Chapter 300: Seeking Cannibal Kao 4
Could it be that during the time she left before, what happened that she didn't know?

"Your expression seems to tell me something."

Yunling glanced at her: "I think you are too idle, which leads to too much thinking."


Luo Ziyue knew that if Yunling didn't want to say anything, no matter how much she asked, there would be no result.

So, she didn't get too entangled with him on this issue, instead she focused on Clivia and the others, followed them all the way to an inconspicuous restaurant, her brows were slightly wrinkled, her eyes were everywhere Looking around.

"Xiao Sha, I thought you guys would be late!"

As soon as Clivia turned her head, she saw Luo Ziyue who was looking around, and couldn't help but take two steps forward, saying hello to her.

"If you have something to do, chat first, and I'll wait until you're done talking before going in!" Luo Ziyue had a faint smile on her face, her gaze swept over Fatty Wang's face, and she said in a flat tone.

"Don't! It's not a big deal, you just go with us! It's all here, what's the matter with guarding the door?"

While speaking, Clivia cast a glance at Pei Mi who was in her arms, and she, who was extremely perceptive, got out of Clivia's arms without saying a word.

Holding Luo Ziyue's arms with both hands, he said coquettishly at her: "That's right! Xiaosha, who are you and who are you with us! Then the difference is so clear, you can go with us!"

"You're such an old man, why are you still acting like a baby?"

Luo Ziyue pampered Pei Mi's baby-fat face, and followed her footsteps helplessly.

At the same time, Fatty Wang with great eyesight also came over and said to Luo Ziyue: "Brother, you are a friend of Mr. Jun, that is, a friend of my Fatty Wang. I invite you for today's dinner. You can eat whatever you want, and I have someone arrange the boxes for you."

"That's troublesome!" Luo Ziyue looked at Fatty Wang coldly, and said with a smile on her face.

As soon as she heard her say that, the smile on Fatty Wang's face became even brighter.

"No trouble, no trouble, it is my good fortune to be able to serve you adults!"

Maybe it was because Fatty Wang had made arrangements in advance. Even though the restaurant was overcrowded, they basically arrived at the box that Fatty Wang was talking about without any twists and turns. Sure enough, everything was as Luo Ziyue expected. The restaurant is decorated extremely luxuriously.

"Fatty Wang, I heard that there is nothing in Degal City that you don't know?" Clivia asked while sitting lazily on a chair, looking at Fatty Wang who was standing in the middle of the room with a worried expression.

"No, no, they are all tricks that can't hurt the table, how can they hide from Lord Jun's eyes!"

Fatty Wang smiled awkwardly, and slightly raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Well, you don't have to be humble, I don't know you yet."

"My lord, if you have anything to say, just say it, the little one will know everything!"

"Well, who are the people participating in Danby this time? Do you have their list and details? If you have one, get me a copy! If that's the case, we're done with this matter, otherwise... ..."

Clivia still has a gentle smile on her face, which is very pleasing to the eye.

But inexplicably, Fatty Wang felt like being in an ice cellar.

Fatty Wang looked at Clivia in embarrassment.

"My lord, aren't you embarrassing the little one? If you really want the list of Danby's contestants, why do you need the little one?"

"Are you giving or not? Why are there so many nonsense?"

Clivia is too lazy to go around in circles with Fatty Wang!

Give him two choices directly, give it or not!
Seeing that Clivia didn't look like she was joking, Fatty Wang gritted his teeth and said, "Here! I'll get it for you, just wait for me a moment!"

"Well, go do your work first! Let's eat first..."

After Fatty Wang left, Pei Mi looked at Clivia with a strange expression and asked, "Brother Lan, what do you want Danby's personnel list for? If you really want to know, you can just ask my grandfather directly. "

"Even the president may not know as well as Fatty Wang. What's more, I want this information for Xiaosha!" Clivia picked up the teapot on the table and poured a cup for each of them, savoring it slowly. Drinking tea, said.

Luo Ziyue raised her head in surprise, looked at him, and asked, "You want it for me?"

"En! Don't you want to?" Clivia raised her eyebrows slightly, walking towards Luo Ziyue.

"Hahaha... As expected, Brother Zilan knows me! Come on, let me replace the wine with tea first, and offer you a toast!"

Luo Ziyue really didn't expect that Clivia even guessed his thoughts about wanting to know more about Danby's contestants in detail, and it took such a long way to get it for her. With such a caring friend, from the bottom of my heart warm.

She raised her teacup and gestured at Clivia, then raised her head and drank it down.

As the dishes were gradually served on the table, the atmosphere on the table became more active. The deeper the conversation, the more the two felt like seeing each other late, so that, after drinking and eating, the two Just call them brothers, they are not as polite as before.

The two chatted happily until Fatty Wang appeared, and they stopped chatting.

"My lord, I have tried my best. I have contacted all the networks and only got a list of the first fifteen people. Except for the fifteen people on the list, the rest of the people don't have much observation value, basically No one pays attention to it, it is predicted that if there is no dark horse in Danby this time, the champion is very likely to be produced among these fifteen people!"

Fatty Wang touched the sweat on his forehead, handed the list he had prepared to Clivia, and explained to him at the same time.

Clivia took the list and glanced at it, nodded slightly, and then passed it to Luo Ziyue, "Xiao Sha, look, the people on this list will all be in the near future. You are a worthy competitor!"

Luo Ziyue took the list in his hand and lowered her head to study the information written on the paper.

Fatty Wang at the side heard Clivia's words, looked at Luo Ziyue in astonishment, and asked cautiously: "Master Jun, this friend of yours is also a pharmacist? It's true that people can't be judged by their appearances, and they are so old at such a young age." The achievement is not simple, not simple, but, I don’t know how to call it?”

"Shi Cha, you can just call me Xiao Cha!" Luo Ziyue said to Fatty Wang with a smile on her face when she heard what Fatty Wang said.

Unexpectedly, the moment Fatty Wang heard her name, he froze in place.

(End of this chapter)

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