Chapter 321

"Miss Luo, what do you think?" The man in black directly aimed his words at Luo Ziyue, as if he was determined to shoot her.

"This is the city of Degal, and all affairs in the city are subject to the arrangement of the city lord. I just pass by here, a passerby!"

Luo Ziyue directly kicked the question to Lan Boxuan again.

"Life is long, and we are each other's passers-by!" The man in black followed her words and sighed, "Then listen to City Lord Lan, and I will give you three days. After three days, if you still can't Hand over Qin Tianhao's mother and son, and then the entire city of Degal will be reduced to our territory!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

In a burst of wild laughter, all the zombies in the dark scene disappeared, strangely without any movement, as if they had never appeared before, without a sound.

Everyone was relieved to have escaped by luck.

"Miss Luo, why don't you go to my city lord's mansion?" Lan Boxuan asked seemingly mildly, but with a hint of strength that could not be refused.

"Respect is worse than obedience, please!" Luo Ziyue readily agreed to Lan Boxuan's invitation.

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is meaningless for her to refuse blindly.

It's better to sit down and have a good chat with them, and discuss how to deal with this group of people after three days.


"City lord, Patriarch Qin please see me!"

Not long after Luo Ziyue and the others sat down, Patriarch Qin rushed over after hearing the news. The speed was somewhat beyond their imagination, but it seemed reasonable.

The people in the room looked at each other without saying a word, but Lan Boxuan raised his eyebrows in a little surprise: "Quick, invite him in!"

"City Lord, I heard that today's incident is related to the disappearance of Tianhao's mother and son. I wonder if it is true?"

Before the person arrived, an angry voice came from outside the door.

The one who quickly came into their sight was a man wearing a gray robe, full of vigor and no age, with a faint smile on his face and sharp eyes, obviously he was another difficult character to deal with.

Before meeting the head of the Qin family, Luo Ziyue always thought that he should be a gray-haired old man, but she never thought that he would look so young. Standing side by side with Qin Shengyu, it seemed like two people with different ages Little brother.

"Patriarch Qin's news is really well-informed! As soon as our front foot came back, your back foot appeared!"

Mr. Pei greeted the Patriarch of the Qin family very familiarly.

"Isn't it just a coincidence that there are two little brats from our family at the scene?" The head of the Qin family said quite naturally.

It doesn't look like you're lying.

After Patriarch Qin sat down, Lan Boxuan asked, "Patriarch Qin, do you know what happened before Qin Tianhao's mother and son disappeared?"

"I think Miss Luo should know better than me." Patriarch Qin focused his attention on Luo Ziyue who was sitting on the chief seat, "Miss Luo, can you tell me what happened before they disappeared? "

"Patriarch Qin, what you said is really funny. As the patriarch of the Qin family, how can I know things that you don't even know?"

Luo Ziyue sneered disdainfully, from the first time she saw the Patriarch of the Qin family, she didn't have a good impression of him.

Speaking of it, it is also merciless.

"According to what you said, Miss Luo, as the city lord of Degal City, doesn't the Lord Lan have to be clear about all the big and small affairs in the city?"

Patriarch Qin mercilessly countered Luo Ziyue's remarks.

"In theory, that's true."

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked sideways at Lan Boxuan, "However, what I'm curious about is how many people are there in your Qin family, and you actually try to compare yourself with the city lord, unless your Qin family is also like that?" There are countless people coming and going in this city every day, so that you can't even stand two such big living people. It's really convincing to be the head of a family like you ..."

"Pretentious words!" Patriarch Qin was very angry, raised his hand and slapped the table, "Obviously you and King Ning took people away, and you still want to quibble?"

"What about the evidence? If there is no evidence, don't talk to me." Luo Ziyue looked at Patriarch Qin impatiently, "According to your theory, I can also say that you hid the person and tried to use such an excuse to The purpose of uniting outsiders to attack Degal City is that you want to be the lord of the city."

"Fart! Is the old man like this?" Patriarch Qin trembled all over, and looked at Shang Lan Boxuan's seemingly gentle, but actually sharp eyes, "City lord, don't listen to this girl's nonsense, she is trying to sow discord, the old man will never There is such a thought!"

"No matter how I look up, down, left or right, I always feel that you are such a person. From the beginning to the end, you have such thoughts. You are greedy for power and money, and you are no longer satisfied with a little Qin. Family, you want to hold the entire city of Degal in your hands, and let everyone listen to your commands, obey your orders, and satisfy your selfish desires!" Luo Ziyue's eyes were as sharp as knives, and she said fiercely. Piercing Patriarch Qin's armor, he said aggressively.

"Damn girl, I warn you, don't talk nonsense! Others are afraid of you, labor and management are not afraid of you!"

Patriarch Qin stared at Luo Ziyue as if he wanted to eat people, as if he wanted to pull her tendons and skin.

Ordinary people have long been under his threat, too scared to speak,
It's a pity that Luo Ziyue, who was used to seeing big scenes, was not moved by them at all, "Why did you become angry from embarrassment when I talked about your thoughts?"

"Smelly girl, believe it or not, if you talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart!" Under the gaze of everyone, Patriarch Qin felt guilty for some reason, and spoke loudly, but became more and more serious. It seemed that he was not confident enough.

Compared with his full aura, Luo Ziyue seemed much calmer.

"Do you think I was really scared? Just like you, if you want to tear my mouth apart, I'm afraid I have to go back and practice for a few years, but I don't mind tearing your mouth apart!" Luo Zi Yue flicked the sleeve loop casually, stretched out her hand to take the tea on the table, and took a light breath.

Leaning on the back of the chair with a lazy expression, he stared at Patriarch Qin with a half-smile.

In all sights, Patriarch Qin's face and mouth got bigger little by little. From a distance, he looked like he had been beaten and swollen. Coupled with a huge sausage mouth, the picture was so beautiful that she couldn't bear to look at it. !

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Patriarch Qin stared at him, stretched out his hand to touch his face, and immediately let out a piercing scream.

"What's it called? No one wants to force a woman to fuck you, don't make such a misleading call. The sound of the bed!"

(End of this chapter)

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