Chapter 285 Retreat 3
"Head, why haven't you heard about such a big matter before?"

"Didn't I say it? This is the top secret of our lore, and it cannot be spread."

Peng Wu clapped his hands and interrupted their twitter discussion, "I have brought you here today to tell you something, all those who join our lore need to take an oath to recognize the Lord, of course, if you don't want to It doesn’t matter if you are the Lord, those who recognize the Lord stand on the right, and those who don’t want to recognize the Lord stand on the left.”

"What will happen if we deny the Lord?"

Everyone looked at each other hesitantly, standing where they were not in a hurry to make a statement. Suddenly, someone asked Peng Wu with a loud voice.

"Kill without mercy!"

Before Peng Wu could speak, Luo Ziyue had already spoken for him. Seeing the astonishment on their faces, she couldn't help smiling.

"Why are you surprised? To tell you the truth, Qingyun and I were actually sent by Miss Luo to help you improve your strength faster."

"Don't worry, Miss Luo said that all the brothers who join our lore can enjoy the treatment that outsiders can't enjoy."

"What are the specific benefits, after you recognize the Lord, you will naturally understand!"

"Do we have any other options?"

They never thought about confessing the Lord.

This will suddenly make them recognize the Lord, even if it is a rumored famous celebrity, psychologically speaking, it is still difficult for them to accept it.

"If I understand correctly, for the time being, you have no other way to survive except to recognize the Lord. Tell me, right? Commander."

Luo Ziyue shrugged regretfully, turned her head to look at Peng Wu, and took him out of the water as a matter of course.

The expression that I'm just explaining to you again made him very speechless.

"Yes. Even if we can let you live, I am afraid that the enemy will not let you live. From the moment you choose to join us in the lore, you have already branded our mark on your body. The reason why Lore never randomly recruits new players.”

Peng Wu saw that many people were still hesitant to make a decision, and while writing down their names, he did not forget to remind them: "I believe that everyone has already understood what happened this time. The people who came here are secretly protecting us, I think, you should all be reporting from the Palace of the King of Hades."

"The person who attacked us this time is Miss Luo's enemy?"

Hearing Peng Wu's words, when the team was about to perish, the sudden changes in the enemy's body appeared in everyone's minds, allowing them to save a life from the hands of the god of death. Even thinking about it now, they still feel a little scared.

"Not really, to be precise, it should be regarded as the cannon fodder they sent. Naturally, I don't need to remind you of the strength of the enemy. With such a powerful enemy chasing after us, we will naturally do our best to help you faster and better Improve your strength."

"From the moment labor and capital decided to participate in the lore, labor and capital are life and death are lore killers! Being able to follow Miss Luo is a blessing that labor and capital have cultivated in their previous lives, and they must not be missed. This master, I admit it !"

The fifth team leader bravely stood out from the crowd and resolutely chose to stand on the right. Seeing this, other members of the fifth team followed him and stood on the right side, "And us, the master recognizes us well. , with Miss Luo as our support, our future must not be underestimated."

With their leadership, the subsequent recognition of the Lord obviously went much smoother.

Through this period of getting along, everyone has already developed feelings, and naturally they are reluctant to lose their lives in the choice.

All the people chose to stand on the right, and Peng Wu had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's not delay, let's start the ceremony of acknowledging the Lord."

After the master recognition ceremony was over, Luo Ziyue obviously felt that there was a certain relationship between her and them. After such a major event was implemented, Peng Wu's heart suddenly became more at ease, and he didn't see him move. A row of pills contained in white jade bottles came out.

"Next, I will give each of you a elixir for purifying the marrow. Before I say, take it, don't act rashly. Take it together. The process may be a bit uncomfortable. Just bear it. good."

As soon as Peng Wu's words fell, the hall was silent. Everyone looked at him dully, as if they hadn't woken up from his words.

Seeing them like this, the corners of Luo Ziyue's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a faint smile, and she remained silent without speaking.

Peng Wu, on the other hand, turned his head in embarrassment, pretended to have a sore throat, and coughed lightly. Only then did everyone realize that the hall exploded in an instant, chattering and chattering, very excited and excited, and more difficult confidence.

"Wash the essence and cut the marrow? Captain, is what you said true? You can't lie to me, right?"

"Exactly! This elixir for purifying the essence and cutting the marrow is priceless now, and it is hard to buy with a thousand dollars!"

"If I had known, with this kind of benefits, what would we do? Resolutely recognize the master! Miss Luo, you are indeed a pharmacist. This pill seems to be free of money. Captain, if we get two to buy, how can we buy it?" Didn't it happen?"

"Do you think that this elixir was washed by the flood? You must know that such a small one is the medicinal material that Miss Luo spent countless efforts to get together. In order to refine these elixir for you, she But it took a lot of effort, day and night refining to rush out!"

Peng Wu couldn't help reprimanding them when he heard their outrageous words.

"Hey, head, do you know where Ms. Luo and the others are now? There are rumors that she and King Ning seem to have disappeared!" The person with a good cause boldly asked while hiding in the crowd.

Although the other people didn't have the guts to ask questions, they also looked curious.

"Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask. Whether it's big or small, where is Miss Luo going? Is it something you should care about? We just need to do our own work well. Other things shouldn't be yours." Don’t worry about it, don’t ask, don’t think about it.”

Peng Wu's face darkened in an instant, and he reprimanded them very seriously, without the previous playfulness on his face.

"I warn you, today's matter is strictly forbidden to spread. If you let us know that someone secretly spread it, don't blame me for not being sympathetic and implicating innocent people." Peng Wu patiently emphasized to them again and again, "You It's better to let it rot into my stomach, don't give me a drink and pour everything out, and don't fuck up when I get on the bed, I don't have a score, I lost my life in vain, and implicated my family .”

"Well, Captain Peng, I hope you can take this matter to everyone's heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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