Chapter 286 Retreat 4
"To avoid making everyone's faces look bad because of your temporary mistakes!" Luo Ziyue nodded beside her, emphasizing in support.

If they knew that she was Luo Ziyue, how should they feel?
Even though she was here, she had to treat her as another person to emphasize this matter.

"Well, yes. This is what I want to tell you today. If you have no other questions, you can take the pill in your hand. In order to prevent everyone from thinking too much, I will take this pill with you medicine!"

Peng Wu casually poured a elixir from a white jade bottle on the side and put it in his mouth. He sat cross-legged in front of them, closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation, and the others also took the elixirs in their hands one after another. Anyway, they have already recognized the master, even if there is something wrong with the pill, they have also recognized it.

For the sake of temporary willfulness, I missed the good luck given by God.

In their current situation, they simply missed the village and there would be no such stop.

Sure enough, as Peng Wu said, shortly after taking the elixir, bursts of pain came from the body, the bones seemed to be smashed, and the meridians twitched non-stop, making their faces pale. It was distorted and hideous, and he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards Peng Wu who was in the front, and found that his condition was no different from theirs, and even looked a little more serious than theirs.

The uneasiness in my heart quietly faded away, and I was more focused on indulging in cultivation, feeling the pain in my body.

At the same time, carefully feel the changes in the body.

Luo Ziyue stood quietly in front of them, bursts of strange smell came from their bodies, with a slight wave of her palm, her body was instantly untied by the transparent mask, blocking the smell from coming.

When Yun Ling on the roof smelled the strong smell in the air, he almost spit it out in nausea, the smell was too bad.

It's really embarrassing for Miss Luo to guard them every time, enduring the smell that ordinary people can't bear.

After about half a sound, according to the different talents of each person, the impurities contained in the body are different.

One after another, people woke up from their cultivation.

The moment all the people tasted the smell coming from themselves and the smell spreading in the room, their faces changed in tacit agreement.

There is a feeling of being about to be fumigated.

However, the moment he raised his eyes and saw Luo Ziyue guarding them like a pillar, he patiently endured it tacitly.

Waiting for the awakening of others in the house.

For them, time passed extremely slowly, and every minute and every second made them feel like their days were like years.

It wasn't until the last person woke up from the practice that all the people gave a long sigh of relief. Looking at their appearance, Luo Ziyue showed a faint smile on her cold face, and a cold voice sounded in the hall .

"In this short period of time, it seems to me that you all feel like you are living like a year. The reason why you stay here and don't let you clean it in time is because I want to hone your willpower. On the one hand, there are indeed some things that I want to explain to everyone.”

"For some time in the future, I may not be able to be by your side anymore. Miss Luo sent us here this time. Apart from training you, there is another thing I need to do for her. So, that is to say, the future For a period of time, in order to better complete the tasks assigned by Miss Luo, I will enter a fully closed closed-door practice, and the time is not fixed. During this period of my retreat, I hope that your training will not fall behind. In the knockout round in the near future , I hope to see each of you shine on the competition stage, and I believe that with this cleansing, your cultivation will be more effective with half the effort."

"Xiao Cha, when do you plan to start retreat? Brother Qingyun also wants to join you?"

"We were still thinking about letting you continue to train us! We didn't expect you to retreat!"

"Xiao Cha, after you leave the closed door, will you stay by your side outside, or will you go to Miss Luo?"

"Xiao Cha, without you and Qingyun around, we will definitely not get used to it, and we will miss you very much!"


Listening to their words, Luo Ziyue felt a little warm in her heart, and patiently listened to their questions, and after everyone had finished asking, she answered in a unified way: "From this When I go out of the gate, I will start a formal closed-door practice. Our future enemies are very powerful. Whether it is you, me and Qingyun, or Miss Luo, we all need to seize every minute and every second of time to practice and strengthen ourselves Only in this way can we remain invincible. In the days to come, I will not be by your side, and I hope to encourage and make progress together with you! I am waiting for you in the future!"

As soon as Luo Ziyue finished speaking, she cast a glance at Peng Wu, who was staring at her in a daze, and disappeared in front of them, and Yun Ling disappeared with him. "Hey, Miss Luo, what is this place?" Yunling looked at the room in front of him curiously, and asked suspiciously.

The spiritual power inside is actually much stronger than outside, and it can be seen that it is indeed a good place for cultivation.

"My private domain, during this time, you can freely move around or practice here, whatever you want, but you can't leave here until I come out of closed-door training."

Luo Ziyue looked at Yun Ling with a smile, and told him his future arrangements.

He was not given any right to refuse.

Even though Ye Ying and the others were not far away from them, there was no way to let him roam freely. Who made her current strength too low?

Insufficient permissions.

"I know, this may make you uncomfortable, but at present, other than this method, you can only choose to stay outside and be with Peng Wu and the others. You can choose freely?"

"I can't go anywhere but here, can I?"

Yun Ling was not too surprised by this arrangement, except for the initial frown, there was no other reaction. After a little thought, she seemed to understand the meaning of Luo Ziyue's words.

"With my current strength, there is no way for you to move around freely. The space I can control is only what you see in front of your eyes!"

Luo Ziyue is not a person who likes to explain, but she still knows that Yun Ling slightly misunderstood her meaning.

So, he made it very straightforward.

"In that case, then I will stay here and retreat with you! You practice alchemy, I practice!"

After understanding the meaning of Luo Ziyue's words, Yunling made a choice without any hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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