Chapter 301 The Purity of Pei Mi

Opening his mouth slightly, he looked at her in astonishment.

"You, you, are you that awesome Shi Sha in the lore mercenary group?"

After a while, his voice sounded in the room again. Seeing him like this, Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, "You know me?"

"Hehe...Brother Shi's name has been known to me for a long time, but I haven't had a chance to meet him!"

Fatty Wang smiled honestly, his usual shrewdness was revealed in his eyes.

Luo Ziyue didn't criticize, just smiled and said perfunctorily: "No wonder, brother Lang said that you are a know-it-all in Degal City! You can know that a small person like me is worthy of the name!"

"Brother Sha, it's so powerful, it's hard for us not to pay attention! Since you joined the lore, their morale has been swept away, and their strength has soared like a rocket. Such a big Movement, how could I not know?"

Fatty Wang chuckled, and looked at Luo Ziyue with eyes wide open. The hot eyes made Luo Ziyue feel awkward.

It felt like she was a fat piece of meat ready to be slaughtered, attracting countless people to peek at her.

"Besides these, what else do you know? Tell me about it together!"

Luo Ziyue is really a little strange, since she returned to Degal City as Shisha, her style of doing things has been much lower-key, and she rarely shows up in front of others. She didn't expect that even so, it still caused some people's anger Notice.

Seeing her like this, Fatty Wang immediately smiled knowingly, "Brother Sha, it's not surprising that everyone knows about you. You must know that before you joined the lore, Fade Chen played a good show and pushed you to In front of the public in Degal City, there are not many celebrities and nobles in the city who don't know you!"

"So, my every move is under the supervision of others?"

"You can't call it every move. At most, you should pay more attention to the news about you. After all, you have rarely shown yourself in front of people since you joined the lore!" Fatty Wang looked at Luo Ziyue with a smile explained.

Listening to their conversation, Clivia showed a strange expression on her face: "Xiao Sha, I didn't know you were so capable!"

"Brother Lang, Miao Zan. I am not as good as he said. Before I joined the lore, it was a team with extremely high team cohesion. These subsequent changes have nothing to do with me. The main reason is that their individual diligence."

Luo Ziyue put away the list of contestants that Clivia gave her, raised her head, looked at him with some embarrassment and said.

"I know you as a person, everything is fine but you are too modest!"

Clivia looked at Luo Ziyue with a slight smile, and seeing that she seemed to be a little concerned about what Fatty Wang said just now, she couldn't help enlightening her: "However, you don't need to mind too much about this matter. I guess this information is only in the little In the hands of some people, most people are still unfamiliar and ignorant to you."

"Look, I wasn't that before. If Fatty Wang hadn't said it, I wouldn't even know you are so versatile!"

"Haha... Brother Lang, you don't need to comfort me. I know all these things and can understand them. In other people's territory, it is natural to accept other people's supervision! However, if you continue to boast like this, I really should find you I burrowed into a hole and hid."

"Xiao Cha, why are you hiding when others praise you?" Pei Mi looked at Luo Ziyue with a puzzled expression, "Look at me, poor people don't even have anyone who praises me, they only know It is really frustrating to dislike me and look determined to carry out critical education to the end!"

"Who said no one praised you? I have praised you for being beautiful and cute before, have you forgotten?"

While speaking, Luo Ziyue looked at Clivia who was on the side, and looked at him playfully, "Brother Lan, do you hear that? Mystery is accusing you of always criticizing her and discouraging her, which has caused her self-confidence It's all your responsibility to plummet!"

"Lord Jun!" Suddenly, Fatty Wang looked at Clivia carefully and shouted.

Clivia looked up and asked in surprise, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"Uh, Master Jun didn't let go, let the little one go, the little one doesn't dare to leave without authorization!" Fatty Wang responded respectfully with his head down.

"what do you wish to ask?"

Seeing him like this, needless to say, he also wanted the identity of Pei Mi in the lobby.

"Is this girl really Mr. Pei's granddaughter?"

"Don't I look like my grandpa's granddaughter?" Pei Mi pouted, looked at Fatty Wang with dissatisfaction, and asked.

Fatty Wang smiled coyly, "No, no. It's just a little accident. I heard that Mr. Pei has a granddaughter before. Unfortunately, the protection is too good, so we little people have no chance to get a glimpse of the true face of Mount Lu. Now I see her. , really lives up to the name..."

Hearing what he seemed to be complimenting, Pei Mi showed a satisfied smile, "It's pretty much the same."

"My lord, I still have something to do, can you take a step back first? The bill has been settled!"

Clivia lingered on him for a while.

"Today's matter, I hope to end here. You have to remember that there are some things that should be said in this world, and some things that should not be said!"

"Don't worry, I will handle today's matter. I guarantee that there will be no rumors about Miss Pei Mi."

Fatty Wang secretly sighed in his heart, dealing with these so-called big shots is really a troublesome and laborious thing.

If you are not careful, your life may be in danger.

"It's fine if you already know the identity of Mystery, if someone deliberately inquires about it, you should know what to do!"

"I know, my lord, don't worry!" Fatty Wang nodded his head as if smashing garlic, "I will order the people below to be stricter!"

"Then I'll trouble you. Since you still have to be busy, I won't keep you. You can do your work!"

"Brother Lan, is this the end of the matter?" Pei Mi stared dumbfounded at Fatty Wang who walked out, and looked at Clivia in surprise.

Clivia reached out and rubbed her head, and asked with a light smile, "Then what else do you want? Bind him up and beat him up, or kill him directly?"

"Uh, it's not necessary, it's just that you let him go so easily. What if he has evil thoughts about other girls again? What should we do?"

Pei Mi, who has always been protected by Mr. Pei and the others, has a very kind heart.

Compared with Luo Ziyue's complex and gloomy world, her world is more clear and bright, clean and pure, just like the sun at eight or nine o'clock, bright and dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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