Chapter 304 Deadly Transformation 2
"I know, let's go up and find out their dead spots first. It's best to stun them, otherwise, it's difficult for the two of us to deal with five of them together."

Luo Ziyue looked at the situation on the field with a solemn expression, and quickly thought of a solution in her mind. At the same time, Peng Wu has quickly moved to call the other mercenaries to leave here, and has been locked up on the training ground without seeing the light of day Ye Ying was also released by Luo Ziyue.

"Take my token and go to the Alchemy Guild to find their presidents, Mr. Pei and Mr. Jun. Tell them what happened here, and ask them to send people over quickly. Otherwise, I'm worried that there will be long nights and dreams."

Luo Ziyue handed Ye Ying the token that Mr. Pei had given her earlier.

Ye Ying looked at her in a daze, still haven't figured out what's going on?

She yelled loudly: "What are you still doing in a daze? If you don't act quickly, let me tell you, one minute later, all of us here may be turned into puppets or zombies without any consciousness!"

Hearing Luo Ziyue's anxious expression, Ye Ying's whole body trembled, and she disappeared in place instantly holding the token.

After Peng Wu and the others safely evacuated, Luo Ziyue ordered Luo Yunhuang to open the enchantment of the courtyard, strictly forbidding any entry and exit, and not letting anyone in. The gate was guarded by Luo Yunhuang. At this time, Luo Yunhuang He looks dark and dull on the outside, not at all as lively and active as before. Of course, his great sacrifice of his beauty is just for Luo Ziyue's arrangement.

At the same time, Benben took over the training work of Ye Ying and Luo Yunhuang, in the name of training, to protect the safety of those children, but they saw everything that happened on the field.

It wants them to understand that only strength in this world is the real guarantee for you to have everything. Those so-called heretics can only lead you forward for a while at best, but not for a lifetime.

Holding the Yaohua sword in her hand, Luo Ziyue walked through the five corpses lightly and nimbly, fighting with them.

Sure enough, the facts were as they expected. All the wounds on their bodies healed almost instantly, and they couldn't hurt them at all.

The physical strength was consumed violently in the long-term struggle, but the corpses of the five corpses were not affected in any way.

"Yunling, we can't go on like this. More and more people on the field are injured, and the wounds infected with corpse poison are very likely to undergo corpse changes like them. At that time, with our strength, we will not be able to deal with such a situation at all. What a guy!"

Luo Ziyue noticed very keenly that more and more people in the field were covered with paint, collapsed on the ground, their faces turned blue, as if the poisonous gas was constantly spreading in their bodies, devouring their consciousness.

"Can you burn them to death with fire?" Yun Ling said to Luo Ziyue with a struggling voice squeezed out from between his teeth.

Under his expectant gaze, Luo Ziyue shook her head regretfully, "I tried it, but I can't! It seems that their corpses have some kind of power that can resist the flames. Once it enters their bodies, it has already been wiped out on the surface, the situation is a bit weird!"

Before today, Luo Ziyue always thought that her golden flame was a raging fire that could burn everything in the world, but it failed, and it even went out as soon as it got close to this corpse. The strange situation made her heart tremble.

"Could it be that they came here specifically for us?"

Yun Ling vigorously waved the long sword in his hand, and looked at Luo Ziyue with a little difficulty.

This group of guys were more difficult to deal with than they imagined. Except for losing consciousness, they retained the strength and acuity before them. At the same time, their own strength was stronger than before, and their reactions were extremely fast.

It was so fast that Luo Ziyue tried to attack their heads several times, but they dodged them.

"Why do I suddenly feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot with a stone?"

Luo Ziyue looked at the corpse in front of her with a wry smile. The strength of this group of people was not one or two times stronger than when she first joined the lore, especially in terms of reaction speed.

"Hahaha..." Yun Ling burst out laughing instantly when he heard her words, "Don't tell me I didn't pay attention, it seems to make sense when you say that, are they really coming for you? , we still haven't been able to escape..."

"I don't know, I don't feel very good. If this goes on, we won't be able to last much longer. We still have to find a way to try to attack their heads. We have tried other parts, no. Only the head..."

Luo Ziyue's dark eyes flashed with a commanding light, her eyes flicked over the five corpses on the field, the corners of her mouth were tightened into a straight line, just when she was about to say something to Yun Ling, suddenly, she saw her shocked eyes Looking behind her, he roared, "Be careful behind her!"

Luo Ziyue subconsciously kicked behind her, the action was extremely sharp, and kicked the guy who was sneaking behind her a few steps away.

"Not good, as you expected, those who have been injured and those who died have undergone corpse changes."

In a flash, Yun Ling appeared beside Luo Ziyue, looking back to back at the "people" who gradually surrounded them.

"If this continues, we may be in danger!"

Luo Ziyue silently looked at the "people" who were gradually approaching them.

"No matter what, we must fight our way out, and we will definitely not lose our lives here. It seems that we can only fight to the death!"

"You find an opportunity to go out in a while, leave it to me!" Yun Ling stared at the "people" in front of him with sharp eyes like a knife, and confessed to Luo Ziyue.

Ye Ying, who was sent out to find people, has been away for so long, and there has been no news, and their physical strength has been declining at an alarming rate. Before long, they are likely to lose their fighting power. Before that, he must take Luo Ziyue Send it out and keep her safe.

"No, I will never leave you to fight alone, we are all together!"

Luo Ziyue rejected Yunling's proposal without even thinking about it. She knew that Yunling's temper was stubborn, and she was not easy to change her decision: "Before the battle reaches the last moment, we must not choose to give up so easily!"

"Just in case, you must listen to me. Don't forget that the master is still waiting for you. If something happens to you, what should you ask him to do?" Yun Ling yelled at Luo Ziyue in a low voice.

The current situation is very clear at a glance.

Within 5 minutes, if the reinforcements had not arrived, facing so many "people", they would undoubtedly die.

(End of this chapter)

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