Chapter 336
Facing her death-seeking behavior, Luo Ziyue had no choice but to shake her head helplessly.

"Smelly girl, you did it on purpose!" Liu Yu gritted his teeth and looked at her with a fierce look in his eyes.

There was an arrogant smile on Mi Xuan's beautiful face, "Hey! I said, Zhutou Liu, your reflex arc is too long! You said, I was disgusted by you, so what if I punched you a few times? What? You can't be too stingy, if you are stingy, you won't be able to make friends!"

"you wanna die!"

Liu Yu's face sank suddenly, the momentum on his body kept rising, and the body of the bear's paw swelled up little by little. In an instant, the whole person soared to a height of several meters, and his thick feet stepped on the ground, squinting slightly. There was a fierce light in his closed eyes, and an abnormal blush appeared on his fleshy face.

Seeing him like this, Luo Ziyue narrowed her eyes slightly, "Xuanxuan, be careful!"

"Well, don't worry! Xiong, I've beaten quite a few people, and this is the first time I've seen someone who looks like a bear!"

There was a hint of excitement on Mi Xuan's face.

She grew up in the monster forest since she was a child, surrounded by all kinds of monsters, and she has often fought with them.

To some extent, she is militant, once the blood in her body is activated, she will never stop dying.

"Don't be brave, just say it if you can't beat it!"

Luo Ziyue didn't say much, she just took a few steps back to make room for them, so that they could have a good fight.

Soon, the strange situation here attracted a large number of students to watch, pointing and pointing at them one after another.

"Are these two crazy? How dare they openly fight in the academy!"

"Hey! Isn't that Liu Yu? He couldn't be a cunt, he went to tease other girls, and was beaten up by other girls, right?"

"Hahaha... You are really telling the truth, this little girl is amazing, beating him is like hitting a sandbag, I hate it!"

"No wonder, Liu Yuhui was so excited that he lost his mind and brazenly fought in the academy!"

"Strange! Don't the guards always have good ears? Why didn't this come over?"


Luo Ziyue quietly listened to the chattering discussions of the students behind her.

He looked at the two people who were facing each other indifferently, and had no intention of making a sound to stop them.

"Smelly girl, it seems that I won't teach you a good lesson. You don't know how powerful your grandpa Liu is!"

Liu Yu sneered, and punched Mi Xuan fiercely with his huge fist.

Mi Xuan snorted coldly with disdain: "It's this bear look, and I still want to be your sister and my grandfather, so go ahead and dream about it!"

Stomping her feet on the ground, she jumped slightly, landed on his fist, and glanced at him provocatively. When he stretched out his hand to grab her, the whole person flew up again, stepping on his shoulder towards her. Climbing up to the top of his head, his figure is light and nimble and whirling in the air, as if dancing gracefully.

"Stop playing, make a quick decision, don't forget, we still have work to do!"

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, dissatisfied with her casual fighting attitude, a voice mixed with spiritual power sounded out of thin air, startling a group of students behind her, all cast curious glances at her, a real big boss Just by their side!

"En!" Mi Xuan heard Luo Ziyue's words, and instantly, her eyes became sharper, and the palm of her hand was like a sharp blade, attacking Liu Yu, fiercely attacking her agile figure, for a while, Liu Yu unexpectedly There was nothing he could do about her, and he became more and more anxious.

His gaze unconsciously fell on Luo Ziyue who was watching the battle.

Luo Ziyue met his gaze coldly, and fought back without showing any weakness.

There was a mocking smile unconsciously on her face. Under the attack of her smile, Liu Yu waved her hand and threw a punch at her. Luo Ziyue stood quietly at the same spot and watched coldly as the fist moved towards her little by little. As she approached, the students behind her looked at her in astonishment, their fast-paced hind legs bumped into the people around them from time to time, making screams.

The fierce fist, when she was one meter away from Luo Ziyue's face, she slowly raised her hand to meet his fist.

When everyone opened their mouths and gasped in surprise, the corners of their mouths slowly curved into a cold arc.

His eyes suddenly changed, his fist retracted slightly, and he punched Liu Yu's fist.


The possible aftermath of energy with the naked eye centered on their fists, and slowly spread towards the surroundings. Wherever they went, the bluestone slabs on the ground were blown away, dust was flying, and gravel was flying.


A shrill scream came from Liu Yu's mouth, his tall body suddenly stepped back a few steps, his right hand fell to his side as if crippled.

"Hmph! Someone who can't even beat me dares to attack Xiaosha. Tell me, should I praise you for your courage? Or should I praise you for your countless eyes?"

With a sneer, Mi Xuan floated from the air to Luo Ziyue's side, and looked at Liu Yu who kept wailing with a mocking face.

"This is the Qingtian Academy that you have praised so much that it is only in the sky, and it is rare to see it in the world? The strength of their students is not very good!" Mi Xuan turned her head and looked at Luo Ziyue dissatisfied, "Also, Obviously it is my prey, why is it you who made the last move?"

"Who made you inferior to me?" Luo Ziyue glanced at her indifferently, "Tell me, how many times have I told you that when you are told to fight, don't procrastinate and make a quick decision, listen ever?"

"Don't I just want to have a good time?" Mi Xuan pouts and pleads in a low voice.

Luo Ziyue raised her chin slightly and pointed towards Liu Yu, "No! Don't you want to have fun? Now you can go and have a good fight with him. I promise, you won't be beaten to death by him this time. I will never help you!"

"Hasn't he been beaten and disabled by you? I don't want to fight the disabled, the victory is not martial!" Mi Xuan turned her head away, not bothering to look at Liu Yu.

Luo Ziyue ignored her, and met Liu Yu's gaze directly, "As long as you can defeat her, I will help you save your hand!"

"Ah!" Mi Xuan followed her gaze, and when she met Liu Yu's ferocious and determined gaze, she took a step back in fright and yelled at her, "Damn it, I'm not as badass as you are!" Everyone is cheating, why are you cheating girls?"

"Don't you know that I have been a professional pit girl for 20 years, an old brand, and quality assurance?"

Luo Ziyue looked at her with a smile, her figure gradually dissipated in front of her, and at the same time, completely blocked her retreat.

"Wow! Xiaocha, you are a lunatic, you are not as bad as you!" After Liu Yu's body's blood was activated by Luo Ziyue, his strength had risen by not a little bit compared to before, even Mi Xuan seemed very good at dealing with it. strenuous.

(End of this chapter)

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