The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 295 The Eve of the Pill Competition 9

Chapter 295 The Eve of the Pill Competition 9
Chapter 306

"It's not that there are too many things, I was busy and forgot!"

Clivia looked at old man Jun with an innocent face, and seeing his slightly uneasy expression, she couldn't help comforting him: "Grandpa, you don't have to worry too much, anyway, it's not a big deal, just forget it!"

"Stinky boy, I think you did it on purpose."

Mr. Jun stared at Clivia with his nose blowing his nose, but he had nothing to do with him, so he could only focus on Mr. Pei.

"Old man Pei, I will leave this matter to you. I don't care about this old man. You can just take care of this brat!"

"You're really good at making arrangements!"

Mr. Pei squinted at Mr. Jun, and saw him turn his back on them, making it clear that he wanted to be the shopkeeper.

In desperation, I had no choice but to focus on Clivia: "Zi Lan, we are not sure about some things. These are all our conjectures, and we are not sure. You don't need to think so much, as long as you know how to fight him Good relationship, no harm to you!"

Clivia didn't speak, and looked at him silently. Seeing him like this, Mr. Pei also had a headache, "It's too purposeful, he might not like it!"

"That is to say, you have basically been able to confirm her identity, but you haven't made the final confirmation yet, is that right?"

Clivia pursed her lips, and suddenly, she turned her attention to the big screen. Luo Ziyue had successfully refined a fifth-order vitality pill.

At this moment, she was looking at the pill in her hand with surprise.

Seeing this, old man Jun disappeared into the room in a flash, followed by Mr. Pei.

Clivia was left sitting alone in the room, staring at Luo Ziyue on the screen with her brows furrowed, her thoughts wandering, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Brat, are you a fifth-order vitality pill?"

Old man Jun stretched his neck to look at the elixir in Luo Ziyue's hand, his wrinkled old face smiled brightly like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Of course! But, it's a little worse than I expected."

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly as she looked at the elixir in her hand, the surface of the elixir was bumpy and ugly.

It was not as smooth and round as the elixirs she had refined before, which made her feel a little suffocated.

However, being able to successfully refine the fifth-order vitality pill from the three medicinal materials is already considered a success for her.

The advancement of a pharmacist is much more advanced than that of cultivation. After this advancement, it is still unclear when the next breakthrough will be made!

"Can you show me?"

Old man Jun stared at the pill in her hand with a smile on his face. The faint scent of the medicine penetrated into his nostrils, making him a little intoxicated. People like them loved the faint scent of the medicine in their lives.

"Here!" Luo Ziyue put the elixir into the white jade bottle and handed it to old man Jun.

As a result, old man Jun in the white jade bottle shook slightly, and looked at Luo Ziyue with some surprise: "How many pills have you practiced in this furnace?"

"Not many, only three!" Speaking of this, Luo Ziyue's brows frowned even tighter, "If you practice more, you should be able to raise it to five no problem!"

"Only three pills? Do you know that for a normal person to refine a batch of pills, it is already very good to succeed in refining one pill, and you are not satisfied if you succeed in refining three pills?"

Old man Jun stared, apparently as if he had seen a monster.

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows disapprovingly: "Really? But, I usually get five to six pills out of a batch of pills, which is already my worst result! If you don't tell me, I thought, Is everyone like me?"

"Stinky boy, don't you get cheap here and act like a good boy. If everyone is like you, can alchemists be so rare?"

Old man Jun looked at her angrily, and when he turned his head, he saw Mr. Pei standing a few steps away from them, and couldn't help waving at him: "Old man Pei, why are you standing so far away? Didn't you see that I found a A genius? Hurry up and arrange for someone to prepare clothes and level cards for her!"

"You can take care of this matter, don't leave it to me." Old man Pei glared at Mr. Jun, walked up to Luo Ziyue decisively, and introduced himself to her: "Hello, I represent the Alchemy Guild Welcome to join us!"

"This old man is our president. You can call him Old Pei or Old Jun!" Old Jun interrupted.

At the same time, he quickly called people down to prepare related things for Luo Ziyue.

"Hello Mrs. Pei, Mrs. Jun!" Luo Ziyue greeted them with a slight nod, "My name is Shi Sha, and I will take care of you both in the future!"

"Hey... good good good good good good good good good good good good good! It really is the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead!" Mr. Pei smiled very kindly, which was very different from the arrogance and alienation he showed in front of outsiders in the past, which frequently aroused the look of outsiders, so that For a while, there were frequent explosions of pills in the pharmacy.

Pei Mi, who really couldn't see the past, jumped out from the side suddenly: "Grandpa, can you keep your voice down and pay attention to the influence? Didn't you see that your appearance has already attracted the alchemists outside to make alchemy with peace of mind? The success rate was originally high. It’s not high, if you still make trouble here, it will be even lower!”

"Yes, yes, yes! It's Grandpa's fault, I'm leaving now!"

After being reminded by Pei Mi, Mr. Pei finally realized that he was so excited that he forgot the occasion, and admitted his mistake with a very good attitude. At the same time, he set his eyes on Luo Ziyue: "Xiao Sha, let's talk in another place?"

"Grandpa..." Pei Mi shouted at Mr. Pei very dissatisfied.

Mr. Pei stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, and said softly: "Good girl! Grandpa and Xiaosha have important matters to discuss in detail, you go to another place to play first, and when we are done, you can come to play with Xiaosha again ?”

"But, but I've been waiting for him for so long, he finally finished his work, and I didn't even have time to say a word to him, so you just showed up!"

Pei Mi looked at Luo Ziyue and Mr. Pei with an aggrieved expression, which made Mr. Jun feel very sorry.

"Miss Mystery, is there anything I can do for you?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Pei Mi in surprise, curious why she didn't go to Clivia, why did she come to her instead?
"Didn't you say I'm cute? Do you want me to work hard to take down Brother Lan? This is why I came to ask you for advice on how to capture Brother Lan. Seeing that you are so smart, I think there must be a way to help me take down Brother Lan." Brother's, isn't it?"

Pei Mi looked at Luo Ziyue excitedly, stepped forward and grabbed Luo Ziyue's clothes, looked up eagerly at Luo Ziyue.

In an instant, three black lines slipped from her forehead, and she looked at Pei Mi with a slight headache, "I do have something important to discuss with your grandpa in detail, why don't you go to Brother Zilan first, and wait until I'm done. I'll go find you again, let's have a meal together, sit down and have a good chat."

(End of this chapter)

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