Chapter 337
Chapter 348

The tall body is not as bulky as before, but a little more flexible.

The somewhat fractured hand that was punched by Luo Ziyue was hanging by his side, which did not affect his performance.

With his legs like stone pillars, every time he landed on the ground, there would be a rumbling sound, the bluestone slabs cracked little by little under his feet, the gravel flew, and his fists swung brightly.

Mi Xuan shuttled around him nimbly, dodging his fists that kept coming back, turning her head and yelling at him from time to time, the two of them tacitly did not use weapons, all they used was the strength of the body itself, in terms of strength , Mi Xuan really has no advantage.

The only thing that can be used is her petite and nimble body. When a strong attack can't gain any advantage, she can only adopt a evasive strategy.

Liu Yu chased her for a while, his body suddenly stopped in place, his eyes looked at Mi Xuan coldly, his ears were quick to catch the traces of her dodge, and the moment her body fell to the ground, the palm bigger than her face was merciless He grabbed her off the ground.

"Hey, little girl, you ran away! Why didn't you run away?"

There was a treacherous gleam in the finger-sized eyes, and her left hand firmly held Mi Xuan in her hand, preventing her from moving, and she smiled arrogantly.

Mi Xuan narrowed her beautiful eyes, gasped slightly, and warned him in an indifferent tone, "I'll count to three, if you dare not let me go, I'll cripple you, don't forget Well, I haven't used my spiritual power all this time, I just use my body's own speed and strength..."

"Let you go?" Liu Yu seemed to hear something unbelievable. He squinted and stared wide-eyed, and smiled treacherously, "That will not work, your brother said, if I can beat you , he will heal my arm!"

"If you don't let me go, I will cripple you along with your hand! I want to see which hand you choose for treatment!"

Mi Xuan sneered, don't think she is jealous too, if you dare to tease her, you must be prepared to be beaten by her!

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't want to make matters worse, she would have given him up by now.

Where else is he doing anything?
"Hmph! Let me see, how did you cripple my hand!" Liu Yu snorted coldly, without giving in, but there was a trace of wariness in his eyes.

Be alert to Mi Xuan's actions at all times.

"You said it!" Mi Xuan's lips curled up slightly, she smiled sarcastically, her eyes were fierce, and a surge of aura was expressed from her body. There seemed to be a trembling green light in her beautiful eyes, like a fake The adult werewolf instantly reveals her fierce nature.

The hands as white as jade instantly turned into sharp weapons, grabbing towards Liu Yu's hand fiercely.

The sharp nails and green eyes made Liu Yu let go of her hands in fright, and she regained her freedom in an instant.

"Roar!" Raising her head, a fierce wolf roar came out of her mouth, resounding through the sky.

It caused the wolves near Qingtian Academy to let out a corresponding roar, as if they were greeting her.

"You, you, you are not a human, are you a werewolf?" Liu Yu looked at her in horror and stammered.

Mi Xuan's eyes glowing green suddenly looked at him, a sinister smile appeared on her pretty face, her beautiful eyes were full of murderous intent like catching prey, and a fierce roar came from her mouth, "Roar!"

Limbs on the ground, the whole person jumped away, attacking Liu Yu with fierce claws.

Liu Yu fled in a panic, and the situation in the field reversed instantly. Mi Xuan's attack power seemed to have reached its peak after regaining her werewolf appearance. Unfortunately, Luo Ziyue was not prepared to let them go like this.

"Xuanxuan, you are a human, not a wolf." Luo Ziyue's voice mixed with spiritual power sounded calmly, and she looked at Mi Xuan who had turned into a werewolf calmly, "If a beautiful girl learns from a wolf, she will become very It's ugly, it's scary, and no one likes it."

The onlookers who were hiding around heard her words, and they all contemptuously.

At the moment of life and death, who cares if it looks good or not?

Can repel the enemy, no matter how ugly it is, it is beautiful!

However, what surprised them was that Mi Xuan stood up straight during the battle, put one hand on her hip, pointed at Liu Yu's nose, and cursed: "You are not human, your whole family is not human. You see clearly, your old lady I am a serious human girl, if you dare to slander me as a werewolf, I will find a few bitches to rape you!"

"The girl from the human race learned how to fight wolves from you!"

Liu Yu argued feebly, facing Mi Xuan who was like a sister Yu, he suddenly lacked confidence!

Mi Xuan raised her brows, "I'll throw you into the wolf family for a year, so you can too! Unless you're a pig, your head is full of shit!"

"Girls, don't speak so rudely!" Liu Yu's aura dropped a little bit, and his figure returned to normal a little bit. His face that was beaten like a pig's head was exposed in front of everyone's eyes, making everyone feel a little nervous. It's a kind of dumbfounding feeling.

Could it be that Liu Yu would chase and beat this little girl!
"What are you doing? Still can't open it?" Mi Xuan looked at his actions in astonishment, and asked in bewilderment.

Liu Yu raised his chin in embarrassment, and announced loudly: "Don't fight, Laozi likes you. From now on, you will be Laozi's woman!"

As soon as these words came out, a group of people were instantly shocked.

"Brother, betroth your sister to me! Don't worry, I will definitely protect her from being bullied by others!" Seeing that Mi Xuan froze in place like a fool and didn't respond, Liu Yu turned to look at Luo Ziyue Said loudly.

"Cough cough!"

Luo Ziyue was so excited by him that she almost couldn't cover it up with her saliva, she turned her head in embarrassment, and pretended to cough.

"Damn it! Liu Yu, I'm going to kill you! Ruin my reputation and my innocence!" Mi Xuan exploded in an instant, leaping away and attacking Liu Yu at lightning speed, scaring Liu Yu ran away.

While dodging her attack, he yelled at her: "Daughter-in-law, listen to me, I really like you, especially the strong and fierce spirit in you has won my heart."

"I'm going to kill you! Who wants you, a pig, to like a girl as beautiful as a flower, is it something you can imagine?"

It's fine if Liu Yu doesn't say anything, but the more she talks about it, the more Mi Xuan gets angry, her face turns red, and she keeps waving her fists to attack Liu Yu who is in front of her.

"Brother, quickly help me pull out my wife. If you have anything to say, let's talk it out, don't be so violent!"

With nowhere to turn for help, Liu Yu set his eyes on Luo Ziyue, his eyes burning hot.

"If you want the overlord to take the bait, you must dare to bear the consequences." Luo Ziyue glanced over her head lightly, ignoring Liu Yu's gaze, "The matter between the two of you has nothing to do with me, and you can solve it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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