Chapter 298: Seeking Cannibal Kao 2
"What? Is there a problem?"

Mr. Jun squinted at Luo Ziyue, his face was filled with the expression that if you don't agree to me, I won't give you the map.

"No, it's my good fortune to have Elder Jun as my companion all the way. If that's the case, then we'll see you tomorrow morning at the gate of the city!"

There is free labor. If she doesn't use it, wouldn't it be too much money? It just so happens that she doesn't plan to bring too many people with her on this trip.

It would be the best to have Mr. Jun follow all the way.

"So fast? Don't you need to prepare?"

Mr. Jun looked at Luo Ziyue in surprise. He didn't expect that she was still an actionist, if it wasn't too late today.

She probably can't wait to leave today!
"What are you preparing? I don't have anything to prepare. I just need to tell them in advance that I can leave at any time!"

After finalizing this matter, Luo Ziyue obviously relaxed a lot, and let go of the string in her heart. Afterwards, they discussed Danby's matter for a while, and then walked out of the president's office with a smile on her face.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Before he took two steps, he saw Pei Mi chatting endlessly around Clivia. A faint smile appeared on his face, and it was obvious that Clivia enjoyed being surrounded by Pei Mi.

Don't look at the impatience written on his face, but those eyes with a faint smile betrayed what he thought in his heart.

"Xiao Cha, what are you talking about with my grandfather? We have been talking for so long, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The moment he heard Luo Ziyue's voice, Pei Mi's face showed a hint of surprise, he jumped up and down to her side, pulled her sleeves in dissatisfaction and complained.

"Hehe... I was so engrossed in chatting with Mr. Pei that I accidentally forgot the time, should I be in a hurry?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Pei Mi with a smile, and gently rubbed her head, looking very pampered.

To her, Pei Mi is more like a little sister who needs someone to take care of her. She is so innocent and cute that people can't bear to spoil the smile on her face.

"I'm hungry."

Pei Mi held her stomach and looked at Luo Ziyue pitifully, her long eyelashes blinked like a Barbie doll.

"Hahaha... It seems that Zilan took advantage of my absence to treat your stomach badly again! Let's go, brother will take you to eat delicious food!"

The moment Luo Ziyue raised her eyes, she couldn't help laughing when she met Clivia's helpless eyes, and rubbed Pei Mi's head lovingly.

The four of them left the mercenary union in a mighty way.

"Mystery, where do you want to eat?"

"I can do it! Wherever you say to eat, I will eat there."

Pei Mi looked excitedly at the surrounding stalls, looking around curiously.

Luo Ziyue and the three of them walked behind her, reaching out to give her a hand from time to time, probably because Danby's day was getting closer, and there were obviously many strangers in Degal City, wearing strange clothes, walking on the street superior.

"I haven't seen you for a while, this city is really getting more and more lively!"

Listening to Luo Ziyue's exclamation, Clivia showed a faint smile on her face, and looked at Luo Ziyue gently, "No wonder I said, why is Xiao Sha so embarrassed!"

"In order to be able to perform better in the next Danby, I retreated for a while, and I just left the customs in a hurry today!"

"I'm looking forward to your performance in Danby, and I hope to have the opportunity to compete with you then!"

"Are you going to participate in Danby too?" Luo Ziyue looked at Clivia in surprise, "I thought you didn't need to participate in Danby?"

Clivia raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at the surprised Luo Ziyue jokingly: "Why don't I participate? Xiao Sha thinks that I look older than you, so I don't need to participate?"

Luo Ziyue smiled awkwardly: "Brother Zilan, don't make fun of me, you know that I don't mean it! I just think that if someone as outstanding as you participates, then my chance of winning the championship will be even smaller .”

"Hahaha... I don't know, but I am so good in Xiaocha's eyes. Actually, I am ashamed to say that I am so much older than you, but my strength is not as amazing as yours." Clivia Looking at Luo Ziyue with admiration, she praised sincerely.


Just as Luo Ziyue was about to say something, Pei Mi's scream came from ahead, the two quickly looked at each other, and rushed towards Pei Mi's direction tacitly.

"You, you go away! I warn you, if you dare to bully me, I will let you go around!"

Pei Mi glared fiercely at the wretched man who was looking at her wretchedly, and warned sharply.

"I can't eat and walk around? I want to see how you make me can't eat and walk around?"

While speaking, the man's hand suddenly touched Pei Mi's buttocks, making her tremble all over with fright, and piercing screams came out of her mouth.

When Luo Ziyue and the others arrived, she was closing her eyes and kicking the man with all her hands and feet, "Ahhhhhh...I'm going to kill you, you stinky bastard, you dare to eat my aunt's tofu, you **** Are you impatient with your life?"

The unsuspecting wretched man was slapped squarely by her, with a fierce look on his face: "Smelly cousin, don't eat a toast and take fine wine! Your grandpa, if I don't give you a good lesson today, I won't be called a king!" Fatty!"

"I think you **** should be called a bastard! Shit! You don't even look at who you are, but you dare to eat my tofu and call yourself my grandpa. Believe it or not, let me tell my grandpa." , you can’t eat and walk around every minute!”

Pei Mi put her hands on her hips, and looked at Fatty Wang aggressively, with frowning eyebrows and raised eyes, with an air of authority without anger.

"Brother Zilan, I can't see that Mier of your family can be so aggressive, do you want to go up and help her?"

Luo Ziyue bumped her elbow lightly, and the dark-faced Clivia whispered in his ear.

"Let's see the situation first, she should be able to handle such a little bastard by herself!"

Clivia shook her head slightly, signaling to her that they don't need to go up to help Pei Mi for the time being, and let's see how Pei Mi plans to deal with it.

"Let me remind you first, if Mystery finds you hiding in the crowd to watch the excitement, if you don't help her, be careful that she will make you eat too much!"

Luo Ziyue knew that Clivia wanted Pei Mi to try to deal with some things independently, but these things would become complicated when mixed in the relationship between men and women. All girls in love have a sensitive heart.

"She dare not!" Clivia said calmly, staring at the two people in the middle of the crowd.

Luo Ziyue shrugged, "That's not necessarily the case, girls in love are sensitive, I advise you to go up and ask her for advice, maybe she will refuse your help, then you will look at her from the sidelines The same goes for handling!"

(End of this chapter)

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