Chapter 330 Mysterious Always 1
"Wenqing, what exactly do you want to do?" Looking at Song Wenqing with a dark face, Bai Zimo asked worriedly.

From time to time, her eyes looked towards the burning fireball in mid-air, Miss Luo didn't know what to do?

He was really worried about leaving like this.

"Junior Sister is definitely in danger this time. I want to see in the Qin Mansion. Is there any clues that can help me find her? This old man Qin has been planning for so long, and he will definitely not be killed by Junior Sister so easily!" Song Wenqing Looking at him with a serious expression, she whispered in his ear.

Bai Zimo considered Song Wenqing's words thoughtfully, and followed him into the Qin family.

"City Master, we've searched everywhere, but we didn't find Miss Luo!"

After searching and confirming that there was no trace of Luo Ziyue, the head of the guard walked to Lan Boxuan's side and reported to him in a very low voice.

"Oh, I see."

Lan Boxuan took a deep look at the blazing fireball, "Now there are two things that you need to arrange manpower to do immediately!"

"Yes, your subordinates obey!"

After some whispering, the leader of the guards took the order and quickly withdrew it.

"The casualties this time were smaller than we expected, but they still hurt our vitality. The most important one is probably Luo girl..."

Old Pei appeared next to Lan Boxuan like a ghost, looking at the seven-colored rainbow rising in the sky, he sighed and shook his head.

"I want to see people when I live, and I want to see corpses when I die. I don't believe that this girl is really like this..."

Lan Boxuan's voice was a little low, and it was hard to hide the sadness in his eyes. He put his hands behind his back and stared at the sky in a daze, "Mr. Pei, tell me, is this girl still angry with us? Ever since she appeared, there has been no Say hello to us, all the arrangements were made by her alone in advance, ashamed!"

"This girl has always reported her flaws. She should be angry when we treated her like that, but no matter what, I still hope that she can be well, even if she doesn't want to see us." Old Pei's face was full of regret, " You said, did she expect that she would be in danger this time?"

"You mean, she evacuated lore and went into seclusion?"

"Well, lore can be said to be a force cultivated by her alone, but before the battle, she evacuated all of them and hid them in the market. Even we couldn't find their hiding place. I think, this The girl may have expected something!"

"Old man Qin's strength far exceeds our imagination. Even if I face him head-on, I'm afraid he won't be his opponent. Given his age, his status in their organization may not be low. Whichever side considers lore is temporarily retiring is the safest!"

Lan Boxuan could understand Luo Ziyue's thoughts. After all, after the previous attack, Degar City was not a safe place for lore. If he was not careful, he might fall again. Entering the dilemma where there are wolves before and tigers behind.

"What are you going to do next?" Mr. Pei sighed, he still wanted this girl to teach that silly girl of his family!

Who knew, there would be such a fuss now.

"Is your Danby going on as usual or postponed or canceled?"

"I have to go back and discuss it with them. Given the current defense capabilities of Degal City, I'm afraid..." Mr. Pei looked at Lan Boxuan hesitantly.

Lan Boxuan's face was indifferent, "You can do whatever you want. I will naturally make arrangements for other things. If I remember correctly, many guests have already arrived in advance. Since the preparations are almost Yes, it will continue as usual!"

"Well, since you've said that, we naturally have no other worries, and everything will go on as usual."

"I just took this opportunity to tell those people what the old man Qin said before he died. If I guessed correctly, the situation like ours is very likely to happen in other cities!"

The previous conversation between old man Qin and Luo Ziyue weighed on Lan Boxuan's heart like a boulder.

If these dark creatures attack the human race again, they will be in danger.

"Maybe the old man just said that casually. The barrier between our human race and the demon race has always been guarded by the strong human race. It is not so easy for them to attack us." Old Pei frowned slightly. Wrinkled, communicating with Lan Boxuan in a low voice.

Lan Boxuan shook his head, "You don't understand, the strong men of the human race haven't sent us any news for a long time, and it's hard to say what's going on at the enchantment. Listening to old man Qin, they The first batch of people should have sneaked into the human race many years ago, and after planning for so many years, they will never let it go!"

"It seems that the demons are bound to win us humans! Even though our seniors drove them back to the side of the barrier, they have never given up. They just don't know who the master Qin said is. Are we currently in the human race or the demon race? If we are in the human race, we are really in danger!" After Lan Boxuan said this, Old Pei was also worried.

The group of dark creatures from the Demon Race is extremely difficult to guard against, and it is very difficult to deal with them.

The low-level creatures at the lowest end are better, and the higher the level, the more difficult it is to deal with.

The immortal one has no other way but to seal it.

Sealed for hundreds of years, it will always come back again, which is very annoying.

"By the way, how did you arrange it at the Qin's house?" Mr. Pei looked at Lan Boxuan as if suddenly remembering, "I think we should go to the Qin's house to search carefully. The old man Qin has been planning for so long, It's definitely not easy."

"Someone has already gone to the Qin family, I wonder if they will find anything!"

"We have to turn the Qin family upside down, otherwise, I will always feel uneasy in my heart, and I always feel that these zombies will come again!"

Old Pei shook his head helplessly, looking at the corpses all over the city, he was really scared.

"You and Mr. Shan take some people to search first, and I'll go find you later!" Lan Boxuan was silent for a while, then suddenly looked at Mr. Pei and arranged.

Old Pei looked at him in surprise, "Aren't you going with us now?"

"I still have some things to deal with, and I will go to you when I finish."

Lan Boxuan's eyes fell on the deserted city, where soldiers occasionally passed by.

There is still a lot of good work being done, and he, the city lord, should not leave for the time being. Even if he does nothing now, just standing like this can bring an invisible motivation to his subordinates. What's more, he didn't realize that the matter was really over like this.

(End of this chapter)

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