Chapter 312 Isolation Clothes and Gas Masks
Luo Ziyue tilted her head and looked at Clivia with a smirk, with a very obvious playfulness in her eyes.

In fact, what she didn't say is that since then, she has had an inexplicable shadow on reading, and she doesn't want to read at all unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Haha... I know how you feel, but you eat too much, and you obviously have some indigestion!"

Seeing her bitter face, Clivia couldn't help letting out a hearty laugh, seeing this level of reading in the book, he was really drunk!

"However, I think your master's method seems to be counterproductive, but it still has merits. After all, you can't stay by his side all the time. You don't need to feel that there is something like a reserve of knowledge. It’s still very useful when you need to use it!”

"From what you said, are you planning to follow me after the things in front of you are over?"

During the conversation with Clivia, Luo Ziyue had already made the gas mask in her hand fluently, clapped her hands, and instantly heard knocks on the door, "Come in!"

"Xiao Cha, what's your order?" The one who appeared in Luo Ziyue's eyes was the captain of the fifth team in the previous assessment.

Luo Ziyue looked at him slightly surprised: "Hey, it's you?"

"Wu Jian, brothers call me Lao Wu."

Wu Jian was not surprised that Luo Ziyue knew him. After all, Luo Ziyue had saved them several times in the previous assessment. In order to avoid embarrassment, before Luo Ziyue asked what his name was, he reported it calmly. own name.

"Wu Jian? Infernal Affairs? It seems that you are going to stage a scene of Infernal Affairs!"

Luo Ziyue repeated Wu Jian's name in her mouth, jokingly said.

Wu Jian didn't quite understand what Infernal Affairs she was talking about, "Swords are about swordsmanship! Also, Xiao Cha, what is Infernal Affairs?"

"Infernal Affairs is..." Luo Ziyue paused for a moment, as if organizing her words.

Just as Wu Jian and Clivia stretched their necks, waiting for her to explain, she suddenly waved her hand impatiently, "I don't know what to say, I can only express what I can say. By the way, you take this Go to the smelly place and ask to see if it can stop the smell from penetrating into your senses!"

"Odd smell?" Wu Jian looked at her with some puzzlement, took the thing from her hand, and put it on his head.

"Well, such as toilets..." Luo Ziyue nodded with a smile, and confirmed what he was thinking, "It is mainly used to isolate and filter odors, I need to know its effect, So I can only trouble you..."

Suddenly, three black lines slipped from the heads of the two people in the room.

Her experiment was too weird, it turned out to be to ask people to go to the latrine to smell the smell.

Clivia thought that Wu Jian would reject Luo Ziyue's request, but she didn't expect him to nod firmly.

"Okay, I'll go to the latrine to smell it and see how it works!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work, I will give you one when I finish."

Luo Ziyue knew that her request might be too much, but she had no choice but to do so. Before she had tried the effect of the gas mask, she dared not use it casually. Poison, no kidding.

This is much worse than smelling the peculiar smell of the latrine.

"Their guy is nice, I thought he would refuse your request!"

"I can't help it. I still have a lot of things to do here. I really can't spare my hands to do the experiment myself. Apart from arranging for them, you are the only one here. I can't let your great alchemist run away. Go to the latrine and smell the smell!"

Luo Ziyue lowered her head and continued busy with the mess in front of her.

Seeing her so earnestly touching, Clivia didn't dare to be lazy, and devoted all her attention to his experiment, hoping that when Luo Ziyue finished her work, he could also develop the disinfectant in her mouth.

Fortunately, Luo Ziyue's medicinal materials are extremely comprehensive, which saves him the time to find and buy medicinal materials.

Both of them were engrossed in what they were doing, and the room immediately fell silent.

When Wu Jian took the gas mask made by Luo Ziyue to the toilet, it immediately attracted the attention of other people.

He was worried that it would delay Luo Ziyue's affairs, so he didn't dare to pause halfway, and chose to remain silent in response to the chirping voices of the people around him.

Without giving any explanation to them, after staying in the toilet for a while, after confirming that there was no problem, he returned to the alchemy room.

"How's the effect?" Luo Ziyue tilted her head and asked while busy with the matter in hand.

Wu Jian looked at her in surprise: "The effect is very miraculous. As Xiao Sha said, I didn't smell any peculiar smell, and the air in my body was very fresh. Ask me what this is? I didn't tell them without your permission."

"Well, you've done a good job. You don't need to tell them about it for the time being. Just keep this in your hand. Don't give it to me. You may need it in the future."

Hearing what Wu Jian said, Luo Ziyue was not very surprised. Obviously, the result of the matter was within her expectation. Although it was the first time for her to make a gas mask by herself, she had dealt with this thing a lot in her previous life. To be on the safe side, she once also specially studied their production process and precautions.

Looking at the protective mask in his hand, Wu Jian hesitated for a moment. He knew it was a good thing, and it was only beneficial to him, not harmful.

After making sure that Luo Ziyue was not joking with him, she decisively put it away, as if she was afraid of being snatched away.

"Then, thank you Xiaosha. I won't be polite to you."

Luo Ziyue raised her head and smiled at him, "Well, it's very good of you, don't be polite to me, I don't have anything else to do here for the time being, go and do your work!"

After successfully making the first gas mask, Luo Ziyue's movements became smoother and her speed increased a lot.

It didn't take long to successfully make two isolation gowns and gas masks.

After squatting on the ground for a long time, she stood up and breathed a long sigh of relief, stretched her waist, moved her muscles and bones slightly, then turned her head and shouted to Clivia who was not far away: "Brother Lang, what did you study?" How about it? How about you come over and try on the isolation gown first to see how it fits?"

"Are you finished?" Clivia raised her head from a pile of herbs, looked at her in surprise, and asked.

"It's just making two isolation gowns and protective masks that the two of us are wearing. It won't take long." Luo Ziyue handed over the finished clothes, "This is the first time I'm doing it, and the workmanship is not very good. It can be used, just don’t dislike it.”

(End of this chapter)

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