Chapter 324 Thunder Means 2
"What? What did you say?"

Patriarch Qin stood up in an instant, glaring fiercely at the servant who came to report the letter.

The servants of the City Lord's Mansion were so frightened that they couldn't help taking a step back, looked at him cautiously and said, "The Mercenary Union and the Qin Mansion were bombed at the same time."

"This Luo Ziyue is so daring, she dared to blow up our Qin Manor and the Mercenary Union. She really thought we would be afraid of her?"

Patriarch Qin lost his temper immediately, and his eyes fell directly on Lan Boxuan: "City Master, are you saying something? You can't really just let her blow up our Qin Mansion and the Mercenary Union. Do it? You are not afraid that she will directly blow up the city lord's mansion in the next step!"

"Bold!" Lan Boxuan slapped the table, "Do you take me, the city lord, seriously?"

Patriarch Qin smiled awkwardly, "City Master, don't be angry, I just said that casually, and she wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous!"

"Old Shan, let her go first." Lan Boxuan ignored Patriarch Qin, with a calm expression on his face, "You two go back to deal with the aftermath, and other things, we will talk about it later!"

"Didn't she say that she doesn't care about their life or death? If you dare to blow up my mercenary union, I will not let her go. I want to see what she wants to do!"

Old Shan snorted coldly, turned his head stubbornly, and the moment he met Patriarch Qin's eyes, he took his eyes back again, flicked his sleeves, and disappeared into the hall, not caring what Patriarch Qin's plan was, just caring about himself left.

In fact, in his heart, he still listened to what Old Pei said to him, but he couldn't bear it in front of so many people.

"City Master, since this is the case, then I will take my leave first!"

Master Qin saw that Mr. Pei was determined not to help him detoxify, so he gave up. After all, such a big family incident happened, and he couldn't just sit back and watch. Most importantly, he felt that he also needed to make a good plan.

After they all left, Lan Boxuan's face became completely gloomy, "Mr. Pei, what do you think we should do now? Before the battle started, we had already started fighting. It would not be a good idea to continue like this." Method!"

"Maybe this happens to be what they want as well." Mr. Pei looked at Lan Boxuan thoughtfully, "Didn't you follow the plan?"

"how do I say this?"

Lan Boxuan raised his eyebrows slightly, a faint smile appeared on his serious face, and he looked at the thoughtful old Pei with gentle eyes.

Mr. Pei shook his head helplessly, "I don't know you yet. Normally, you would have stopped their initiative a long time ago. How could you allow them to attack that girl! Others don't know her, but you don't?"

"Actually, I really don't know her well like you. Her temperament is quite to my liking. She really didn't hesitate at all when she was ruthless!" Said Luo Ziyue, the smile on Lan Boxuan's face widened, "What do you think she will do next?"

"Old man Shan, this time, he definitely held a hot potato in his hands. He tried his best, but he didn't know that he was in the hands of the other party!"

As soon as Mr. Shan was mentioned, Mr. Pei had a helpless expression on his face. He was already a man of his age, and he was so impulsive in doing things.

"I really didn't expect that he would arrest Peng Wu's group of people. When he brought them in front of me, I was really shocked. However, the most urgent task now is to gather the experts in the city. Already, let's join forces to deal with the group of zombies in three days' time."

Lan Boxuan also shook his head helplessly, "I guess Qin Tianhao's mother and son might not be in Luo Ziyue's hands. If they were, she wouldn't have reacted like this."

"Well, speaking of this, I remembered it. Do you still remember that there was a change in the city before King Ning disappeared?"

There was a flash of inspiration in Mr. Pei's mind, and he suddenly thought of something, and a bright light appeared in his eyes.

"You mean, the disappearance of Qin Tianhao's mother and son is very likely to be related to that incident? In that case, it would be even more impossible for Luo Ziyue to reveal their whereabouts. What's more, if it was in the hands of King Ning, we would not Have the guts to ask him for it.”

Reminded by Pei Laoyi, Lan Boxuan immediately thought of the abnormal temperature that night, and knew without thinking, Luo Ziyue and the others must have escaped death that day, otherwise, it would be impossible to make such a big commotion. It seems that the group of people It should have been prepared for a long time, and this action may have been planned for a long time.

"Be afraid, even if we hand them over, they won't let it go so easily."

Obviously Mr. Pei and Lan Boxuan wanted to go together, "You think, Qin Tianhao's mother and son have never behaved abnormally before, if Luo Ziyue and his wife hadn't come to Degar City suddenly, we would have always thought that they were just Ordinary rich children and women, but Luo Ziyue and the others are here, is it possible that Luo Ziyue knows something? Threatened them, and made them jump over the wall? "

"The Qin family should have secrets that we don't know. The city of Degal is not as peaceful as we have seen. This battle may not end so easily. We have to find a way to recruit people as soon as possible!" Lan Bai Xuan nodded in agreement.

Before, he might have really underestimated the Qin family.

"I don't know if this Qin family has anything to do with that group of people? If things are really as that girl said, we will be in trouble."

"I immediately issued a notice to inform the people of the situation in the city. The gates of the city will also be closed in the near future, and no one is allowed to go out or enter the city. It is very likely that you will prepare various pills that may be used in the future. At the same time, Make use of your network to call any strong person in your hands who may owe you favors or something, come to support!"

Lan Boxuan thought for a moment, looked at Mr. Pei sharply, and a series of instructions came out of his mouth. At the same time, several explosions sounded again in the city, the ground shook violently, and the hanging ornaments placed in the room The walls, tables, chairs, and so on were all rumbled, causing people in the city to run out one after another.

In the dark night sky, the smoke spiraled toward the sky, and the dazzling firelight illuminated the sky all day long.

"Ah, what on earth does this girl want to do? Could it be that she is addicted to bombing?"

The explosion this time was more powerful than before, causing Lan Boxuan and Mr. Pei to stand up in shock, and quickly rushed towards the door.

"Looking at the direction, it seems that she is from the Qin family? According to it, this girl has a good relationship with several boys in the Qin family, so she won't make such a murderous move, but..."

With his hands behind his back, Lan Boxuan stared deeply at the soaring flames, his head was spinning rapidly, thinking about Luo Ziyue's motives for action.

(End of this chapter)

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