Chapter 278 Who is the traitor 9
Luo Ziyue explained to Yun Ling with a solemn expression.

"What do you want to do? I can't deal with him. Are you confident enough to deal with him?"

Yun Ling's face turned cold in an instant, and he squinted his eyes slightly to look at Luo Ziyue, his eyes were full of thoughts, and his displeasure was obvious.

"At least it's more certain than yours. You stay here, don't make trouble, and watch them."

Luo Ziyue smiled slyly. Seeing Yun Ling's daring to speak out, it was very amusing. Her condensed eyes faded a little, and her eyes swept across his body, quietly falling on the two facing each other not far away. On the partner's body, his head was spinning rapidly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? I warn you, don't be foolish, we are all protected!"

The fifth captain handed Chen Fei over to the hands of other team members. He slowly stood up from the ground, looked at the man in black with a serious face, his eyes were dignified, and his vigilant eyes swept around, as if he suddenly thought of something. He warned the man in black very righteously.

"Really? I also want to know, where are the people who protect you? I am looking forward to meeting them."

The man in black stared at the fifth captain with eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, his evil voice sounded with a hint of chill, he slowly raised his hands, a gust of wind hit, and the dust on the ground was blown up.

The fifth captain quickly drew out the sharp sword in his hand, pointed at the man in black with the edge of the spiritual power, and looked at him warily.

"Captain, captain, be careful, he, he is very powerful, we may not be his opponent!"

With the support of everyone, Fade Chen slowly stood up, and a weak voice sounded behind the fifth captain. Looking at him, the doubt and incomprehension in his eyes are very obvious.

"Even if you're not his opponent, you'll have to fight to find out!"

As Chen Fei said, the fifth captain is also very clear about the difference between him and the person in front of him.However, it is impossible for him to lose without a fight.

"Haha... For the sake of your self-knowledge, I'll give you a few more minutes to say goodbye to life and death. Otherwise, if you miss the opportunity, you probably won't have the chance to chat quietly again." The vanity of the man in black My heart was satisfied for a moment, and I said arrogantly.

"Hmph! Don't talk so deadly. There is no end to the matter. It's hard to say who lives and who dies. Haven't you heard a word called a miracle?" The fifth captain couldn't understand the arrogance of the man in black. , said without fear of death.

"Miracle? Are you still counting on someone to save you?" The man in black looked at the fifth captain in disbelief as if he had heard the big joke, and said contemptuously.

"I believe that our team leader will not give up on us!" The fifth captain looked at Wish with certainty and said.

Vaguely, Luo Ziyue felt something called faith.

She didn't expect them to trust Peng Wu so much, and they planned to kill the mercenary group.

"I want to see who will rescue you today!"

The man in black suddenly changed his subject, looked at the fifth captain fiercely, bent his fingers slightly, and a huge suction fell on the fifth captain, dragging his body step by step towards the black-clothed captain. The person swept away, and his feet drew two long marks on the ground.

"Captain!" A cry came out from the mouths of the team members behind him.

The fifth captain turned his head with great difficulty, staring at them sharply, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't make any sound: "Quick retreat! Quick!"

"The rest of you take Fade Chen and leave first, captain, I'll save you!"

Suddenly, the big man in the team stood up with red eyes, with the man in black on his back, a huge palm wind shot from his palm, landed on the bodies of the people in front of him, pushing them towards him, Try to help them out of the immediate predicament.

"No, we won't leave. We are brothers, we must live together, and we must die together."

"Now is not the time to talk about brotherhood, we don't need to make unnecessary sacrifices, you guys go!"

"I'm the captain, now I order you to take Fade Chen to evacuate quickly, otherwise, those who violate the order will be eliminated."

The fifth captain looked at the people who were arguing endlessly, and a calm voice came out of his mouth.

Fade Chen, who was silent for a long time, suddenly separated the brother who was supporting him, "Captain, you are right, we don't need to sacrifice all of us here, if this is the case, it is too worthwhile, you leave first and find other brothers , tell them that there is a powerful enemy in ambush, waiting to devour us, so they should be careful!"

"how about you?"

"I broke the matter, so I naturally want to stay. The situation is urgent now, everyone stop moaning!"

Fade Chen said decisively.While speaking, he threw the two people around him out.

During their discussion, the man in black didn't interrupt their dispute. Suddenly, a chuckle came from his nasal cavity.

"I said, you people are really like a bitch, didn't your regiment leader tell you what the enemy needs to do now? Also, it seems that the decision whether you live or die is in my hands Come on, without my permission, I will see if any of you dare to leave casually!"

While speaking, his sharp palm shot out.


A huge force was slowly swallowed by him, and a scream came from behind Fade and the others.

"Little five!"

Everyone watched in astonishment that Xiao Wu's body turned into a mummy little by little in their sight, before he had time to struggle, he instantly turned into ashes and disappeared from the world.

An unprecedented emotion emerged in their hearts.

Seeing their companions die in front of them, they were helpless.

Obviously the enemy is right in front of them, but they have no ability to fight at all. For the first time, they understand what powerlessness is.

In the past, no matter what kind of enemy they faced, they still had a chance to fight with all their might, but what about now?
"Brothers, since you can't escape, let's fight!"

A mournful voice came from the mouth of the fifth captain, and the next second he saw his whole body attacking the man in black.

"Brothers, come on! Let's fight them! Anyway, we're going to die anyway, so why not kill them casually for a while!"

Seeing this, the others drew their swords and attacked the man in black.

Not to be outdone, entangled with the man in black.

The difference in strength caused quite a few people to be slapped away by the man in black. I don’t know if the death of Xiao Wu stimulated them. Even though they were seriously injured, they still jumped from the ground without fear of death. Then, he started to kill the man in black again, with the determination to die together.

(End of this chapter)

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