The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 296 The Eve of the Pill Competition 10

Chapter 296 The Eve of the Pill Competition 10
"Okay! I'm going to find Brother Lan right now, Xiao Sha, you go and do your work first, and we'll go to you again when you're done!"

Pei Mi's eyes swept over the faces of Mr. Pei, Mr. Jun and Luo Ziyue, and after a slight hesitation, he decisively agreed to Luo Ziyue's proposal.

While walking, he muttered: "Why do I feel like I'm being kicked around by you like a ball!"

"Mystery was spoiled by me, I made you laugh!"

Old Pei looked embarrassed, and touched his nose unnaturally, this girl is really...

"It's okay, I just like Miss Mystery's straightforward nature, let's talk as we walk!"

Luo Ziyue looked at Pei Mi's figure walking away with a smile, she was happy to have someone who loved her so much protecting her by her side.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a completely harmless smile on her face, as clean and pure as a piece of white paper.


As soon as he entered the president's office, Mr. Pei politely greeted Luo Ziyue to sit down. Mr. Jun followed closely and sat down beside Luo Ziyue.

"Have you already guessed my identity?"

When doing alchemy before, Luo Ziyue had the feeling of being secretly watched. She knew that such things were inevitable, so she didn't care too much about it.

At the beginning, she didn't quite understand why Mr. Jun would ask her so many questions like the account checker, but with what happened later, it was not difficult to guess.

I'm afraid, Mr. Jun had suspected her identity a long time ago.

"Girl, your words are really straight to the point!"

Mr. Pei was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Luo Ziyue to be so direct, and he exchanged a glance with Mr. Jun, with taboos in his eyes that they could only understand.

"Actually, the biggest credit for being able to see through the girl's identity is the identity of the old man beside you. Who gave him a sense of smell comparable to a dog's nose! Your disguise technique is very good, without any flaws, but, you The unique fragrance of a girl still brings you out!"

Luo Ziyue looked at the old man beside him in astonishment, "The fragrance on my body?"

"This kind of body fragrance cannot be changed by any medicine. It is innate. Of course, it is good for people on the mainland who have a keen sense of smell like me. Girl, you don't have to worry too much." Old man Jun knew Luo Zi Yue may have misunderstood something, and quickly explained aloud.

Hearing his explanation, Luo Ziyue smiled knowingly, "As expected of a dog's sense of smell, you can even smell such a small smell!"

"Hahaha... Who made you unlucky! You met old man Jun when you went out, and someone else would definitely not notice it."

Old Pei laughed, with a happy expression on his face.

"Is there really no way to change or hide this body scent? For the time being, I don't want my identity to be revealed, let alone a third person knowing my true identity! Two seniors, is there a way to do this? ?”

Luo Ziyue lowered her head in silence for a while, tapped her fingers on the table rhythmically, then suddenly raised her head, looking at Mr. Jun and Mr. Pei with serious eyes.

"Even if it's a one-in-a-million chance, I'll kill it in the cradle!"

She seemed to see what they were thinking, and without waiting for them to speak, she blocked what they hadn't said.

Mr. Pei and Mr. Jun looked at each other with clear eyes. They didn't seem surprised that Luo Ziyue would make such a request, but...

"It's not that there is no way, it's just..." Mr. Pei looked at Luo Ziyue hesitantly.

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly: "What? Is there any problem?"

"Girl, there is no need for you to do this. You have to know that people like old man Jun are rare. Even if everyone barely knows that you are a woman disguised as a man, they may not be able to accurately guess your identity!" Good old man Pei Words of advice.

"Didn't you easily guess my identity when you knew I was a woman disguised as a man?"

"We are the exception!"

"Since you can all guess it, what can you do to ensure that others can't guess it? After that, Danby will be mixed with good and bad people, and there will be people from anywhere. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be some capable people and strange people in it. Before certain things are over, I will never Allow your identity to leak out."

"Girl, you are so murderous that we are frightened. You don't want to kill someone to silence you!"

Seeing Luo Ziyue's fierce face, Mr. Pei couldn't help joking with her.

The tense atmosphere in the room was lightened a bit.

"Murder and kill?"

The corners of Luo Ziyue's mouth were slightly raised, a strange smile appeared on her face, her cold eyes swept across the faces of Mr. Pei and Mr. Jun, and an indifferent voice sounded in the room, "This idea is indeed not bad, but it's a pity that I What I met was a group of thousand-year-old foxes, with a lot of evil ideas, I can't deal with it alone!"

"Girl, you are the second one who dares to call us thousand-year-old foxes in front of us!"

"the second?"

Luo Ziyue seemed to have thought of something, and the smile on her face widened a bit: "The one in front of me won't be Miss Mystery, right?"

"Besides her, who else can be? Oh, this girl is spoiled by me, she can't compare with you!"

As soon as Pei Mi was mentioned, Mr. Pei smiled wryly, but Luo Ziyue could see that he was enjoying it.

"Miss Mystery, she is very happy to have a grandpa like you!"

Speaking of this, a strange emotion flashed in Luo Ziyue's clear eyes.

As if thinking of something, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, looking very bitter.

"Not everyone is as lucky as Miss Mystery. She was born with a grandfather who loves her so much and is surrounded by someone who loves her like Brother Zilan."

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse, who can tell?"

There was a look of worry in Pei Lao's eyes: "After all, I'm old, and it's impossible for me to guard her for the rest of my life. Zilan still has his own way to go. At that time, he may not be able to take care of her. Girl, when it comes to Here, I really want to ask you for help!"

"You don't intend to entrust Pei Mi to me, do you?"

Looking at Pei Lao's sad face, Luo Ziyue knew what he was thinking without even guessing.

Almost without any hesitation, he rejected his request, "I can't promise you this."

"Girl, listen to me first, don't rush to refuse!"

Luo Ziyue's refusal was expected by Mr. Pei, but not by Mr. Jun.

"Old man Pei, what are you doing? Don't tell me, don't you trust our family Zilan? Don't look at him usually with a casual look. Once something happens to the mystery, he is more anxious than anyone else. I believe After a hundred years, he will protect the mysterious girl for you."

They watched Pei Mi grow up, and to Mr. Jun, she was no different from his granddaughter.

(End of this chapter)

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