Chapter 339 The Magical Swing 1
"After knowing your talent, those brats in the guard also want to see your strength. Your performance is not bad."

Yao Lao laughed, and he was not stingy with his praise, "Especially this girl, I was very surprised, I didn't expect that she grew up among wolves, and she can use some characteristics of wolves flexibly. With training, the strength in actual combat can be improved to a higher level."

"Training?" Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Yao Lao.

"How to train, you have to ask old man Yun, he said that." Yao Lao saw Luo Ziyue's ambition at a glance, and smiled treacherously, "Girl, are you interested in being my apprentice? I promise , after my training, your medicine refining technique can go up a few more floors."

"Not interested." Luo Ziyue rejected his proposal unceremoniously.

"Really don't think about it anymore? Let me tell you, I can not only refine medicine, but also make poison!" Yao Lao smiled proudly, "I dare not say that I am the best in the world in refining medicine." One, however, this poison making technique, I would say the second, no one dares to call it the first."

"Yo, I can't see it, but you know how to make poison? How about we compare poison? If you win, I will worship you as my teacher. But first let me say that I already have a master." It's gone." Luo Ziyue looked at Yao Lao in surprise.

She really didn't expect that someone could make poison.

She is very interested in making drugs.

However, most of the time, she is in a superficial state, and her understanding of various poisons is not that deep.

Just these are enough for her to travel through the rivers and lakes.

"After you accept the punishment, we will start to compare poison to see who is more poisonous?"

Yao Lao Er agreed to her request without saying a word. He really didn't expect Luo Ziyue to be interested in making drugs.

From the sound, it seems that the strength is not very weak, so I am very interested in what she said about the competition of poison.

It's been a long time since no one said that they wanted to compete with him, and he was really itchy.

Yao Lao led them all the way to the innermost part of the academy, passing a bamboo forest and a sea of ​​flowers in full bloom on the road, and students who passed by would cast curious glances at them from time to time. Interested?
"What are the backgrounds of these two people? It seems that Yao Lao treats them very well!"

"I don't know. I'll find out when I go back and ask someone. I heard that someone was fighting in the square before and was caught by Yun Lao and Yao Lao."

"They're the ones who won't say it, right? It seems that there are a lot of powerful people among the freshmen this year!"

"After that, there will be a good show to watch!"


Faced with their heated discussion, Luo Ziyue could only turn her head to look at Yao Lao, and asked helplessly, "How long will it be?"

"Why are you tired from walking?" Lao Yao looked at her amusedly and asked knowingly.

"It's not so tiring from walking. There is always a feeling that you are going to kidnap us and sell us." Luo Ziyue looked around pointedly.

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon!" Yao Lao pointed while looking ahead with a smile.

Luo Ziyue and Mi Xuan looked at each other, silently did not speak, but the pace of their feet was much faster, and not long after, they could be regarded as arriving at the place Yao Lao said, a room hidden deep in the dense forest, There was already an old man waiting for them inside.

"Principal, I brought you here. It's the two of them. Among them, the boy's talent is purple, a pharmacist, and his strength is not weak." Yao Lao respectfully introduced them to the old man in the room.

When the old man looked over, Luo Ziyue and Mi Xuan smiled and nodded, and said in unison: "Hi, Principal."

"Well, that's right. They're all good boys, Yao Lao, take the little girl out for a walk, I have something to say to this kid!" The white-bearded old man known as the principal smiled and explained to Yao Lao.

At the same time, the person stood up and walked towards Luo Ziyue, "Sit down!"

Mi Xuan looked at Luo Ziyue, saw that she didn't express anything, so she obediently followed Yao Lao, and asked nervously as soon as she came, "Will your principal dissect Xiao Sha into pieces while I'm not paying attention?" Study it?"

"What are you thinking in your head? Do you think our principal is such a person?" Yao Lao looked at her amusedly.

Mi Xuan curled her lips, "I see that you don't look like good people, black-bellied old foxes, cunning and cunning."

"Hahaha... If the headmaster hears your words, he will have to teach you a lesson. How dare you call him a cunning old fox!"

Yao Lao turned his head and glanced at the principal's office, then took Mi Xuan directly to a small garden not far away.

Mi Xuan fell in love with the swing in the small garden almost the first time she saw it, "Hey, why do you still have swings here? Could it be specially prepared for me?"

While talking, Mi Xuan sat up on her buttocks, and there was no time for the old druggist to object. Who would have thought that just as her buttocks landed on the swing, a ferocious force coaxed her out, and immediately, she fell like a dog eating shit.

"Fuck me, who sneaked up on me? Old man, it couldn't be you, right?" Mi Xuan asked when she got up from the ground holding her buttocks, seeing no one around but her and Yao Lao squinting her eyes dangerously.

Yao Lao shook his head: "It's not me, it's the swing you are sitting on. It has been around since the establishment of the academy, but no one has been able to sit on it so far, but anyone who sits on it rashly like you will be punished by it." Boom away, throw a dog and eat shit, don't worry, you are not alone!"

"What? This swing is so magical, it doesn't let us do it, so who does it want to sit on?"

Mi Xuan stared at the beautiful swing with amazement, and felt itchy in her heart, wanting to sit on it and play again.

After thinking about it for a while, she decided decisively to try again!
"No, I still have to try to sit again, I can't do it anymore, I'm such a big living person, I can't fix a swing!"

"Girl, if you fall too badly later, remember to ask me for medicine!"

Yao Lao was not surprised by her decision, shook his head slightly, went to the other side of the stone bench and sat down, intending to appreciate the appearance of her throwing a dog to eat shit.

"Old man, don't you plan to cheer me up?" Mi Xuan frowned slightly, looking at Yao Lao with dissatisfaction.

Yao Lao looked at her with a smile, raised his fist and said to her: "Girl, come on! I like you! Hahahaha..."

"It's a fake smile!" Mi Xuan looked at him with disgust, turned her head to face the dangling swing, jumped up, stretched out her hand to grab it, and sat on it carefully, before waiting for her The butt landed on the swing, and the person was thrown out like a cannonball again, with such force that she was defenseless.

(End of this chapter)

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