The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 292 The Eve of the Pill Competition 6

Chapter 292 The Eve of the Pill Competition 6
At the same time, people in another room were watching her every move.

"Master, what exactly do you want?" Clivia frowned slightly, looking at the old man next to him who was staring at the big screen with great interest.

"I want to see what this guy is capable of, that he can make you plead for her uncharacteristically? You know, you are the most troubled by these worldly things on weekdays. Apart from that girl, she is the second Someone who can make you break out of the box."

The old man stared intently at the big screen, carefully observing Luo Ziyue's every move, with a focused face, but he still didn't forget to tease his family, who looked like a nice gentleman, but was actually extremely indifferent Clivia.

"By the way, did you make Mier unhappy again just now? When I saw her coming before, her mouth was raised high, and she looked unhappy."

"What about her?"

When Clivia arrived at the president's office, she didn't see Pei Mi, and he thought she wasn't here!

"I don't know, maybe I hid somewhere and cried secretly!" The old man replied casually.

"Again?" Clivia frowned, grasping the key words in the old man's words extremely sensitively, her warm eyes instantly became sharper, her figure flashed, and she appeared in front of the old man, completely blocking his sight Jing, "Did she hide somewhere and cry secretly before?"

"I said, you are blocking my sight, can you move away a little bit? You don't like him, so you don't care if he cries or not?" The old man raised his head angrily, stretched out his hand and pushed Clivia away, " Zilan, I didn't say you, you said, you are such an old man, why do you still bully other little girls?"

"How could I bully her!"

Clivia asked back very confidently.

It's just that the moment the words fell, Pei Mi's aggrieved face suddenly appeared in his mind, his eyes flickered slightly, showing a little lack of confidence.

The old man waved his hand and slapped him on the head, "Aren't you bullying? Every time you make the little girl cry, what else do you want? She just likes you and wants to be with you. You As for blowing them away every time you see them?"

"Whether a man or a woman can get married, I'm also thinking about her reputation. She clings to me all day, how can she marry in the future?" Clivia Junxiu showed a look of unnaturalness on her face, she turned her head slightly, and said softly.

"Zi Lan, ask yourself, do you really have no feelings for Mystery at all? If not, why are you more anxious than anyone else when she is in danger? Don't tell me, you are just a brother and sister to her , You can fool her, but you can't fool your master's piercing eyes! Do you know that every time you treat her so indifferently, sooner or later, all the enthusiasm for you from the bottom of her heart will be extinguished, and it will be too late for you to regret it! "Old Jun said to Clivia very earnestly.

His grandson is good at everything, but sometimes, he is too dull in certain things, which makes him worry a lot.

Who made him not only his grandfather, but also his master!

"She is still young, and she has very limited contact with men. Let's talk about these things when she grows up!"

Clivia neither denied nor admitted, with a calm expression on her face, she almost pissed off old man Jun.

"When she runs away with other men, you regret it! The emperor is really not in a hurry, the old man is in a hurry." Old man Jun waved Clivia away, and looked at Luo Ziyue again, too lazy to pay attention to it Clivia who was in a daze for herself.

"Do you know where she is hiding? If you know, tell me!" This is the second time someone said the same thing to him today, so Clivia has to reflect on his behavior, is it really right? Pei Mi is too indifferent?

"You made people cry, you don't even know, how do I know?"

"Are you going to say it or not?"

"Stinky boy, is this the attitude you should have towards your master? Where have you learned all the etiquette?"

"Goodbye, I'm leaving!"

Clivia still had a faint smile on her gentle and jade-like face, and her eyes, as deep as sea water, fell on Old Man Jun's body, the light flickered slightly, she turned around and walked out without saying a word.

"Stinky boy, it's really becoming less and less cute!" Old man Jun looked at his figure who turned around and left, with white smoke billowing from his head in anger. After all, he still couldn't bear to embarrass his grandson, his precious apprentice, and couldn't help rushing. Looking at his back, she shouted: "If I'm not wrong, she should be hiding in the rockery in the backyard."

Listening to old man Jun's words, Clivia showed a triumphant smile on her face.

This old naughty boy is really... the more he lives, the more...

As soon as Clivia left, Mr. Pei appeared in the room strangely on his back, and gave Mr. Jun a thumbs up, "You really have it, even your precious grandson dares to plot, you are not afraid to let him know, never ending with you? "

"Don't gloat here. If he dares to talk to me, I will talk to you. You don't even look at it. Who am I doing this for? It's not for your baby bump, but it's really strange. Every time we talked about this topic in the past, this brat would avoid it, but today he admitted it readily, it seems that the sun rises from the west today!"

Old man Jun stroked his beard with an inscrutable expression, and his thoughtful eyes fell on Luo Ziyue, as if he was thinking about something.

"Hey, why does this girl's alchemy technique look so familiar to me?"

Mr. Pei followed the old man Jun's gaze and landed on Luo Ziyue, just in time to see her throwing all the herbs around her into the alchemy furnace, refining their medicinal power with concentration, and adjusting them according to their actual situation from time to time the temperature of the flame.

"Aren't all the alchemy techniques similar? They are similar, but you are naturally familiar, but this girl's spiritual power is amazing, which is something that no one can have!" Old Jun glanced at Old Pei and said casually. .

"Girl?" It was Lao Pei's turn to be amazed, and his eyes fell on Luo Ziyue again, "You said, she is a woman?"

"Well, when I was talking to her before, I smelled a girl's fragrance from her. It was very faint, but I still smelled it!" Old man Jun nodded, looking at old man Pei with serious eyes, " If I'm not mistaken, she should be..."

"It's her? Are you sure?"

A look of astonishment appeared on Mr. Pei's face, he looked solemnly at Luo Ziyue who was concentrating on alchemy on the screen, and didn't say a word for a long time.

ps: Luo Ziyue's age, I should remember correctly, if there is any mistake, please leave a message and let me know!I will revise and adjust in time, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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