The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 291 The Eve of the Pill Competition 5

Chapter 291 The Eve of the Pill Competition 5
"That's right, from my point of view, he just wants to hug Lord Jun's thigh, and wants to go through the back door in the next Danby!"

"If you don't learn well at such a young age, you only think about these side ways, it's really uneducated..."

"Shh, keep your voices down, be careful that he goes to report to Mr. Jun!"


"It seems that this time you not only aroused the dissatisfaction of the women, but also the jealousy of the men, tsk tsk, it's really you!"

Yun Ling listened to the chattering voice in his ears, and looked at Luo Ziyue playfully, with playfulness and gloating on his face.

"Can I understand that you are jealous?"

Luo Ziyue squinted at Yun Ling who was gloating.

"Why do I feel that your courage seems to be getting bigger and bigger, and you don't take me seriously anymore?"

"I've always been quite courageous. If I'm not courageous, how can I be qualified to stand by the master's side? Let alone protect you."

The expression on Yunling's face suddenly restrained, and he looked at Luo Ziyue seriously.

"I've always had you in my heart, really!"


Seeing his serious look, Luo Ziyue couldn't help laughing for a moment, and stretched out her hand to push his face away.

"Stay away from me, don't look at me so affectionately, I don't want others to mistakenly think that I have a habit of cutting off sleeves, and what you said is easy to make people daydream. In the future, words like this kind of confession , you better save it to your beloved girl! I really can't bear it."

Yun Ling's face darkened in an instant, and his dark eyes stared fiercely at Luo Ziyue who was laughing wildly, "Have you laughed enough?"

Luo Ziyue directly ignored Yunling's ugly face, and replied very directly: "No, it's really too funny, too funny."

"Little Yunyun, you are really getting cuter and cuter."

Seeing his face so gloomy that ink could be squeezed out, he couldn't help sighing sincerely.

Yunling took a deep breath, and slowly spit out the grievance in his heart, his gloomy face returned to his previous indifference, and he glanced at Luo Ziyue with cold eyes, "You are really getting more and more unscrupulous, can you still Have fun and have a good chat?"

Sensing the curious gazes from all around, Luo Ziyue suddenly restrained the expression on her face, and looked at him with a light smile.

"What do you think? However, after such a fuss, I feel much better."

"Hmph... don't look anywhere to see who is sacrificing his life to make you happy!"

"Tsk tsk, if you really give you a little sunshine, you will be brilliant?"


Yunling was not talking, but stood quietly in Luo Ziyue's hand, with an indifferent expression, and looked around calmly, time passed little by little, and there were fewer and fewer people standing in front of them, finally it was their turn soon Yes, Luo Ziyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, I heard an old voice asking, "Are you the one Zi Lan said?"

"Uh..." Luo Ziyue turned her head and looked along the source of the sound, only to see the old man who was greeting one after another of the "candidates" to enter the examination room, staring at her, with a glimmer of light in his cloudy eyes from time to time, "should be!"

"I heard that you plan to continue to take the intermediate pharmacist assessment after you have taken the primary pharmacist assessment?"

The old man looked her up and down, as if thinking about something.

"Yes!" Luo Ziyue responded to him, adhering to the good style of answering every question.

Lao Tzu stroked his white beard, didn't speak, just looked at her quietly, and she also stood quietly, letting his eyes look at her.

It took a long time to hear the old man ask: "Intermediate pharmacists are divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced. How many levels can you refine?"

"Elementary is no problem at all, intermediate needs to try!"

"You don't seem to be very old, can you tell me, how old are you?"

"Under sixteen."

Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, not understanding why he asked such detailed questions like checking household registration.

However, judging by the appearance of this old man with a sense of immortality, his identity must not be simple!

"Where did you learn from?"

"Any questions?"

It is true that she hasn't seen her master and senior brother for a while, and she wonders if Danby will meet them this time, but even if she meets them by chance, she has no way to recognize them. They are worried!

Especially senior brother, thinking of this, Luo Ziyue felt a little melancholy, if master and the others caught her, they probably wouldn't let her go so easily!
Presumably there must be a lesson, alas...

"I'm a little curious, I want to know who is so capable to raise such a little monster, and it's already so good at such a young age!" The old man knew Luo Ziyue when he saw Luo Ziyue like this. When I encountered a taboo, I couldn't help laughing, and found myself a step down.

"It's really quite capable!"

Luo Ziyue was not humble at all, she nodded unceremoniously, causing the old man's black hair to slip down, "You really are not a modest girl."

"Excessive modesty is pride!"

"I can't tell you. Do you know how to refine the fourth-order vitality pill?"


"Then just refine the fourth-order vitality pill for me here, and let me see if you are really as powerful as Zilan recommended!"

Without further ado, the old man took Luo Ziyue into the alchemy room.

When she entered, the people who were being assessed inside were concentrating on refining the pill in their hands. Not far from them, there was a separate space separated by a black cloth, and three copies of the vitality pill had already been lined up inside. It can be seen that the medicinal materials are prepared for her.

"There are three raw materials for Yuan Qi Pill here, which means that you have three chances to try to refine Yuan Qi Pill. Once you refine it successfully, you will be directly promoted to intermediate level pharmacist and junior. After a week, come directly to participate in Danby!"

After leaving these words, the old man disappeared into the alchemy room, leaving Luo Ziyue alone in the cubicle prepared for her alone, dazed.

He didn't realize it for a while, and because Yunling was not a pharmacist, he could only wait outside and wait for her, and he was not qualified to enter the alchemy room.

"This old man is really..." Luo Ziyue took a while to understand what the old man's words meant, shook her head helplessly, sat down in front of the alchemy furnace they prepared for her, and sucked a little. With one breath, he exhaled the turbid air in his body, and then he turned his attention to the medicinal materials that had been prepared for her, and began to refine alchemy with a concentrated expression.

Three copies of Yuan Qi Pills are prepared here for her, which means that she has two chances to try to refine the fifth-order Yuan Qi Pill.

She has to fight!
Even if it fails, it doesn't matter, anyway, she can easily grasp the fourth-order vitality pill, and she can succeed once. Instead of this, she might as well try her luck and see if she can successfully refine the fifth-order vitality pill.

(End of this chapter)

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