Chapter 333 Enrollment Test 3
"Which one are you going to apply for?"

There are different versions of the admissions examinations of Qingtian Academy. Everyone can sign up for different types of admissions tests according to their own conditions. Generally speaking, they are divided into three categories: spirits, warriors, and pharmacists. Among them, the spirits The number of applicants is the largest, and the number of applicants for alchemists is the least.

Since the number of applicants for the alchemist exam is very small, it is basically carried out at the same time as the admission test for the spiritual master.

Dozens of crystal balls radiate bright light under the bright sun, either red or green, thick or light, and there are constant sounds of beating and shouting in the combat area, and the onlookers gasp and exclaim from time to time, showing excellent performance Those with amazing talent will be admitted directly on the spot, those with average performance but not outstanding will be ordered to wait for the news notification, and those with poor performance and low talent will be eliminated directly.

There is no trace of sympathy left, and there is no human sympathy to leave.

Qingtian Academy never hires useless people.

The instructors who were taking the assessment looked indifferent, and their attitude was extremely perfunctory. Once they met a student with amazing talent, their eyes would lighten up immediately, and their faces would be filled with excitement.

The team kept moving forward, and soon it was Mi Xuan and Luo Ziyue's turn. The white-bearded old man in a gray robe sat in the first place, with two young mentors sitting next to each other, and there were special recorders at the side and rear. The relevant data of each tester.

"Name, project, age." Seeing someone approaching, the young female guide in a pink dress asked repeatedly, her voice crisp and indifferent.

Mi Xuan glanced at Luo Ziyue helplessly, saw Luo Ziyue nodded, and then said: "Mi Xuan, the applicant for the spiritual examination is fifteen this year."

"Well, let's start!" The female instructor gave an order, and Mi Xuan immediately stepped forward, put her hand on the transparent crystal ball, her thoughts moved slightly, and the transparent crystal ball instantly burst into orange light. .

Breathing, there was a panting sound at the scene, and they cast envious glances at Mi Xuan.

A look of surprise appeared on the face of the careless female tutor, "Very well, after three days, I will officially report to the school, and I will officially notify you of your grade and class."

"I want to be with Xiao Sha, you can't separate me from him!" Afraid that they would separate her from Luo Ziyue, Mi Xuan turned sideways and grabbed Luo Ziyue, looking at them with a very serious expression and said.

It's quite a posture that if you don't arrange me and her together, I don't want to report for duty.

"For the time being, we can't agree to your request, but if his strength meets our enrollment standards, it's not impossible to arrange the two of you together!" The white-bearded old man looked at Luo Ziyue and Mi Xuan with interest.

Unexpectedly, Mi Xuan stared at him suddenly, and looked at him very dissatisfied, "Our little Sha is much better than me, even someone as weak as me can be admitted, let alone him, unless you are blind, However, if you are blind, why should I come to your school?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Luo Ziyue glared at her angrily, then nodded slightly at the white-bearded old man: "Shi Sha, a pharmacist, is 16 years old."

"Alchemist? Yes, come, try this crystal ball."

The white-bearded old man suddenly took out a crystal ball covered by a black cloth from under the table, which looked no different from the crystal ball on the table.

It's just that his fox-like smile faintly made Luo Ziyue feel a bit like a big bad wolf who kidnapped Little Red Riding Hood.

"Why? Is there any difference between these two crystal balls?" Luo Ziyue put her gaze on the crystal ball on the table and asked rather puzzled.

"Since you are a pharmacist, test your mental strength naturally!"

"Hey, why did you talk to Yao Lao? If you are asked to test, you just test, where is there so much nonsense!?" The young male tutor suddenly darkened, and reprimanded in a cold voice.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Luo Ziyue's clear eyes, but she ignored him, her gaze fell on the white-bearded old man, "What should I do?"

"Put your hands on it and inject your spiritual power into it!"

The white-bearded old man nodded appreciatively. As expected of the person who made him wait all morning, she really acted like a general, but I don't know if her strength is really as amazing as he showed.

Without saying a word, Luo Ziyue walked straight to the crystal ball, slowly covering her slender hands, the transparent crystal ball trembled suddenly, and the dazzling purple filled the whole crystal ball, looking at her leisurely face, she seemed to be unrestrained. Without too much effort, Yao Lao stood up in a flash of surprise.

The expression is abnormally excited, like a treasure!
"Is that enough?" Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, then took her hand back decisively.

Yao Lao stared at Luo Ziyue with burning eyes, "Boy, did you not try your best?"

"You didn't tell me to do my best!"

The subtext is that I just didn't try my best?
Everyone looked at Yao Lao in puzzlement, wondering why he was so excited?
The tutors around him all looked at Luo Ziyue with dull faces, opened their mouths slightly, and gasped.

You must know that the crystal ball of the talent test is generally not directly taken out for new students to test. Even if it is taken out occasionally, it is still the best in the crystal ball strength test. Even they rarely have the talent to reach purple. .

But, he, he, turned out to be...

"Good, good, good!" Yao Lao said three good things, "You two come with me!"

"Where are you going?" Mi Xuan looked at the agitated Yao Lao in puzzlement, and reached out to grab Luo Ziyue, "Why doesn't this old man look like a good person? With such a treacherous smile, he couldn't be thinking Did you sell us?"

"No, even if he sold himself, he wouldn't sell us!"

Seeing Yao Lao's excited appearance, Luo Ziyue had a vague idea that it might have something to do with the crystal ball test, so she nodded without saying anything, took Mi Xuan's hand, and followed Yao Lao directly into Qingtian Academy .

Yao Lao who was walking in front shook his head helplessly when he heard Luo Ziyue's words, "Do you really have confidence in me? Are you not afraid that I will really sell you?"

"I've never heard that there is a place in Qingtian Academy that sells students." Luo Ziyue smiled, "Besides, if you want to sell us, you have to be willing to do it!"

"You are quite confident, you are not bad! Is she your sister or your little lover?"

Yao Lao looked at the two walking together hand in hand with playful eyes, there was some light in his eyes that Mi Xuan couldn't understand.

"She is both my sister and my little lover. Is there any problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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