Chapter 331 Enrollment Test 1
"Then let's search first, and come find us after you finish your work!"

Mr. Pei looked at Lan Boxuan hesitantly, and after reaching out his hand to greet Mr. Shan, the two left together.

Lan Boxuan watched them leave with deep eyes.

The scorching flames were still burning fiercely, and the seven-colored rainbow that illuminated half of the night sky had gradually dimmed, just like Luo Ziyue's vitality, which became smaller and smaller as time went by.

Everyone in the lore mercenary group fell into a strange silence at the moment of the explosion, and the atmosphere was so solemn that it was hard to breathe.

They couldn't believe the fact that Luo Ziyue disappeared in the explosion.

"It's impossible for Miss Luo to have an accident. Don't think about it. What we have to do is to follow Miss Luo's previous arrangement, train well, and work hard to improve my strength. Don't let her hard work go to waste!"

Peng Wu took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and looked at everyone with sharp eyes.

Looking at Ye Ying, the two tacitly lead everyone into training, but this time everyone is extra involved in training.

They also showed abnormal devotion, as if they wanted to put all their worries into training and let sweat vent for them.

In the past few days, Qin Ning has been looking for Luo Ziyue and the others' whereabouts. He has long planned to join her and follow her to explore the world. However, he has not been able to find their traces, and finally waited for their appearance. , but he didn't expect them to disappear like ghosts, and he couldn't chase them at all.

Originally, he was still thinking about waiting for this incident to end, so he went to find Luo Ziyue and told her that he wanted to join them, but what he never thought of was that the man behind the scenes this time was actually the old man of the Qin family No wonder, he always felt that something was wrong with his mother!

"A'Ning, what happened this time has nothing to do with you. Then you can hide as far as you can. Don't implicate the Qin family!"

Qin Shengyu looked at Qin Ning with a solemn expression.

He knew that if the head of the family caused such a big disaster, those righteous men of the rivers and lakes would definitely not let their Qin family go, especially now that something happened to Luo Ziyue, their life would probably be even worse sad.

"Miss Luo, has something happened?"

Qin Ning stared blankly at Qin Shengyu, with an indescribable sadness on his face.

They all heard the huge explosion just now.

Neither the Patriarch nor Luo Ziyue could escape from the inside, and it is very likely that both of them died at the same time.

"I don't know, it's hard to say." Qin Shengyu frowned slightly, and shook his head gently, "Ah Ning, you can only rely on yourself for the future."

"What are you going to do?" Qin Ning looked at him warily, with a premonition of uneasiness in his heart.

Qin Shengyu smiled, "I am the fourth young master of the Qin family. I grew up in the Qin family since I was a child, and I have already attached the label of the Qin family to myself. Naturally, I have to be with the Qin family at all times, but you are different. You can live the life you want to live and walk the way you want to go!"

"Bullshit! The Qin family is going to be ruined, you are the same as it. What does the evil that the old man did have anything to do with you, don't be stupid!" Qin Ning jumped up instantly, pointing at Qin Shengyu's nose scolded.

Suddenly, a burst of fragrance blew over, his head became dizzy, and his body fell down with a bang.
A year later, outside the gate of Qingtian Academy, boys and girls were already densely packed.

"Xiao Sha, the test is about to start, I'm so nervous, what should I do?"

The girl with a round face tightly grabbed the hem of the boy beside her with both hands, and asked nervously.

"With our talent and strength, there is no problem at all in joining Qingtian Academy. What are you nervous about?"

The boy she called Xiao Sha looked at her indifferently, with unusually calm eyes.

It seems that he didn't pay attention to the upcoming admissions test at all, and his words were full of confidence.

"But, I'm still very nervous! You know, when I'm nervous, I want to pee. I really want to pee. What should I do?"

The girl raised her head, looked at Xiao Sha with an expression of about to cry, and kept stamping her feet on the ground, as if she could not hold back any longer.

"Xuanxuan, can you make a difference? It's just a small admissions test, why be nervous? Come on, follow my rhythm and take a deep breath. I promise, when you breathe, the urge to urinate will disappear."

Xiaosha looked helplessly at the girl next to him whom he called Xuanxuan, looked around with cold eyes, but couldn't find a place for her to pee.

I had to take a deep breath with her.

Mi Xuan looked at him innocently, "If I really pee my pants later, don't laugh at me!"

"Look, when have I ever laughed at you?"

Xiao Sha's cold face was full of indifference, and his eyes fell on the boys and girls around who cast strange glances at them.

"I won't laugh at you, but they will laugh at you.

"It's so big that you still pee your pants, and, look, there's no place around here for you to change.

"That means, if you do pee your pants, you'll have to go on stage in wet pants when you're tested later.

"Pissing all over your body will definitely be disgusted by the test teacher. If you lose the election then, don't drag me home with you.

"You know, I can't procrastinate any longer. If I procrastinate any longer, I will really pass by Qingtian Academy forever!"

After a long series of words, without taking a breath, Xiao Sha felt as if she was about to be suffocated by herself. In order to prevent the little girl next to her from peeing her pants, she really worked hard.

If it were before, she wouldn't be too lazy to bother her, and she loves to pee, but this girl saved her again.

If it weren't for her, she would definitely have died in the explosion a year ago, and the damage to her body would not have recovered so quickly. The most important thing is that with the help of this girl, she successfully contracted the man-eating Kao, and without Spend a little effort.

Simply lucky.

In more than a year, those disgusting dog-skin plasters finally couldn't catch up, and she also successfully used Yi Rongdan to change her appearance and temperament. Except for Shi Sha's name, basically no People can see Luo Ziyue's shadow from her body.

That's right, she is Luo Ziyue who has disappeared for a long time, and she is also Luo Ziyue who broke everyone's hearts.

During the period of disappearance, she did not contact anyone. In order to prevent them from being watched, her body has not fully recovered, her strength has been greatly damaged, and she simply does not have enough strength to deal with those people in the dark. She lives a simple and low-key life It was the one that best suited her previous situation.

(End of this chapter)

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