Chapter 299: Seeking Cannibal Kao 3
"You have a thorough understanding of girls' thoughts!" Clivia squinted at Luo Ziyue.

"It's not thorough, but it just happens to know a little more than you." Luo Ziyue ignored Clivia's gaze, and kept her eyes on Pei Mi, watching her every move, "If you don't play again , this girl is probably going to suffer!"

"You're not going to come with me?"

Clivia looked at Luo Ziyue in surprise, he thought she would go with him.

Now, it looks like his assumptions were wrong.

This kid has no such plan at all.

"For such a trivial matter, you can just go, I won't go up and steal your limelight!" Luo Ziyue said very grandly.

"Actually, I don't mind if you steal my limelight!"

A faint smile appeared on Clivia's gentle face. While speaking, she waved away the crowd blocking him and walked in.

"Waiting for good news!"

Luo Ziyue didn't answer, just dropped four words, and disappeared in place with Yunling strangely.

They miraculously appeared in the center of the crowd, facing the place where the incident happened. The surrounding crowd didn't seem to notice their move, as if they should have been here, just happened to see this scene Clivia, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, revealing a very shallow smile.

The right hand seemingly inadvertently grabbed Pei Mi's arm, and gently pushed it towards his arms, just avoiding the fist that Fatty Wang swung.

The moment Pei Mi turned his head, the moment he saw Clivia, there was a surprised expression on his face, "Brother Lan!"

"It's causing trouble again!" Clivia looked at Pei Mi helplessly with her gentle eyes.

"Brother Lan, you have wronged me. It's not me who caused the trouble, it was the trouble that provoked me. After all, it's all his fault!"

Pei Mi looked at Clivia innocently, her eyes resenting him, and suddenly, as if thinking of something, she turned her head and glared at Fatty Wang.

Feeling aggrieved, he made a small report to Clivia: "Brother Lan, he just sneaked at my ass!"

There was a cold light on Clivia's warm and jade-like face, and she looked at Fatty Wang coldly.

"Fatty Wang, I haven't seen you for a while, but I'm getting more and more courageous! Even my people dare to bully me."

Fatty Wang smiled awkwardly, "Jun, Mr. Jun, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!"

"Since the misunderstanding has been caused, how do you plan to deal with it?"

"Why don't we talk in another place?"

Fatty Wang looked at Clivia carefully, and looked around. Under the eyes of everyone, the smile on his face couldn't hold back. Seeing that Clivia didn't speak, he couldn't help explaining: "There are so many people here, it's really not a place to talk !"

"Then you lead the way ahead, and I have two companions who will go with me!"

Clivia and Luo Ziyue looked at each other, and seeing that he had no objection, they spoke slowly.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Fatty Wang looked at Clivia with a happy face, turned around and strode away, just took two steps, and suddenly turned to look at Clivia, "Master Jun, where are your other two friends? "

"You don't need to worry about it, they will follow up naturally, you just need to be responsible for leading the way!"

Clivia knew that Luo Ziyue didn't intend to show her face in front of people, so she hugged Pei Mi and followed Fatty Wang leisurely.

Pei Mi whispered in his ear: "Brother Lan, after a while you decide that you can't easily spare this person, his grandma! You even dare to eat my aunt's tofu, don't kill him!"

"Girls, don't keep swearing, what do you think!" Clivia patted Pei Mi's head lightly, and reprimanded softly.

"Isn't he really angry! It's the first time someone eats tofu in public at my age!" Pei Mi curled her lips and defended in a low voice, very aggrieved.

"Then you can't swear at people like that! If people hear and spread this, how can they talk about your grandfather and you?"

"Okay! I know, just don't do this next time!"

Luo Ziyue, who was quietly following behind them, heard their conversation, and couldn't help but put a smile on her face.

Yun Ling tilted his head and looked at her, "You seem very happy?"

"Well, don't you think their Huanxi lovers look very enviable!" Luo Ziyue turned her head to look at Yun Ling and asked.

Yunling followed her line of sight, sized Clivia and Pei Mi in front of her for a while, "Are you missing Master?"

"What do you think? After leaving for such a long time, there is no news. How can people not be anxious!"

Luo Ziyue took her eyes back from the front, raised her head slightly, and looked at the blue sky above her head. The ups and downs of emotions in her heart seemed to become infinitely small under this sky, as if nothing was wrong. Unable to get over it, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, master is very safe now, and there will be no major problems, but this time Danby, you have to be mentally prepared, you may run into some old acquaintances from the past!" Yunling sighed silently, The emotion in his eyes subsided slightly, and he spoke to her extremely calmly.

He thought that she could hold back and never ask about the master's news?

It seemed that he was overthinking.

This pair of fateful mandarin ducks don't know when they will be able to get together again. No wonder she has such a strange expression when she sees other lovers making love to each other. It must be because she is thinking of the things between her and the master!
"Did you know something?"

Luo Ziyue turned her head abruptly, and looked at Yunling sharply, "Did he contact you to tell you something during this time?"

"I don't know anything, master, and he didn't contact me, but I know that those people will definitely sneak out during this time, and some people who have disappeared for a long time may take this opportunity to show up, you Just be more careful!"

On Yun Ling's calm face, there was no trace of superfluous emotion.

The calm voice sounded beside Luo Ziyue in an extremely low voice, which made her frown.

"A long-lost person?"

Luo Ziyue tilted her head pensively, and carefully filtered out the people she knew in the past in her mind. It seems that there are not many people who can appear on Danby, and the one who happened to know Yun Ling seems to be only So one person.

"You're not talking about the genius doctor Lin Xiuya, are you? Why is there something wrong with him?"

"He has always been elusive, and the devil knows when he will show up! As for the other times, I don't know too much."

Yun Ling frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and his expression looked a little strange.

This made Luo Ziyue even more curious.

(End of this chapter)

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