The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 294 The Eve of the Pill Competition 8

Chapter 294 The Eve of the Pill Competition 8
For Pei Mi's childlike temperament, Mr. Pei always has a headache.

Speaking of which, she is only one year younger than Luo Ziyue, but compared with her, there is really a world of difference, there is no comparison.

It was all his fault for spoiling her.

"Grandpa, everyone is so sad, you still say that you don't love me at all, you have changed your mind!"

Pei Mi struggled to get off Clivia's body, but Clivia held her tightly in her arms, preventing her from moving.

The faint expression made it difficult to see his emotions, but when Pei Mi was struggling too much, he slapped her on the buttocks.

"Don't move around, just stay there."

"Brother Lan, you, you, you..."

Pei Mi stared at Clivia in astonishment, forgot to cry, and tried to accuse him with her tongue tied.

But I didn't want Clivia to look at her indifferently: "What are you, you either stay obediently and don't move around, or you get away from me and don't rub on me, and I'm about to be raped by you strangled!"

"Hey..." Pei Mi suddenly withdrew her hand and smiled, "Didn't I forget it for a while? Why are you so fierce?"

Clivia's eyes flicked across her face coldly, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, obviously disapproving of her excuses.

In order to prevent her from falling, he supported her with both hands and let her lie on his body like an octopus.

Mr. Jun and Mr. Pei have long been accustomed to this scene. Anyway, where Clivia is usually there, Pei Mi will stick to her and never let go. However, compared with today's calm and calm, it was more lively and tossing in the past.

"Xiao Cha, she seems to be about to become a pill!" Jun Zilan frowned slightly, staring at Luo Ziyue on the big screen, and suddenly said.

Mr. Pei and Mr. Jun followed his gaze and shook their heads lightly: "I'm afraid, it's a bit difficult!"

"How to say?"

Seeing Luo Ziyue's strenuous movements, Mr. Pei touched his beard with an unfathomable face, "With her current strength, it is still a bit difficult to successfully refine a fifth-order pill, and a fourth-order pill The medicine is fine."

"I believe she can do it!" Clivia said with a very firm tone as her eyes swept across the big screen.

Mr. Pei and Mr. Jun looked at each other. Mr. Jun turned his head silently without speaking, while Mr. Pei put his gaze on Clivia and asked seemingly casually, "You know him very well? If I remember correctly If so, it seems like you just met today?"

"It's not very familiar, but Brother Xiaosha and I hit it off right away, as if we've known each other for many years, and I can see that he is a friend worth making!" Clivia shifted her gaze to Old Pei and asked curiously: "Pei Old man, is there a problem? Or do you and the master know something?"

Old Pei was startled, he didn't expect Clivia's intuition to be so sensitive, no wonder, Old Jun...

"No problem, I'm just a little curious about why you suddenly became so enthusiastic, and I just want to see what kind of ability this kid has to make you treat him like this!" Mr. Pei turned his head with a smile, avoiding Clivia's probing eyes, as if He sighed and said: "This kid is a talent. Zilan, you have a good eye!"

"Thank you, Mr. Pei, for your compliment."

Clivia smiled lightly, he didn't think so much about making friends.

If the aura agrees with each other, they will naturally make friends, but if the aura does not match, no matter how talented he is, he will not bother to make friends.

"Grandpa, I also know this person. He even praised me before! Let me work hard and take down Brother Lan! Hehe!"

Pei Mi, who finally found a chance to interject, showed off to Mr. Pei with a bright smile.

"Yo, is it? Then you have to keep it up!"

This surprised Mr. Pei a little, but after thinking about it, it seemed to be expected that Xiang Mi'er's pure and innocent character like a piece of paper was very annoying to Luo Ziyue and the others who lived in intrigue all day long. People in like it.

After all, you don't have to worry so much about interacting with them, you can basically see what they are thinking at a glance.

"Mystery, if you can get rid of this guy, then if your brother Lan bullies you, someone will give you advice."

"Really? He is so powerful, grandpa, you can't lie to me, can you?"

Pei Mi's eyes were shining with golden light, her face was full of excitement, but she couldn't quite believe what Old Pei said, "He looks like he's not much older than me!"

"A person is not judged by his appearance, and the sea is not to be measured!" Mr. Pei glared at her, "Look, when did Grandpa ever lie to you?"

"Hey...then I don't worry, does it mean I've got Brother Lan when I get her done?" Pei Mi became happier the more she thought about it, and she smirked at Clivia with her head tilted: "Brother Lan, you can't run away anymore!" , I'm sure of you."

Clivia looked at Pei Mi dumbfounded, and slowly uttered two words: "Stupid!"

Pei Mi curled her lips, self-contained and happy, and her expression of being too lazy to argue with him was really intoxicating!

"Mystery, you go out to play first, I have something to talk to your grandpa alone!"

Clivia patted Pei Mi lightly, a faint smile appeared on her handsome face, seemingly gentle, but undeniable.

"Well! Then I'm leaving!"

This time Pei Mi was very straightforward, turned around and left the room without saying a word.

After she left, Clivia showed a cold smile on her seemingly gentle face.

"Old Pei, why do I feel like you guys are hiding something from me? Do you know her real identity?"

"Her real identity? Who is she?"

Mr. Pei looked at Clivia in surprise, it didn't look like she was lying, as if she really didn't know anything, she pretended to be.

The corners of Jun Lao's eyes twitched slightly with his back turned to them, the two ghosts met, it was a good show to watch.

"Grandpa, tell me!"

Clivia turned her gaze, and landed directly on the old man whose back was facing them, and pulled him into the water who was trying to stay out of the matter.

"What did I say? I don't know anything!"

Old man Jun turned his head innocently with a smile on his face, and looked at Clivia. When he met his seemingly warm eyes, his brows trembled. He knew that this kid had no good intentions. He really was...

"I suddenly remembered, grandma seemed to ask me to bring you a sentence before I left home, what was it?" Clivia tilted her head with a thoughtful look on her face, "It's over, I seem to have forgotten that grandma told you What did I tell you! I remember that grandma's face was not very pretty at that time. "

"Brat, why did you just tell me such a big thing!"

Old man Jun is not afraid of everything, but he is afraid of his wife.

ps: Hey... Is there any friends who follow the article, take a chance and say hello to Wan'er!
(End of this chapter)

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