Chapter 305 Deadly Transformation 3
"We must persist until Mr. Pei and the others arrive. Before they arrive, we must not give up!"

Luo Ziyue looked at the familiar faces in front of her with firm eyes, and couldn't help a burst of heartache.

In just a short while, they changed from a living person to a walking corpse.

But she could only watch them become what they are today.

There is no way.

The sense of powerlessness that came from the bottom of her heart came to her heart again.


Words with evil spirits came out of Yunling's mouth.

Looking indifferently at the familiar faces in front of him, the movements of his hands became more and more fierce and tricky. He had to do his best to protect Luo Ziyue's safety.


The mercenaries who were hurriedly led by Peng Wu still looked confused.

"Captain, what happened?"

"It's true that something big happened. We didn't have anyone injured by that thing in the backyard before, right?"

Peng Wu didn't know how to tell the lore what happened in the backyard.

When she left just now, Luo Ziyue repeatedly explained that she must not take the people in the backyard with her.

Under the premise that the situation was unknown, he had no choice but to stay in the backyard and leave with the others.

He left too hastily, and he didn't know if anyone was missed?

"Backyard? What happened in the backyard?"

"Head, don't be vague, tell us what happened! Maybe we can help you?"

"Yeah, don't wait until we make the same mistake then regret not telling us in advance!"

A group of people surrounded Peng Wu and yelled at him. As soon as they left, the protective barrier in the back yard opened. It was obviously to prevent them from going back. It won't be so weird.

"Okay, everyone calm down first, let me tell you slowly, during this period of time, you must not go to the World of Warcraft Forest and the mass graves to send missions. If there is no urgent matter, the lore will be temporarily suspended. Accept any mercenary mission, after the matter is clarified, you can act!"

Peng Wu waved his hand, motioning everyone to stop making noise, listen to him speak slowly, with a serious expression, inexplicably making the atmosphere very tense.

"Some time ago, we had a team member who went out on a mission and never came back.

It was not until today that their bodies were found. Many people must have known about this.

However, what you don't know is that they didn't know what was bitten by something, which led to a corpse change and became a corpse that can only kill.

Moreover, their strength is more than several times that of theirs before they were alive, and they are extremely difficult to deal with. Anyone they hurt or bite will gradually become like them.

This is why I took everyone away so hastily.

It is difficult for swords to hurt them at all, and their ability to heal wounds is astonishingly powerful.

At present, Xiaosha and Qingyun are leaving to deal with them, while waiting for Pei Lao's support.

What we can do is to take care of ourselves, don't make trouble for them, and be troubled for me, and wait quietly for their smooth return. "

"If things are really as the team leader said, Xiaosha and Qingyun can't deal with so many people at the same time, and we can't just stay here and wait for death. Instead of waiting quietly, it's better to go in and talk to Xiaosha. They fight together!"

"That's right, Captain, isn't it too immoral for you to just take us away like this?"

"What do you know? Taking you away is the most appropriate way. In case you go in and get hurt by them, the consequences will be disastrous. At that time, what we have to deal with will not be as simple as the few people in front of us. You will only expand their numbers if you go in."

Peng Wu looked at them with a cold face, and his heart was full of worries for Luo Ziyue and the others: "Ask yourselves, can you really make up your mind to kill your former companions? In this battle, if you hesitate even a little, you will be killed." Become monsters like them."

The arduousness and difficulty of this battle were not as easy as they imagined.

A group of people were silent and did not speak, their eyes looked around from time to time, with unconcealable tension on their faces, "It's been a long time, why haven't Mr. Pei and the others come? Is there anyone to inform them?"

"Don't be nervous, Ye Ying has gone to inform Mr. Pei and the others. I believe he will be able to bring Mr. Pei and the others smoothly."

Peng Wu's words were not only telling them, but also telling himself.

In order to conceal his nervousness and worry, he could only pretend to be calm and look in the direction of the Alchemy Guild, and kept cheering himself up in his heart.

At the same time, the progress of Ye Ying on the other side was indeed not so smooth. He was stopped by a group of people before reaching the medicine refining guild. He took out his token, "I want to see your president, Mr. Pei!"

"Just you? Still want to see Mr. Pei? Where did you get the token in your hand? Be honest, who did you steal it from!"

It's no wonder that the guards would ask such a question. Ye Ying is in a mess at the moment, very much like a beggar wandering around.

Suddenly taking out the token given by Luo Ziyue naturally aroused a trace of suspicion.

"My master said that as long as Mr. Pei or Mr. Jun sees this token, they will definitely meet him. Please be more accommodating. The situation is urgent, and I can't afford to worry for a moment!"

The expression on Ye Ying's face was solemn, and there was a sense of urgency in his words.

It took a lot of time to fight with those people on the way, and I don't know what's going on with Luo Ziyue?

In case, something happened, he could really be blamed for death.

Seeing him like this, the big gatekeeper didn't seem to be cheating, so he couldn't help asking: "Who is your master?"

"My master should have been here before, Shi Sha! Have you heard of it? He doesn't look too old, but he speaks and does things extremely calmly. He is accompanied by a guard with a cold face all the year round. " Ye Ying was afraid that they would obstruct them, so she couldn't help waving her hands to describe them.

Hearing what they said, Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling's figures immediately appeared in the mind of the big man guarding the door. The two looked at each other, and one of them sneaked into the alchemy guild and hurriedly looked for Pei Old report.

With her hands behind her back, Ye Ying walked back and forth in front of the door of the Alchemy Guild, waiting for news.

For him, time is money now, and he can't afford to waste a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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