Chapter 322 Luo Ziyue Gets Mad 2
Luo Ziyue took a sip of tea leisurely, and said to Patriarch Qin in a lazy voice.

The tough words, and the moment they were spoken again, stunned all the people in the hall.

After a long time, Mr. Pei seemed to sigh and said: "Girl, fortunately, you are already married, otherwise, who would dare to marry you who are so tough?"

"Ordinary people, I'm not willing to marry!" Luo Ziyue looked disapproving, "Don't you think he is calling. Bed? Such a heart-piercing cry came from a It's really hard to believe what comes out of the man's mouth!"

"Smelly girl, hand over the antidote to me, otherwise, I'll kill you!" Patriarch Qin glared at Luo Ziyue and threatened.

However, Luo Ziyue ignored his threat at all.

"Then let's discuss it when you can kill me!" Luo Ziyue lazily raised Erlang's legs, her eyes fell on Lan Boxuan, "City Lord Lan, did you invite us to quarrel? Or are you here to discuss major events in three days' time?"

"Miss Luo, such a sensible person can naturally understand my intentions, but before that, I really want to know what happened before Qin Tianhao's mother and son disappeared?" Lan Boxuan raised his hand and stopped the plan. Patriarch Qin, who was speaking, looked at Luo Ziyue with a gentle and harmless smile.

"It seems that no matter what I say, you all believe that our husband and wife took the two of them away, right? If that's the case, I don't think I have anything to talk to you about. After three days, what should I do? Whatever it is! Those who can survive are lucky, and those who cannot survive are fate!"

Luo Ziyue put the teacup on the table with a bang, got up and walked towards the door without any hesitation.

"The lives of those people are lore, are you really just letting go?" Elder Shan's threatening voice came from behind her.

"Are you threatening me?" Luo Ziyue turned her head with her eyes narrowed slightly, and smiled contemptuously at Shang Dan's eyes, "I've said it before, it's their luck to survive, and it's their fate if they don't. It has nothing to do with me, you can kill or cut as you like."

"Tell me, if they heard this, how sad they would be!" Shan Lao clapped his hands, and in an instant, the lore and his group were tied up by them, "Your master said, your lives have nothing to do with her, are you sure?" Do you still want to sacrifice your life for her?"

Luo Ziyue swept across the faces of Peng Wu and the others indifferently, and she was keenly aware that the corners of Ye Ying's lips were missing from the crowd, and the corners of her mouth could not help but evoke a cold arc, "Old Shan, you You really don't know me too well, the things I said never change for anyone, including them!"

"Miss Luo, do you really not care about their lives?"

"From the day they decided to follow me, they were ready to sacrifice at any time. I am their master, not their bodyguard. I can't compromise for them every time. Otherwise, what use would I want them? "

There was a trembling chill on Luo Ziyue's face, there was no trace of warmth in her deep eyes, and cold words spit out from her mouth.

"Falling into your hands can only show that they are not strong enough. I can save them for a while, but I can't save them for a lifetime. Instead of doing this, it's better to let you deal with them, so as to save them from suffering a few years in this world."

"Miss Luo is right. It falls into your hands. We can only blame us for not working hard enough and not having enough ability to escape from your hands. If you want to kill or cut it, you can dispose of it. Don't think about using us to make Miss Luo torture you. !"

It would be a lie to say that they were not sad, but they couldn't deny Luo Ziyue's words. It was indeed because they were not strong enough that they could not escape from their hands. If they had enough strength, they could be as powerful as Ye Ying. escape from their clutches.

The lore-killers looked at Lan Boxuan and the others as if they were dead, and flinched without any meaning at all.

"Very good, you have done a good job, I can finally see a trace of the future from you, I can't help you out of the difficulty in front of you right now, if you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself , move your head more, I will wait for your return."

There was a hint of praise in Luo Ziyue's eyes.

In the face of death, in the face of difficulties, without flinching, this is their lore spirit.

For them, this is a rare test, only those who can survive are eligible to be recognized by her.

"Miss Luo, don't worry, we will never let you down!"

All the people who were kidnapped by Mr. Shan and the others did not expect that Luo Ziyue did not give up on them. She just regarded the predicament in front of them as a test for them. Thinking of this, an inexplicable confidence rose from their hearts, and the group of people had a tacit understanding They all looked at each other, each of them was full of fighting spirit.

"Well, I hope you can truly understand what the spirit of lore is!"

Luo Ziyue swept across them sharply, and finally landed on the group of people in the middle of the hall, with a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, "People, I will leave it to you, if you want to kill or cut, let it be You deal with it. But, I think, my people will tell you what is flawed must be reported for me!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Ziyue disappeared into the hall in an instant, without giving them any chance to repent.

You could tell she was really annoyed by them.

"Old man Shan, are you crazy? Why did you arrest them behind our backs?"

After Luo Ziyue left, Mr. Pei was the first to attack Mr. Shan, with a look of worry on his brows, "This time, you really annoyed this girl, didn't you ask about this girl's character before you did it?" ?”

"It's just a yellow-haired girl, why are you like this?" Shan Lao looked at Pei Lao quite indifferently.

"Yellow-haired girl?" Old Pei sneered, "Do you think that she really got the title of Killing God through King Ning? Believe it or not, within half an hour, something big will happen to your mercenary guild!"

"Don't tell me, I really don't believe it, I want to see what kind of ghost she can come up with for me!"

Shan has been dissatisfied with Luo Ziyue for a long time. A stinky girl who hasn't even grown up yet dares to be so arrogant in front of so many of them. If he doesn't treat her, what a shame!
"City lord, what are you talking about? You won't really let old man Shan fight their opponents, will you? Now that the city of Degal is in danger, is it really appropriate to just push this girl out? She is the most promising research right now. Find someone who can crack the poison of zombies!"

Old Pei was really about to be pissed off by them.

Is there anything crazier in this world than blindly attacking someone without knowing their strength?

(End of this chapter)

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