Chapter 313 Autopsy
"Don't dislike it, it's too late to be happy! I don't know which girl will be so lucky to marry you in the future!"

Being praised so bluntly by Clivia, Luo Ziyue was a little embarrassed, "Brother Lan, you forgot? I already have one in my family, but due to some reasons, we separated temporarily, but he is more Strong, but it never made me worry about these aspects!"

When mentioning Shi Tianjue, Luo Ziyue unconsciously revealed a faint sense of happiness.

"It can be seen that your relationship is very good. Are you married yet?" Seeing her happy face, Clivia couldn't help being curious about the life she was talking about, "Do you miss him?"

"If we don't get married, how can he let me run around all day long? However, it's good to get married, we can rest assured of each other, and it will save us from having long nights and dreams. You know, the world is impermanent, and it is very important to grasp everything in front of you. , so I hit it off with her at the time, and we got married when we said we were married."

Luo Ziyue looked at Clivia with a smile, "So you have to seize the opportunity, Brother Lan! Don't regret it until you miss it!"

"You really broke your heart about the matter between me and Mystery!"

Clivia glanced at her angrily, and put the clothes and mask on her body decisively, "Let's start working!"

"If it wasn't for seeing our brothers, I wouldn't even bother to talk about other favors!" Luo Ziyue nodded, and while talking, she put the clothes on her body, and gently lifted the palm of her hand from the cloud ring. After touching it, there was a dead body in the room, and the table with the dead body on it.

The moment they saw the corpse, both of them had serious expressions on their faces.

"This is the corpse you saved before?"

Clivia stepped forward, reaching out to touch the corpse, but was stopped by Luo Ziyue.

"Brother Lang, don't move yet, let me refine the blood in his body. I want to see what happened to them. Besides, your sterilizing medicine has not been refined yet. I'm afraid your medicine will be extracted first. Only by studying it can we touch his corpse."

"Why can't I touch it, but you can?" Clivia saw through Luo Ziyue's purpose at a glance, "Could it be that you think I'm not as good as you?"

"Brother Lang, you think too much. I don't mean it. You are just studying corpses. You are not an expert, are you? Relatively speaking, the research and development of medicine is more suitable for you." Luo Ziyue looked at it calmly. with him.

There was a scalpel in his hand very neatly, and he focused on dissecting the corpse in front of him. There was a large bowl on the ground, and the blood that continued to flow from the corpse was very bloody, which made Clivia a little uncomfortable. adapt.

Luo Ziyue didn't care about him, let him watch from the sidelines, and didn't urge him to refine the antiseptic medicine.

"I, I'll go to study the potion first, if you need my help, just call me!"

Sure enough, as she expected, it didn't take long before she proposed to leave.

The autopsy of the corpse was far more terrifying and disgusting than the usual killings. People who saw such a bloody scene for the first time would not be able to hold on for too long and would ask to leave.

Clivia resisted the desire to vomit.Looking at her head, she bumped her head stiffly to one side, moved her eyes away from Luo Ziyue's body, and stared at the alchemy furnace and herbs on the other side, and the nausea in her heart slowly dissipated.

Halfway through, he looked back at Luo Ziyue, seeing that she was still concentrating on studying the corpse in front of him, he couldn't help feeling a burst of admiration.

The two sat quietly in their respective worlds, working on their own.

Even without much dialogue, there is harmony.

After a long time, Luo Ziyue put her hands on her waist and let out a long sigh of relief. The corpse in front of her had been dissected into countless pieces by her.

Even the bones were picked up by her and studied carefully, especially when she discovered the black mysterious objects attached to the bone marrow, she even quietly roasted them, as long as the black objects were gradually falling into place. disappeared in front of her.

Without the aid of microscopes, it obviously takes more energy to do research well, and it even requires her to concentrate all her mental power on her eyes and magnify the things in her hands countless times to quickly Hao found clues hidden in the corpse.

"You look tired, are you really okay?"

Clivia saw her face behind the mask was very ugly, and looked at her worriedly.

Luo Ziyue shook her head slightly, "I'm fine, it's just that my mental strength is exhausted too much, I'm a little tired, I'll be fine slowly!"

While speaking, she appeared on the exercise mat in the room in a flash, and sat down cross-legged. Before closing her eyes, she repeatedly said, "Brother Lang, don't touch my things, they are now The toxicity it carries has been magnified countless times compared to before being dissected, and the isolation clothing worn on the body will not have much effect!"

"Okay, I got it. Don't worry!" Clivia said perfunctorily.

Luo Ziyue sighed helplessly: "Brother Lan, don't think I'm fine, just think that you're fine if you touch it. There is no solution to this thing for the time being. In case, you are really infected with the corpse poison, there will be nothing The medicine is curable, don't take it so seriously!"

"I'm not as delicate as you said, and you didn't say anything, how could something happen if I touch it?"

Clivia was really upset that Luo Ziyue treated him like a child, not to mention, he wouldn't touch her things, even if he did, she didn't think anything serious would happen.

"I don't know how many corpses like this have been dissected. I have experience and know what to touch and what not to touch. Brother Lang, you haven't learned it, so naturally you don't know." Luo Ziyue didn't seem to see Clivia getting angry As usual, her tone was still as indifferent as before, and it was impossible for people to ignore what she said.

Hearing what she said, Clivia remembered that she had learned from him before, so she didn't argue with her again. What's more, he couldn't bear to look at her tired face now. She worries about him.

"Don't worry, I promise, I won't touch those things of yours, and I won't let others touch them, okay?"

Clivia smiled helplessly, he obviously wanted to stay and help, why would it look like he was staying to make trouble?

Is he really so uneasy?
No matter what he thought, Luo Ziyue, who got his promise, closed her eyes happily and began to practice, recovering her exhausted mental power.

She found that every time she overdrawn her mental power, the mental power in her mind would become more pure and orderly.

(End of this chapter)

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