mercenary The Corps is covering up your existence, you are our lore enemy!?"

I have to say that under the danger, Fade Chen's brain is much easier to use, obviously turning faster than usual.

"There is a saying, have you heard it?"


"The more you know, the faster you die!"

"Cut! I don't think you'll let me go. I'm going to die anyway. It's better to be an innocent ghost than to die in a daze."

"It's a pity, no matter how you look at it, you can be regarded as a talent. I really can't bear to just solve you like this! Tell me, what if I take away your sanity and make you my puppet?"

Even though layers of black clouds were separated, Fade Chen still felt a horrifying gaze falling on him.

That look at the prey made his hair stand on end.

"you you you……"

"Hahaha... Do you know you're afraid? Unfortunately, it's too late!"

The sinister laughter echoed in Chen Fei's ears, and he suddenly regretted that he didn't tell Shi Sha the truth when he found him. With Shi Sha's intelligence, he must know what he should do , is the most suitable for him.

It's just that there are all kinds of medicine in this world, but there is no such thing as regret medicine.

Waves of pain came from Fade Chen's mind. He resisted the encroachment of the mysterious man in black with all his strength, and wanted to retain a trace of reason. He had already made a wrong choice, and he must not make any more mistakes. His meridians twitched, and he fell to the ground, his body twitched and foaming at the mouth. From a distance, he looked like he had been poisoned by some kind of poison, and he groaned from time to time.

Suddenly, the fifth team leader who was not far from him suddenly stood up from the ground, and his body was in a trance due to excessive force.

Seeing him like this, the others stood up one after another, "Captain, what's the matter? What happened?"

"I really wanted to hear Fade Chen's voice just now. From the sound of his voice, he really wanted to be in great pain. No, I'm going to find him. Don't stop me. This time I have to go no matter what, he will definitely Something went wrong!"

The fifth captain's face was determined for a while. Although he felt that Fade Chen's actions today were abnormal and suspicious, but before he was sure, he couldn't let him have an accident.

Chen Fei, who was drowning in pain, raised his head and looked at the anxious fifth captain with great difficulty, his eyes were full of remorse, he shouldn't, he shouldn't...

He was the one who harmed them. Thinking of what they might face in the future, he wished he could kill himself.

However, before he could make a move, the man in black had already noticed it.

"What? Do you regret telling me about your actions and putting your brothers who you care about in danger? Hehe... I really want you to see how miserable they are afterwards, don't think they will be alive and well Otherwise, after a while, they will become puppets like you, under my control!"

"You have to die badly, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

When Fade Chen heard his words, a certain kind of determination flashed in his eyes, and he jumped up to the ground, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, attacking the man in black sharply. The man in black was frightened by his actions. Slightly startled, he quickly reacted, subconsciously slapping his palm on his body.

In an instant, Fade Chen flew out straight like a kite with a broken string. Even though he was seriously injured, he still controlled his body and threw it towards the fifth captain. He didn't believe that this thing could really cut off some resistance .

No matter what, he has to fight.

Facts have proved that the god of luck is on Fade Chen's side.

His body was slammed on the fifth captain's body fiercely, and a group of people were hit by his sudden body and fell to the ground.


"Hey, Fade Chen..."

"What's wrong with you, Fade Chen? What happened to you? How did you become like this?"

Hearing their caring voices, Fade Chen had a faint smile on his face. He pulled the corner of his mouth with great difficulty, and said apologetically, "Brothers, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this place is dangerous... Hurry up, go Notified to..."

Before Fade Chen could speak, the man in black appeared in front of them strangely, "Want them to report? It's too late..."

"It's them……"

Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling, who were hiding in the dark, were stunned by this accident and froze in place for an instant, holding their breath, not daring to act rashly.

"What do you want to do now?"

No one knows Luo Ziyue's resentment towards them better than Yunling. Without them, she wouldn't have to separate from Shi Tianjue at all, and even if she did, it wouldn't be so soon.

"He is not something you can deal with, no matter what happens, don't expose yourself easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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