The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 293 The Eve of the Pill Competition 7

Chapter 293 The Eve of the Pill Competition 7

Old man Jun looked at Luo Ziyue thoughtfully, although he said that he was not sure, but in his heart he had already tacitly agreed that she was Luo Ziyue.

"However, there are not many people on the mainland who can compete with her. I asked her. She is currently under 16 years old. She is an intermediate pharmacist. It is unknown where she studied as a teacher."

"Before she and King Ning left the city, there was no news. She will suddenly appear in this image. It must be because she doesn't want people to know her identity. We just know it well and don't leak the news for the time being. Otherwise, with this The character of the girl will definitely make us unable to eat!"

Old man Pei stared deeply at Luo Ziyue who was concentrating on alchemy, and explained to old man Jun.

"Well, I know. Don't worry, I know it well. Since this girl doesn't want people to know her identity, let's pretend that we don't know. However, Zilan seems to have a good relationship with this girl. For her, I came here to ask for help." We've got a spot for Danby for her!"

Old man Jun smiled wickedly, with a smug expression on his face.

No matter when, Clivia gave him a good face, and let him show off in front of these old guys.

"What are you proud of? He is your grandson and my future son-in-law. If you give me a face, you will give me a face!" Old man Pei rolled his eyes in disdain: "No matter how awesome your grandson is, he can't escape my family's little mystery." Wuzhishan! He is destined to belong to my family!"

"Bah, you shameless old guy, you actually want to rob my grandson! Let me tell you, don't you want my grandson to marry you into your house?"

As soon as old man Jun heard that someone was going to rob him of his grandson, he jumped up, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, baring its teeth and claws and yelling at old man Pei, "If you want to marry, it can only be married to your family. In my family, life is from my Jun's family, and death is from my Jun's family's ghost!"

"I'm shameless? I see, you are shameless! Tell me honestly, how long have you been spying on my precious granddaughter? Did you want to snatch her into your house for a long time? I haven't agreed to marry her to your house yet." That brat, how come he was born as a member of your Jun family and died as a ghost of your Jun family?" Old Man Pei looked at Old Man Jun calmly and slowly retorted him.

Clivia and Pei Mi, who had just entered the door, happened to hear their conversation clearly.

The corners of Clivia's eyes twitched slightly, her elegant eyes fell on Pei Mi who was already blushing.For some reason, he suddenly wanted to tease her.

She bent down suddenly and whispered in her ear: "What are you thinking? Your face is so red?"

The warm breath sprayed on Pei Mi's body, which made her body tremble slightly, and she took a step back suddenly, looking at Clivia with wet eyes like a frightened deer, "You, you, you..."

Clivia raised her eyebrows slightly, and a wicked smile rarely appeared on her warm and jade-like face, "What about me? Did you get so excited when you heard that I was going to marry me that you couldn't even speak clearly?"

"Brother Lan, do you have a fever? Why are you talking nonsense all of a sudden?" Pei Mi looked at Clivia carefully, and suddenly raised the hand hanging by her side, touched his forehead, and then touched herself. forehead, "Did you not have a fever? Why all of a sudden..."

Seeing her confused face, Clivia's face darkened in an instant, she turned around and walked into the room with a flick of her sleeves, leaving Pei Mi standing there alone in a daze, and after a while, she understood what Clivia said. The meaning, the whole person swept away the previous decadence, and ran towards Clivia.

When he was only one step away from him, he stopped suddenly and shouted at him: "Brother Lan!"

The moment Clivia turned around to look at her, Pei Mi jumped up and threw herself on Clivia's body, holding his face, kissed him on the mouth, and then licked it unsatisfactorily. "Brother Lan, I have stamped on you, from now on, you are mine!"

"You girl..."

Sensing the gazes from around her, Clivia's expression was slightly awkward, the corners of her eyes twitched, she reached out helplessly to hold Pei Mi in her arms, and slipped into the room, this scene happened to be seen by Mr. Pei and Mr. Jun , the old man winked at him, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Old Pei's brows trembled slightly, and he turned around and yelled at Pei Mi who was hiding in Clivia's arms and refused to come out: "Stinky girl, how many times have I told you that girls should be reserved, you can't be like this!" Chasing after men, otherwise, it will appear that you are worthless and not worth cherishing!"

Pei Mi lowered her head and listened silently to Mr. Pei's reprimand, and kept playing with Clivia's clothes with both hands, making his clothes crumpled.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, he turned his head to look at old man Jun, and asked with a confused expression: "Grandpa Jun, when will you let Brother Lan marry me? You said it all, I was born as Jun People in the family, death is the ghost of Jun's family, so it's not a problem to keep me in my grandfather's place all the time?"

"Ah?" Old Jun didn't realize it for a moment, he was stunned for a moment, looked at Mr. Pei and Clivia who were also astonished, and couldn't help laughing: "Girl, are you in such a hurry to marry our family Zilan?"

Pei Mi's face turned red in an instant, and she wrapped her arms around Clivia's neck, and hid her face into his neck, from which came a shy voice, "Who told my grandpa to despise me?"

"You damn girl, when did I despise you?" Old Pei's eyes twitched slightly, and he gritted his teeth.

"You clearly disliked me just now, and you said I was not reserved." Pei Mi raised her head with an aggrieved face, looked at Mr. Pei, and complained: "You are just like Brother Lan, you always dislike me and don't like me. I."

"Since your elder brother Lan dislikes you, why did you marry him?" Old Jun looked at Pei Mi curiously. He really wanted to understand this question, but why did the room suddenly sink into chaos as soon as he finished speaking? Is there an eerie silence?
Especially his grandson, his eyes were so sharp that he seemed to want to eat him, so he turned his head a little bit unreasonably, and touched his nose secretly.


Pei Mi looked at the people in the room with red eyes, crystal water beads swirled in the eye sockets, and burst into tears with a wow.

Hearing Pei Mi's cry, old man Jun startled you, and quickly turned his head to coax her: "Girl, did Grandpa Jun ask the wrong thing and make you sad?"

Pei Lao looked helplessly at Pei Mi who was crying very sadly, "Girl, how old are you, why are you always crying? Tell me, you are always like this, no wonder Zilan treats you as a Are you spoiled by a child? When will you grow up and understand something?"

(End of this chapter)

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