Chapter 323 Thunder Means 1
"What did you say?"

Lan Boxuan's calm expression was finally moved by his last words, "Why didn't you mention such a big matter earlier?"

"With your attitude, City Lord, do you really think it's useful for me to say it in advance? You are so aggressive, and no one would give you or tell you what she painstakingly researched." Pei Lao was quite helpless. Looking at Lan Boxuan intently, "It's too late to say this now, if you dare to threaten her with her people, she will definitely not let you go so easily, these people have been cultivated by her with countless thoughts, Who knows but now..."

"Hey, it's too late to say this now, let's think about what to do in three days' time?"

Lan Boxuan looked at the other people in the hall with a slight headache, and he was quite satisfied with Pei Lao's words, but in the current situation, he couldn't think of any good way, everyone was arrested, even if they were released now, Luo Ziyue It is also impossible to calm down so easily.

"The most urgent task right now is to find out the whereabouts of Qin Tianhao's mother and son. If Miss Luo and the others really did not do it, the purpose of those mysterious people may not be so simple. We should be cautious." Someone in the hall suggested .

"Beware? You said, how should we be on guard? They come and go without a trace. It is simply not something we can deal with."

Mr. Pei couldn't help rolling his eyes, "The most urgent thing right now, I think, is that we should come up with an antidote to the corpse poison as soon as possible, so that at least we can slow down the number of zombies in the city!"

"Isn't this just what your medicine refining guild is good at? Your medicine refining guild is so big that it can't compare to a yellow-haired girl, and you are not afraid to make people laugh when you say it!" Shan Lao howled at Pei Lao very dissatisfied, In an instant, Pei Lao's face was blackened.


Before Mr. Pei could speak, there was a huge explosion sound in the city. The movement was so loud that the entire City Lord's Mansion trembled.

The ground trembled violently, as if an earthquake was about to occur, which was extremely disturbing.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that they attacked again?"

"In my opinion, it is very likely that the mercenary union was blown up!" Mr. Pei looked at Mr. Shan gloatingly, and said with certainty.

Old Shan couldn't help but slapped his palm on the table, "Old Man Pei, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll send someone to blow up your medicine refining guild right now!"

"I'm talking nonsense? When have you seen me talking nonsense? As long as you don't have to ask our pharmacists to buy medicine for those mercenaries you get, you can just blow it up. Anyway, it's just a broken house, so many people ask for it." Send it to us!"

Mr. Pei said confidently, as if he had made up his mind that Mr. Shan and the others would not dare to blow up the house of their refining guild.

You know, there are not many people in this world who dare to fight against alchemists. In this world, no one is feeling unwell. right.

"If that girl said this, I might still believe it, but if it comes from your mouth, I really don't believe it!"

"Old man Pei, I'm warning you, don't slap me in the face. If you are in a hurry, I don't care if you are a pharmacist or not, just hit me!"

"Yo yo yo, you are anxious just because you said a few words? Why didn't you see you when you dealt with the little girl like that just now?"

In the final analysis, Mr. Pei was still very dissatisfied with them sending Luo Ziyue away, which was also the direct reason why he ignored Patriarch Qin's begging eyes.

If he hadn't been so mean-spirited as soon as he came up, would they have started fighting among themselves on the eve of the enemy's arrival?

If you ask him, the girl's previous guess really sounds so credible!
"Old Pei, can you show me first? Is there an antidote to the poison on my face? Look at me, how embarrassing it would be if I went out to meet people!?"

Patriarch Qin couldn't bear the itching on his face, so he had to interrupt the carrying of Mr. Pei and Mr. Shan, and said to Mr. Pei with a pitiful face.

Mr. Pei didn't even look at him, and directly denied: "No, I've never seen this kind of poison, and I don't have its antidote in my hand. If you want to get rid of the poison, you should go to that girl, otherwise, you I'm afraid this face will really be useless!"

"You didn't even look at it, so how do you know that there is no way to cure the poison on my face? Mr. Pei, let's get to know each other anyway, you won't be so ruthless, right?"

Patriarch Qin didn't believe what Mr. Pei said at all, thinking that he wanted to vent his anger on Luo Ziyue, so he said that on purpose.

"Do you think the old man said that on purpose?"

Mr. Pei turned his head to meet Patriarch Qin's eyes in surprise, "When have you ever seen me make fun of medical skills or human life? As early as the first time you were poisoned, I observed the poison on your face, and I was very sure and sure I don't have any antidote that can restrain it, if I'm not wrong, this poison has been improved, and ordinary antidote pills can't dissolve it at all."

"Old Pei, are you serious?" Lan Boxuan couldn't help being curious about Luo Ziyue when he heard what Old Pei said, "So Miss Luo's level of alchemy is far beyond ordinary people?"

"She should be from a famous teacher. The method of alchemy is different from that of ordinary pharmacists, and her spiritual power is even more extraordinary. Therefore, the elixirs or poisons she practiced are very effective. She is an amazing talent, but she has a weird temper. , However, the temper of a genius is not uncommon."

Mr. Pei nodded very seriously, and Luo Ziyue's appearance when he was refining alchemy appeared in his eyes again.

I couldn't help a burst of admiration.

Unfortunately, they all offended her.

"Sigh, such a talented person, we actually offended her." Mr. Pei shook his head regretfully.

"Us? When did you offend her too?"

Old Shan looked at Old Pei curiously. He thought that a smart person like him would maintain a good relationship with this girl!

"Isn't it the one who offended me that day? Didn't she pay me much attention today without seeing her?"

Speaking of this, old man Pei was also a little embarrassed, after all, his initial request was not much less than theirs.

"Hahahaha... It turns out that you also stumbled, and you deserve it!"

"Old Shan, it's not good. Mercenaries, the mercenary union was blown up by someone!"

Suddenly, a servant rushed in and shouted at Old Shan who was smiling happily.

The smile on Old Shan's face froze in an instant, "You, what did you say? Can you say it again?"

"Qin, the Qin Mansion was also bombed!"

Before anyone could speak, another person rushed in and yelled at Patriarch Qin out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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