Chapter 335
"Uh, I really want to meet a girl, isn't your name?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Liu Yu's eyes, he didn't expect this young girl to be so witty.

Before he could say it, he was hooked.

There was a smile on his face that he thought was the most handsome.

The bangs hanging from his forehead were flung back handsomely by him, and his eyes blinked slightly, like Mi Xuan's frowning.

"Ouch!" Facing his oily face, Mi Xuan couldn't hold it back, she tilted her head and retched, which instantly made Liu Yu's face darken.

Luo Ziyue lay on the ground with her head in her arms, squinting at Mi Xuan with distaste: "Put it aside, don't disgust me here!"

"Girl, did you eat badly? Or, I'll take you to the pharmacist of the academy!" Liu Yu pretended to Mi Xuan.

His finger-sized eyes were full of haze.

Mi Xuan waved her hand weakly at him: "I'm fine, it's just that I suddenly feel sick to my stomach and want to vomit. Just let me vomit quietly for a while and I'll be fine!"

"Then how can I do it? If you don't treat minor illnesses, they will easily be dragged into serious illnesses. Is this your brother?" Liu Yu looked at Luo Ziyue curiously and asked.

Luo Ziyue squinted her eyes, ignoring his question as if she was asleep.

"Well, do you think my brother is handsome? Very cold?" Mi Xuan nodded, smiling very proudly, obviously proud to have such a brother, which made Liu Yu not handsome.

Handsome, can you be as handsome as him?
What coldness, it's just trying to be cool and handsome.

"It's really cold, but you're throwing up, why is he still so indifferent? He doesn't even care about you!"

Liu Yupi responded with a nonchalant smile, his small eyes were full of jealousy, and his fleshy face followed his movements, flicking his flesh, watching Mi Xuan frightened, afraid that he would not Carefully shake a few drops of oil onto them.

"I have a bad stomach. It happens often. My brother is used to it."

Mi Xuan chuckled, her clever eyes rolled slightly: "By the way, are you also a student of the college? Can you tell us what to do as a freshman? Our brothers and sisters go out for the first time, and we don't know anything. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a big scene!”

"Haha... I understand this, listen to me!" Liu Yu sat down next to Mi Xuan very naturally, the body odor came from her body, making Luo Ziyue pretend to rest I couldn't help feeling sick for a while.

The smile on Mi Xuan's face became stiff the moment he sat down, her hands were clenched into fists, she couldn't hold it back, she just punched him in the face with her hand, "Bang!"

After hitting it hard in a circle, two nosebleeds flowed down.

Liu Yu, who was defenseless, was slapped straight on by her, covered his nose, and yelled at her, "You're sick! It's okay, why did you hit me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Mi Xuan looked at him nervously, very at a loss.

Looking innocently at Liu Yu with big watery eyes, he stammered and explained: "I, I, I really didn't do it on purpose, just, it's just that I'm not used to people getting too close to me, every time someone leans on me If it's too close, I can't help but want to beat him up. Back then, I beat up my brother a lot, and I got used to him being close. If you don't believe me, just ask him!"

"You're sick! You're not used to people getting too close to you, so you can't open your mouth to speak! What is an open mouth? Paralyzed!"

Liu Yu looked at Mi Xuan very irritablely, and swear words kept coming out of his mouth, "I'm so old, I haven't been beaten before! Did you eat bear bile, little girl? The bridge of your nose I was about to be interrupted by you!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Without further ado, Mi Xuan rushed forward and punched him in the face.

Swinging his leg kicked him out, and his heavy body hit the ground heavily, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Beating Liu Yu so dizzy, he still hasn't figured out what's going on?

One punch after another hit him, making him tremble, his bones seemed to be falling apart!

"Stop! Damn girl, I told you to stop, did you hear me!" A stern roar came out of his mouth, with a rather severe tone.

There was a dangerous gleam in her small eyes. At some point, Luo Ziyue, who was lying on the ground with her eyes closed and rested, also opened her eyes, watching Mi Xuan indifferently beating him until he was completely crushed. He was beaten into a pig's head before shouting to stop.

Mi Xuan curled her lips, raised her leg and kicked him away. This time, she showed all her strength in breastfeeding. She really couldn't stand Zhu Tou Liu's flat face, and her hands were itchy. very.

"Who told you to hit someone casually?" Luo Ziyue looked at her with a cold face, very serious.

Although she really wanted to blow that guy surnamed Liu away, she still couldn't laugh at the superficial work that should be done.

From her laughing voice, Mi Xuan knew that she was not really angry, but just acting.

"Xiao Cha, this has nothing to do with me. It's because my hands didn't listen to my command at all. I wanted to beat him up with all my might, and he dared to put poison gas on me, almost killing me. Oh! Yes! It's probably because my brain was stunned by his poisonous gas, so my hands didn't obey my command."

Mi Xuan looked at her pitifully, and waved her hand innocently, but Luo Ziyue avoided her with disgust.

"You are not allowed to touch me before you wash your hands, otherwise, my hands will continue to direct my brain and throw you away like him!"

"Ah! Don't!" Mi Xuan looked at him in astonishment, and looked at her hand aggrieved, "I want you to hold me!"

"Before you wash your hands, you are purely dreaming!"

Luo Ziyue didn't want her hand that touched Daqing Oilfield to touch her!

She was afraid that if she couldn't bear it, she would want to chop her up.

"From now on, you must keep a three-step distance from me until you wash your hands and change your clothes!"

"So miserable!"

Mi Xuan screamed and looked at her, as if pleading for mercy, but Luo Ziyue ruthlessly ignored her.

"Hmph! Since my hands are already dirty, I might as well punch him a few more times to vent my anger. I'm really fed up!" Mi Xuan raised her head and roared.

A look of collapse.

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, "If you lose, don't come to me and cry, I won't vent your anger on you!"

"Cut! You underestimate me too much. If I can't even beat a pig, I'm an ass!" Mi Xuan wiped her nose very handsomely, and said arrogantly with her head raised.

"Let's leave this kind of big talk after you win the battle! It will save the people who lost me." Luo Ziyue raised her head, "The person who wants to settle accounts with you is here."

Mi Xuan turned her head and looked in the direction she was pointing at. When she saw Liu Yu's face, she couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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