Chapter 349

"You have a freshman test this morning, Yao Lao will definitely not let you miss it, don't worry, wait and see." Seeing Mi Xuan's irritated face, Yi Jian couldn't help laughing, "You are really a child , or without your brother, your family will definitely not let you come out with confidence!"

"My brother and I are both orphans, we have no family." Mi Xuan said quite nonchalantly, swinging her legs.

Yi Jian was stunned for a moment, looked at her in astonishment, and suddenly didn't know what to say, with guilt all over his face: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you..."

"I'm sorry, we've been used to this kind of life for a long time. If we really have an extra family member, we might not be used to it!" Mi Xuan said with a face full of indifference, "Actually, I don't think there is anything wrong with this kind of life. Yes, one person is full and the whole family is not hungry, so you can do whatever you want, and be free!"

Seeing that she really didn't care, Yi Jian showed a smile on his face, with a touch of appreciation in his eyes, "You really think about it!"

The free and easy of this girl made her very envious.

In fact, sometimes when I think about it, it is really like what she said, at her age, whether relatives are relatives or not is really not that important.

The hardest days have passed, so why bother with this kind of thing?

Just like those who have relatives, sometimes it is better to be at ease without relatives, at least there are not so many constraints.

Disciples who seem to be born in a famous family often live for the family. When necessary, they even have to make sacrifices for the family. Life is not easy for everyone in this world, so why bother so much?
People who live freely and freely are the happiest.

"That's right! You see, I grew up from a baby who was waiting to be fed to this age. Didn't I survive without those so-called relatives? Although it was a bit hard, at least I didn't have to be surrounded by relatives like you, but everyone You're not tired, but I'm tired of watching you all day long with evil intentions."

Mi Xuan looked at Yi Jian lazily, lying on the rockery beside her with her head in her hands, her face full of chicness and freedom, which made people envious.

"Then you really never thought about finding your family? Aren't you curious about them?" Yi Jian still looked at her curiously and asked.

Mi Xuan tilted her head and thought carefully for a while, then shook her head: "I don't seem to have much interest in them since I was a child, and I never thought about finding them, anyway, since the day they abandoned me , I have nothing to do with them! What's more, we have never met or got along, and we really found them, so we don't necessarily have any deep feelings, do we?"

"Your free and easy style really impresses me!"

Yi Jian nodded slightly, agreeing with her words, but still wanted to praise her for her bravery and ease.

"Hahaha... I'm probably the kind of heartless person that others say! I live freely, simply, without so many complicated things."

Mi Xuan smiled brightly, staring at the alchemy tower, time passed by, the sun rose higher and higher, and the freshmen were about to gather before her eyes, Luo Ziyue still didn't come out, if there was no ghost barrier, she He rushed in to find her a long time ago, as for basking outside in the sun so aggrieved, waiting for her?

In the alchemy room, Luo Yunhuang, who was hiding in the dark, wandered about boredly. The competition between the two came to an end, and he gradually relaxed his tightness. Suddenly, a powerful force came towards him. He couldn't help straightening his face, his eyes were solemn, and his eyes were fixed on the direction of the person coming.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

Yun Lao suddenly disappeared because he felt a strange aura, but he didn't expect to see this little guy outside the door of the alchemy room.

The eyes of the two met, and there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if they had met somewhere.

But this feeling came and disappeared so fast that they didn't figure out why.

Luo Yunhuang stared at Elder Yun's face, as if thinking of something, frowning slightly on his indifferent face, "Are you the elder of this college?"

"Are you the guardian of the kid inside?"

Apart from this explanation, Yun honestly has no other explanation to explain his origin.

"That's right, the competition inside is not over yet, and no one can enter for the time being!"

Luo Yunhuang did not deny that, in a sense, he is indeed Luo Ziyue's guardian, but under normal circumstances, he would not act rashly and disrupt her experience, he has always insisted that everything needs her The purpose of experiencing it personally, right and wrong, will only be known after she has gone through it.

"You think you can stop me?" Yun Lao's indifferent tone carried a hint of mocking smile.

Luo Yunhuang's arrogant little face did not show any emotion, he looked at him very indifferently, "You can't stop it, you can only know if you try it, right?"

"In that case, why don't we try!"

"Try it, I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Luo Yunhuang snorted coldly, with his hands behind his back, his cold eyes fixed on Yunhuang, without any intention of giving in, "If you want to try, I will naturally accompany you to the end, but not now."

"You are quite dedicated, so tell me, when will we try it?" Hearing what he said, a smile appeared on Yun Lao's face.

Luo Ziyue's voice came from inside, "Yun Huang, did something happen outside?"

"There's an old man here, what are you doing? It's getting late."

Luo Yunhuang explained to Luo Ziyue indifferently, without saying anything about Yun Lao.

"You let him in! Our competition is over, I can just recover my strength a little bit!" Luo Ziyue was a little surprised when he heard him say this. After thinking for a while, she decided to let Luo Yunhuang evacuate.

Without another word, Luo Yunhuang disappeared in front of Yun Lao.

"Hey, this kid runs pretty fast..."

A deep meaning flashed in Yun Lao's eyes, but he didn't say anything. Just as he was about to reach out to open the door of the alchemy room, the door was opened from the inside by the people inside.

Yao Lao looked at him in surprise when he saw Yun Lao outside the door.

"Why are you here? Did something happen here just now? I seem to hear you talking to someone?"

"Maybe you're hallucinating. I didn't find anyone else here. How was the result of your competition?"

"Don't you know everything? You still ask me?" Yao Lao turned to him indecently, turned sideways, let Yun Lao walk in, looked around, and found that Luo Ziyue was practicing cross-legged "It seems that her alchemy and poison making skills are no worse than yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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