Chapter 332 Enrollment Test 2
If it wasn't for the fear of missing out on the admissions of Qingtian Academy this time, she would still plan to continue her training for a while!

The life that they and Mi Xuan depended on each other was very peaceful, although it was very difficult.

This peaceful life of retreating into the forest has always been what she wanted.

Mi Xuan looked at her with a bitter face, "Then, then I'll hold back!"

"Xuanxuan, be good!" Luo Ziyue rubbed Mi Xuan's head fondly, "Actually, there is no need to be nervous. No matter what the test result is, I will be with you. With me here, what are you afraid of? Woolen cloth?"

"Xiao Cha, it's great to have you!" Mi Xuan threw herself into Luo Ziyue's arms, coquettishly towards her like a child who hasn't grown up.

Mi Xuan is an orphan abandoned in the forest of monsters. Luckily, she was taken back by a she-wolf and grew up drinking its milk. She has been with those monsters in the forest since she was a child, and has a very sensitive personality. Perception, being able to clearly perceive whether the people around her are exuding malice or kindness towards her.

She is very interested in the world outside the World of Warcraft Forest, and often sneaks to nearby towns to play, especially after she accidentally picked up Luo Ziyue, it is like a treasure.

Luo Ziyue's name was not unfamiliar to her at all.

She once secretly followed her and Shi Tianjue.

It's a pity that they soon noticed and threw her away.

In the same way, after Luo Ziyue knew her life experience, she felt even more pity for her.

In the past year, she has been teaching her how to speak and read.

Fortunately, this girl is very smart, she can remember all the words she has said and the words she has taught.

You know, when she woke up, this girl could only speak a few simple words, and often she couldn't convey her meaning.

Luo Ziyue patted her on the head: "Silly girl, the test is about to start, so hurry up and stand up!"

"Yes!" Mi Xuan got out of her embrace with a whoosh, standing straight in front of her.

They stood at the very center of the line, and it would not be their turn for a while. Moreover, because the line was too long, they couldn't see what was happening in front of them clearly, so they had to follow the line slowly.

Soon, the sun had risen to the highest altitude, and the scorching heat made them all blush.

I don't know what the gate of Qingtian Academy is made of, so that they have no way to use the spiritual power in their bodies to resist the temperature of the outside world, and they can only rely on the quality of their bodies to hold on.

"Xiao Cha, I'm so hot!" Mi Xuan suddenly became extremely restless, pulling her clothes from time to time, looking up at the sun above her head, "Why do I feel that the light of the sun is gathered on top of my head?" Get on it, and your head will be smoked from the sun!"

Luo Ziyue raised her head and followed her line of sight, and she really found that it was as if a convex lens had been placed on top of their heads, gathering all the light together and falling on them scatteredly. Immediately, they all felt like they were about to be cooked.

"Peace of mind naturally cools."

"People are going to be roasted, why don't you calm down! What kind of test is this? It's not as scary as the legend says, but it's quite torturous." Mi Xuan muttered rather dissatisfied, her eyes fell on the long On the team, "Tell me, what's the difference between this and a penalty stand! We've all waited for so long, and there are so many people, ouch, it's really annoying."

"Look, there are so many people waiting behind us! They didn't complain, so why should we complain? Do you want to admit that you are not as good as them?" Luo Ziyue has long been accustomed to her childish character Yes, coaxing her very calmly.

Mi Xuan pouted her mouth high, and turned around dissatisfied.

"Just wait! What's the big deal, you have aggressive tactics every time, it's not fun at all!"

"It's not fun, you still want to play?" Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly.

"I didn't do this for you, you said, you're lifeless all day long, you don't have any youthful vibes at all, I really sacrificed my ego to make you better!" Mi Xuan raised her eyebrows in embarrassment, and looked at her provocatively , said very brazenly.

She wouldn't tell her that she was actually bored and wanted to give them something to do earlier!

"It seems that when we Xuanxuan grow up, we all know that we sacrifice ourselves for the happiness of others." Luo Ziyue still doesn't know the little tricks in her heart, but she is just too lazy to expose her. After such a long time, people are always the same. Have fun with yourself, "Say, what should I do to reward you?"

"Hey, you don't need rewards or anything. Normally, when I eat meat, you just need to be less concerned about me."

Mi Xuan is a typical meat eater.

If she doesn't eat meat for a meal, she will feel uncomfortable all over, but she is particularly scary when she eats meat, it is simply a typical gulp.

This may have something to do with the environment she lived in since she was a child, without so much table manners.

The most important thing is that when she eats meat, she doesn't care whether it's raw or cooked, as long as she can eat meat, it's good meat.

In order to prevent her from being treated as a monster by others after she came to live in the human race, Luo Ziyue resolutely put an end to her barbaric way of grabbing the dishes and rice on the table and stuffing them into her mouth. She must learn to use chopsticks and bowls like her Chopsticks, eat one bite at a time.

It made Mi Xuan feel terrified every time she ate, for fear that if she didn't pay attention, all the food on the table would be taken away, leaving her hungry to watch her eat.

"As long as you follow my rules, I will try my best to turn a blind eye to your meat-eating issue."

Luo Ziyue looked at her with some amusement, and she would never take a step back when it comes to some principled issues.

"You have so many rules, if you say it, it means you don't say it!"

Mi Xuan knew that she was doing it for her own good, but she was used to the way of stuffing food into her mouth indiscriminately, and it would not be easy to change back in a while.

"Of course, if you don't mind others treating you as a monster, then I'll leave you alone and do whatever you want!" Luo Ziyue said while looking at her with a smile.

Mi Xuan curled her lips in dissatisfaction, "It's so annoying to be a human being. Can I stop being a human being?"

"Since you don't want to be a human, you might as well be a ghost." Luo Ziyue looked at the little girl who was having a temper with tolerance, "Look, it's our turn soon."

Mi Xuan turned around and looked in the direction of her finger. Sure enough, there were only four or five people in front of them.

"It's almost our turn. If it's not our turn, I'm going to go crazy!" Mi Xuan sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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