Chapter 334 Moon God Statue
"Hey, no problem, the old man is just curious."

Luo Ziyue knew that Yao Lao must have misunderstood her relationship with Mi Xuan, but this happened to be what she wanted.

"Who is she?" Mi Xuan asked curiously, pointing to the statue facing the school gate.

Luo Ziyue looked in the direction her hand was pointing.

Sure enough, there is a statue of a goddess several meters high on their left hand side, with a solemn face and sharp eyes, and a long skirt that drags the floor makes her look mysterious and noble. The long sword stood vividly in front of the teaching building.

When the students who came and went passed her, they would unconsciously slow down their pace, and it could be seen that they highly respected her.

It's just that Luo Ziyue always felt that her face was a little familiar, as if she had seen her face somewhere.

"She was the founder of our school."

Yao Lao raised his head to admire the statue of the woman, as if recalling something.

"Moon God is the savior of our Fengyun Continent. Thousands of years ago, we were attacked by creatures from the dark interface. Many towns on the mainland fell to the hands of dark creatures. She came out and led us to take the territory back from the hands of dark creatures step by step. Qingtian Academy was also established by her. The purpose is to cultivate more strong people belonging to our own race, and beware of the attacks of dark creatures at any time. "

"She is so powerful..."

Luo Ziyue sincerely admired the Moon God. When the human race was facing extinction, he could stand up and lead everyone to attack dark creatures and rob towns. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Without absolute strength and wisdom, it is absolutely impossible for the strong of the race to succumb to her and obey her command.

She admires this woman who does not give way to her men.

"That's right! She is also the only person in our Fengyun Continent who has broken the rules and records for thousands of years. You must know that no one can break the countless records she set, whether it is talent or strength..."

To be able to make a strong man like Yao Lao so admired has already explained everything.

Luo Ziyue nodded thoughtfully, "Then where is she now?"

"These are not things you can inquire about now, you should hurry up and follow me!" Yao Lao's face changed suddenly, and he waved his hands and urged.

Mi Xuan curled her lips, and looked back at Luna, "Xiao Sha, do you think this Luna looks familiar? I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before, so familiar!"

"She is from thousands of years ago, where did you meet her? Go away, Yao Lao is almost gone." Luo Ziyue turned her head and glanced at Luna standing in the academy, and she had a relationship with Mi Xuan in her heart. I had the same question, but I didn't have time to think about it.

Yao Lao suddenly increased his foot speed, and every step he took felt the ground shrinking. If he wanted to keep up with his footsteps, he had to use all his strength.

What's more, she was dragging an oil bottle!

"Ah, I remembered!" Mi Xuan jumped up suddenly, looking at Luo Ziyue in ecstasy, "I know why I look so familiar to her!"

Luo Ziyue glanced at her, took her by the hand, and kept chasing Yao Lao's footsteps.


Mi Xuan approached her ear mysteriously and asked, "Xiao Cha, do you think that this Luna looks [-]% to [-]% similar to you? Especially at certain moments, you and her are almost the same. carved out of a template!"

Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, then stopped and looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Is there any?"

"Don't you think that when you were wearing women's clothing, you didn't have that face similar to hers?" Mi Xuan raised her eyebrows and looked at her, "If you don't believe me, when no one is around, you can compare your face look!"

"You can just tell me that, don't tell anyone else, otherwise, we will get into big trouble!"

Luo Ziyue looked around vigilantly, and carefully warned Mi Xuan, for fear that she would say this if she couldn't bear it.

"I know, I know. A person as outstanding as her must be full of troubles and difficult enemies. Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense! I don't want those troubles to bother you!" Mi Xuan He waved his hands impatiently, "However, you really look like that! If people who don't know see you, they will think you are mother and daughter!"

"Tell me!"

Luo Ziyue's face darkened, and she stared at Mi Xuan extremely displeased, so frightened that Mi Xuan obediently made a gesture of closing her mouth, pursed her mouth and stopped talking nonsense.

Seeing that she obediently stopped talking nonsense, the expression on Luo Ziyue's face became a little calmer.

"When you go out, you must be careful what you say, because the walls have ears."

"I know, I was too excited for a while, I couldn't hold back!" Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he raised his head and looked towards the place where Yao Lao was before, and shouted in shock: "Ah! The old man is gone! "

Luo Ziyue shook her head helplessly, it was her negligence.

They knew that with Yao Lao's speed, it would be very difficult for them to keep up with him, but they didn't remind him in time.

"It's over, now we have completely lost him, and we don't know where he is going to take us? It's so messed up that we don't even have a destination to look for now."

"This old man is really good! He didn't notice that two big living people of our age didn't keep up. Forget it, we'd better stay here and wait for him to come back to us! When it gets dark, if he If we haven’t come to look for us yet, we’ll go back and come back three days later, we’ll be able to catch him!”

Mi Xuan is not worried about these things!
Anyway, she was often lost, and after she got lost, she always stood there and waited for them to find her.

"Well, there is no other way right now, I can only sit where I am and wait for him to come back to us!"

In fact, what Luo Ziyue didn't say was that they were really tired after standing for a long time today, and they didn't want to leave, so they could only wait for Yao Lao to come to them.

As for watching the campus or something, it's better next time!

During the time she was with Mi Xuan, she had been in a state of rest, and she didn't know if she had become lazy after resting for a long time.

The two of them found a remote corner and sat down without paying any attention, lazily watching the passing crowd.

I don't know how long they sat there, but suddenly, someone walked up to them, stared at Mi Xuan who was doing nothing but drawing circles on the ground, and asked, "Hey, little girl, are you this year's freshman?" ?”

"You want to strike up a conversation with me?"

Mi Xuan, who was bored, had a look of excitement on her face. She never expected that someone would be so witty and take the initiative to be her plaything.

(End of this chapter)

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