Chapter 338
She really didn't expect that Liu Yu would confess to his opponent during the battle, it was simply...

If it were her, she would probably be jumping in anger from him!

Dare to confess to the girl with such a pig-headed face, she really admires his courage, but she also really feels that she is inferior.

"What are you doing here?" Yao Lao, who was hiding in the dark to watch the show, suddenly appeared in midair, and with a wave of his hand, he grabbed Mi Xuan who was chasing Liu Yu and beating him, "Little girl, what are you doing?" What is it? Don't you know that fighting is not allowed in the academy?"

"Okay, you old boy, you ran away after leaving us as a brother and sister, and you caused a beautiful girl like me to be ruined by that pig's head, but you still questioned me! I haven't asked you yet, what are you?" What do you mean?" Seeing that it was Yao Lao, Mi Xuan immediately pointed at his nose and cursed.

Everyone couldn't help but sweat for her, dare to talk to Yao Lao like this, is it purely courting death?While waiting for Yao Lao to reprimand her, suddenly, he saw a kind girl showing on Yao Lao's face, "Then girl, tell me, how did he treat you so hard?"

Seeing Yao Lao looking at him, Liu Yu obediently stopped.

Walking in front of them, he respectfully said, "Mr. Yao is good, Mr. Yun is good!"

"Well, they don't know the rules of the academy, don't you know too? Who gave you the courage to fight in the academy?"

The old man who he called Old Yun had a straight face and looked at Liu Yu with extremely sharp eyes.

Liu Yu trembled in fright, lowered his head, and said weakly: "It's all my fault, please punish Mr. Yun!"

"I will go to the penalty court to receive my punishment in a while!"

Mr. Yun snorted coldly, and when he looked at the students watching around, everyone immediately spread out like a flock of birds. The speed was so fast that Luo Ziyue was amazed.

In the slightly larger square, in an instant, only Luo Ziyue, Mi Xuan, and Liu Yu were left.

"Yes, I'm going right now!"

Liu Yu lowered his head, turned around and walked towards the academy without saying a word.

Looking at his decadent appearance, Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Yun Lao with a little curiosity.

"Are you the Shi Sha who is gifted at the purple rank in Yao Lao's mouth?"

Yun Lao's sharp eyes fell on Luo Ziyue, sizing her up carefully, as if he wanted to see something about her.

Luo Ziyue stood quietly on the spot, without dodging his scrutinizing eyes, and nodded calmly: "If there is no one else who is Zi Jie, it should be me!"

"Did you encourage them to fight just now?" Apparently, Elder Yun had heard about the previous battle.

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows, "Agitation can't be called it, it's just that during their battle, I would occasionally mention my girl, and give her some trouble along the way!"

"In this case, after a while, you will finish your work, and come to me to receive the punishment. All students who enter Qingtian Academy, whether they are freshmen or old students who have violated the school rules on the first day, must be punished!" Yun Laohao Said without mercy.

"Yes, but what I want to know is, where are we going to find you for punishment?" Luo Ziyue nodded without saying a word.

After entering the academy, she had to follow the rules of the academy, which she understood.

"Do you know what the purple rank of talent indicates? It indicates that you will be a strong person in the future, a strong person who can't even solve such a small problem by yourself, and you still have to ask me, don't you think it's embarrassing to say it?" Two beams of cold light shot out from Yun Lao's eyes. It could be seen that he was very demanding and strict. Seeing Luo Ziyue being scolded, Mi Xuan planned to stand up without thinking, but Luo Ziyue grabbed it quickly with quick eyes and hands.

"Yes, I know." Luo Ziyue glared at Mi Xuan, signaling her not to act rashly, then looked at Elder Yun with a very good attitude and said: "We will go to Elder Yun to receive punishment on time!"

"You old guy, why are you so strict? Isn't it the first time they have come here!" Yao Lao glared at Yun Lao very dissatisfied, and said to Luo Ziyue with a smile: "Don't pay attention to him, this old man The guy has always been so dull, he specializes in managing order in the academy, and he is the head of the penalty academy!"

"When I'm managing the students, don't interrupt! What do you know? Since you are talented, you must work harder than ordinary people and know how to use your head. Otherwise, your head looks like yours. Is it good-looking? No, I didn't see how good-looking you are!" Yun Lao cast a cold glance at Yao Lao, and commented mercilessly.

It made Mi Xuan couldn't help but burst out laughing for a while.

"Hahaha... you guys are so funny."

"I'll count to three, if you still laugh, you will be responsible for the sanitation of the college for a month!"

Yun Lao squinted at Mi Xuan, who couldn't straighten her waist with laughter, and said a cold voice without a trace of warmth, which made Mi Xuan stand up in an instant, pursed her mouth, and looked at the medicine with a smile that wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. old.

She has always hated cleaning the most, not to mention, such a big academy, if she is asked to clean it for a month, it will kill people, okay?

Seeing Mi Xuan who became honest in an instant, Yao Lao shook his head helplessly, "Let's go! Follow closely this time, don't get lost again!"

Mi Xuan and Luo Ziyue nodded.

Yun Lao's figure gradually turned into stars and disappeared in front of their eyes, leaving only Yao Lao walking slowly in front of them.

"Yao Lao, why was that old man so fierce just now? He scared me to death. If I don't listen to him, what will he do to me?" Mi Xuan sneaked up to Yao Lao's side and asked mysteriously.

"Want to know? Why didn't you try it just now? After you try it, don't you naturally know how he will deal with you?"

Yao Lao teased Mi Xuan amusedly, he liked this eccentric little girl very much, she looked heartless, she didn't grow up at first sight.

"Cut! You think I'm stupid! Our little Cha is so polite to him, which means that he must be very powerful. Besides, if I offend him when I first entered school, will I still have a good life in the future? "Mi Xuan rolled her eyes at him.

She listened to Xiao Sha's words very much.

"I can't tell, you girl is quite clever, that old man specializes in dealing with prickly people like you, he has a thousand ways to make you obey him obediently, and don't dare to be mischievous, the specifics will wait for you later Just know!"

Yao Lao laughed, patted Mi Xuan on the head, looked at Luo Ziyue and said, "Your sister is quite interesting, but did she grow up in the wolf clan?"

"Did you all see the fight just now?"

Luo Ziyue looked at him with determination, "The guards of the college must have been driven back by you halfway, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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